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MARRIED 9-17-1874
Harris, John W. (I263612)

They reared their family on Carr Creek, Knott County, Kentucky near theold Carr Church. They are buried in the Stamper Cemetary about a milebelow this church. This cemetary is called Ball Point Cemetary.

by Carlice Breeding, 1968 
Francis, Samuel (I27970)

It is with much sadness and a aching heart that I will tr y to write theobituary of a dear sweet mother who was so p recious to me. Daisy HallMitchell was born August 5, 1909 , and passed away September 1, 1984,making her stay here o n earth 75 years and 26 days.
Mom was the oldest daughter of the late Rev. J. M. Hall an d Mary JaneHall of Ligon, Kentucky. She leaves five sister s behind to mourn herloss. They are: Dacie Mitchell, Hi Ha t, Kentucky, Dinah Adkins, Minford,Ohio, Oma Pennington, L igon, Kentucky, Ida Mae Bailey, Pikeville,Kentucky, Maxin e Ward, McDowell, Kentucky.
On January 25, 1925, she married a wonderful companion Cri t "Dude"Mitchell. The Lord blessed them with 58 years toge ther before they hadto part. Unto this union were born ele ven children, one died in infancy,ten children survive, fi ve sons and five daughters. They are: CarlMitchell & Willi e Mitchell Beaver, Kentucky, Crit Jr. Mitchell, Beaver,Ken tucky, Daniel Mitchell, Beaver, Kentucky, Paul Randall Mitc hell,Beaver, Kentucky, Madge Walters, Hamilton, Ohio, Meld a Dillow, GardenCity, Michigan, Ruby Hamilton, Flat Rock , Michigan, Margaret Lois Slone,Columbus, Ohio, Vivian Kea thley, Beaver, Kentucky. ,
Mom was so brave in her last years here on earth. She had b een sick forfive years with the awful disease of cancer. S he never joined thechurch, but she told of a wonderful exp erience she had of being withJesus and walking with him an d holding hands on streets of pure gold.That is why she i s no longer with us here on earth, he needed a specialange l for his home above. I miss her so much as the days go by , but Iknow she is at rest and is with her Saviour, and wi th my Pop and brothertoo. So in closing I will say sleep o n sweet Mother I hope to meet yousomeday.

Written by a broken hearted daughter,
Vivian Keathley 
Hall, Daisy (I107102)

Name: William Bach
SSN: 269-10-0075
Last Residence: 40508 Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky
Born: 2 Oct 1880
Died: Sept 1966
State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951)

Kentucky Death Index, 1911 - 2000:
Name: William E. Bach
Death Date: 5 September, 1966
Death Place: Fayette County
Age: 085
Residence: Fayette County
Volume: 42
Certificate 20574 
Bach, William Everett (I121429)

Entries: 3997 Updated: Sat Aug 25 17:19:06 2001 Contact: Unknown
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ID: I3163
Sex: F
Birth: 15 JAN 1862 in ,LETCHER CO.,KENTUCKY
Death: 7 MAY 1919
Reference Number: GED


Married: 1879 in ,LETCHER CO.,KENTUCKY

179. SARAH CAROLINE8 BLAIR (REGINA7 DINGUS, MAHALE6 WELLS, REBECCA5SHEPHERD, WILLIAM4, SAMPSON3, THOMAS2, ISRAEL1)1 was born January 15,18621. She married JOSEPH PRESTON BROWN1, son of WILLIAM BROWN andLEUTISHA DAY. He was born August 18601, and died April 11, 19431. 
Blair, Sarah Caroline (I81992)

27998 total entries, last updated Mon Oct 18 05:50:09 1999
Don Chesnut

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ID: I457
Name: Woolery EVERSOLE
Sex: M
Birth: 1794 in PA?, NC [1850 Census Suggests 1794]
Christening: in Lived In Perry Co. All His Life
Death: 4 SEP 1871 in KY
Burial: in Not The Woolery Who Married Jestin Collins
Change Date: 24 JAN 1999

Father: Jacob EVERSOLE b: ABT 1760 in Lancaster, PA
Mother: Mary (Anna Maria?) KESSLER b: 1764 in PA

Marriage 1 Lucy CORNETT b: 12 JAN 1789 in 1850 Census Suggests 1796
Married: 17 JUN 1813 in Clay Co., KY 
Eversole, Woolery (I4252)

27998 total entries, last updated Mon Oct 18 05:50:09 1999
Don Chesnut

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ID: I460
Name: Mary (Anna Maria?) KESSLER
Sex: F
Birth: 1764 in PA
Death: ABT 1834 in Perry Co., KY
Occupation: Mary's Father May Be As Listed Here; HansHad A Daughter
EDUC: Whose Name Was Anna Maria "Mary"
Change Date: 26 JUL 1998

Father: Hans Abraham KESSLER b: 1720 in Germany
Mother: Maria Magdalena "Mary"

Marriage 1 Jacob EVERSOLE b: ABT 1760 in Lancaster, PA
Married: ABT 1784 in Lancaster, PA?
John EVERSOLE b: 1785 in PA?
Peter EVERSOLE b: 1787 in PA?
Abraham EVERSOLE b: 1790 in PA?; Ashe Co., NC [1794-6 Is Too Late]
Woolery EVERSOLE b: 1794 in PA?, NC [1850 Census Suggests 1794]
Mary "Polly" EVERSOLE b: ABT 1796 in PA?, NC
Sarah "Sally" EVERSOLE b: ABT 1797 in Ashe Co., NC
Joseph EVERSOLE b: ABT 1800 in NC
William? EVERSOLE 
Kessler, Anna Maria (I5483)

Date of death info from:
Also known as "Peggy"

The Death Cert of daughter Mary Polly Combs Allen says Alfred was born in VA and Margaret was born in Breathitt Co., KY. 
Noble, Margaret (I15959)

Delcinea moved with her father and family to louisa, Lawrence County, KY.They lived on a branch of Lick Creek called Shake Rage, three miles southof Louisa.

There she met Abe Webb, a Widower, from the Mill Creek section of FortGAy, WV. Abe had 7 children from his first wife, Jane Bolden, who died inchildbirth. They married and moved to Ironton, OH.

All of Delcinea and Abe's children were born in Ironton, OH.

Abe worked as a Steel Mill Hand with the Belle Fort Steel Corp. for 40years. All the children grew up and stayed in OH. 
Webb, Abraham (I104561)

Frances and her husband Robert Frazier lived in Floyd County all their lives. Robert owned 100 acres of land on Mud Creek in 1842, 100 acres near Dry Bridge in 1846, 100 acres on Frasure Creek in 1847, another 150 acres on Mud Creek in 1861, and 285 acres on Big Mus Creek in 1871 (Kentucky Land Warrants). On the 1860 census Robert owned real estate valued at $3000 with a personal estate of $1472, making him well-to-do.

In 1870 his real estate was valued at $1500 with a personal estate of $1000.

Robert's will probated Jan 1883. Listed Frances, daughter Martha Ellen Turner, grandson Robert Frasure, grandson Anthony Frasure, John and Eligah's legal heirs, and Fredrick Turner. 
Frasure, Robert T. (I73516)

From a document with data gathered by Edna Faye Kimball Gracey and Pam Duff Enright.

Known to family as Whitey.

The document says info on this family came from Anita Jean Evans. (Sister of Melissa) 
Campbell, Mervin (I80067)

He was a brother to Hiram H., who married a sister to Lucinda. They alsomoved to the Red River area of Wolfe County, Kentucky. John b. May 28,1808 d. June 26, 1849 in Wolfe County, Kentucky, and was buried at headof Elk Creek, Letcher County, Kentucky. His descendants say he was hauled100 miles by oxen to the burial place. Oliver Stamper att. in Cleveland,Ohio, says "they moved to Elk Creek by oxen team and he died later". Ivisited this cemetary in 1944. Oliver Stamper att. in Cleveland, Ohiosays the Hiram Stamper that was Sheriff of Letcher County was No. 85.,Susannah's husband. Oliver is correct.

by Carlice Breeding, 1968 
Hogg, Lucinda (I6887)

Wahunsonacock, Powhatan (I27656)

Information contained herein came from The Family Ledger kept primarilyby William J Hall.

David died of Pneumonia during the 1913 Ohio River flood. He died at10:23 according to a family notebook, possibly written by Willliam J.Hall.

He is buried in the Woodland Cemetery, Irointon, OH, just to the right ofa Civil War canon.

Information contained herein came from The Family Ledger kept primarilyby William J Hall.

David died of Pneumonia during the 1913 Ohio River flood. He died at10:23 according to a family notebook, possibly written by Willliam J.Hall.

He is buried in the Woodland Cemetery, Irointon, OH, just to the right ofa Civil War canon. 
Hall, David (I24665)

Information contained herein came from The Family Ledger kept primarilyby William J Hall.

Robert Hall was a timberman who bought and sold virgin timber. He was inthe woods with his men cutting trees and was killed when a tree fell onhim.

He is burried on the Bill Hall Branch, Near McDowell, Floyd County, KY,at the foot of the hill where you can cross over onto Big Mud Creek. 
Hall, Robert (I24685)

Information contained herein came from The Family Ledger kept primarilyby William J Hall. 
Hall, Susan Emaline (I9498)

Information on this person comes from a 10 page Noble document found at the Kentucky Historical Society - No author given. (JR)
I have conflicting sources as to the wife of Alfred Combs (Jr?)
One says America Noble
Another says Mintie Noble (same woman?). I don't know. (JR) 
Combs, Alfred Alton Jr. (I34402)

Information on this person comes from a 10 page Noble document found at the Kentucky Historical Society - No author given. (JR)
Jack Noble and Turk Noble were not in this above document. I did not record where they came from. But I already had them when I posted from the above document. (JR)

Susan Fahnstromm on her web page says he died in 1866.

Found in George Washington Noble's book "Behold He Cometh In The Clouds":

"I went down to Uncle Alfred Combs’s before my horse got well. I could see no brand on the horse as the hide was dry where the walnut had been rubbed. Uncle Alfred bad a fine branded horse which had been burned with a hot shovel to disfigure the brand, but
it would show a little on a frosty morning. He said he would give me his horse for mine. His horse was in good fix and I wanted to come borne, and I said, all right,” and we swapped. I told him I had a cow up at Jake’s; I was going up there and give the cow to Jake and go home He said, Come down here and stay with us until we get ready to move and go with us and carry a load. I told him all right. I stayed with him until the last of September. He had moved from Breathitt county, Kentucky. He was the father of Capt Henderson Combs, who was a captain in the Thirteenth Ken­tucky Cavalry. He resigned his office and Capt Strong's men killed him. They would not let him surrender, but killed him in his own house, and went on a mile and killed David Barnett, an innocent man. Uncle Alfred had peddled on baled cotton there and carried it on horseback from Virginia to Kentucky and made enough money to buy a negro. He bought him from Al Frick in Virginia.. He was a crippled negro and was raised in Georgia. He was crippled with rheumatism His name was James. He was so small when he left Georgia that he did not know anything about their names. He is still living near Jackson, Breathitt county, Kentucky."

It is said that this is who the T-Point cemetery is named. He is Alfred A "Tea" Combs.

Try this link for T-Point Cemetery.

The Death Cert of daughter Mary Polly Combs Allen says Alfred was born in VA and Margaret was born in Breathitt Co., KY. 
Combs, Judge Alfred Alton Sr. (I15950)

It is believed by some people, that he died and is buried at Jackson,Kentucky. A marriage record in Culpeper County, Virginia, "Stephen Hoggto Sarah Williams, March 22nd, 1800". It is believed they moved to NorthCarolina from Culpeper County, Virginia, and then to Letcher County,Kentucky (then Perry County) by 1801. Their son Hiram was born beforethey came. They settled in the vicinity of Whiteburg, Kentucky and laterHiram gave the land to the people on which Whitesburg was built. One ofSarah's brothers came to Kentucky with them and his offspring are livingat Whitesburg at the present. (1968)

by Carlice Breeding, 1968 
Hogg, Stephen (I5560)

Kentucky Death Index:
William O. Blackburn
d. 24 February 1989
d.p. Fayette County
Age: 082
Residence: Grant County
Volume Number: 13
Certificate Number: 6028 
Blackburn, William O. (I121475)

Marriage record in Letcher County record book 1 page 7, date December 28,1842 by Hiram Hogg J.P., James to Lodica Frazier M. Lodica Frazier b.April 22, 1826 d. March 26, 1873. She died two years after they moved toRowan County. In 1871 they sold their farm on Kings Creek, LetcherCounty, Kentucky and their plans were to settle in Texas, but for someunknown reason they located at Cranston, (New Hope), Rowan County,Kentucky. They bought a farm six miles out of Morehead, Kentucky on thenorth fork of Triplett Creek and are buried there. In 1936 I visited thegrave site. While at Morehead College I became acquainted with theiroffsprings. I was interested in the family because my great grandmother,Peggy Hogg, was their daughter. (No. 109 in the book) I lived with TildonHogg's family while attending college, and became personally acquaintedwith the generation. It is said they were the first Hogge family to addthe letter "e" to the name Hogge. James was a man of noble character anda gentleman. In his clan were lawyers, college professors, schoolsuperintendents, judges, teachers, and hundreds of good culturedcitizens. They contributed greatly to the development of Rowan County,Kentucky. Three of his daughters married and Margaret "Peggy" Hogge hisoldest child and her son, James Ison is my grandfather. Peggy and Elijahare both buried in our family cemetary at Isom, Letcher County. She diedin 1875 and he died in 1877.

by Carlice Breeding, 1968 
Hogg, James Jr. (I7853)

On the marriage bond applied for by Jonathan Jr. in 1850, her name was listed as Nancy HIGGINS. 
Higgins, Nancy (I23758)

Entries: 22869 Updated: Sat Jun 22 14:31:22 2002 Contact: RobertPruitt
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ID: I13837
Sex: M
Birth: 1 AUG 1860 in Letcher Co., KY 1
Death: 11 APR 1943 in Letcher Co., KY 1
Reference Number: 468

Father: WILLIAM TECUMSEH BROWN b: 11 MAR 1826 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co.,KY

Married: 1878 in Letcher Co, Kentucky 1
JESSE BROWN b: 18 JUL 1879

Entries: 22869 Updated: Sat Jun 22 14:31:22 2002 Contact: RobertPruitt

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ID: I13837
Sex: M
Birth: 1 AUG 1860 in Letcher Co., KY 1
Death: 11 APR 1943 in Letcher Co., KY 1
Reference Number: 468

Father: WILLIAM TECUMSEH BROWN b: 11 MAR 1826 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co.,KY

Married: 1878 in Letcher Co, Kentucky 1
JESSE BROWN b: 18 JUL 1879

Entries: 22869 Updated: Sat Jun 22 14:31:22 2002 Contact: RobertPruitt
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Ahnentafel, Generation No. 1

1. JOSEPH PRESTON BROWN was born 1 AUG 1860 in Letcher Co., KY, and died11 APR 1943 in Letcher Co., KY. He was the son of 2. WILLIAM TECUMSEHBROWN and 3. LETITA DAY. He married SARAH CAROLINA BLAIR 1878 in LetcherCo, Kentucky, daughter of FRANCIS BLAIR and REGINA DINGUS.


Ahnentafel, Generation No. 2

2. WILLIAM TECUMSEH BROWN was born 11 MAR 1826 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co.,KY, and died 18 NOV 1914 in Indian Bottom, KY. He was the son of 4. JOHNQ BROWN and 5. ELIZABETH CAUDILL.

3. LETITA DAY. She was the daughter of 6. JOSEPH DAY and 7. DINNAHCOLLIER.

Children of LETITA DAY and WILLIAM TECUMSEH BROWN are:1. i. JOSEPHPRESTON BROWN was born 1 AUG 1860 in Letcher Co., KY, and died 11 APR1943 in Letcher Co., KY. He married SARAH CAROLINA BLAIR 1878 in LetcherCo, Kentucky, daughter of FRANCIS BLAIR and REGINA DINGUS.
ii. JESSE M BROWN was born 1862 in Letcher Co., KY. He married DICYSTANIFER.
iii. JAMES HENRY BROWN was born 5 OCT 1864 in Letcher Co., KY, anddied 1 AUG 1959 in Ulvah, KY. He married MARY JANE STOUT 1884. He marriedSARAH SALLY DIXON 11 MAR 1897 in Letcher Co., KY, daughter of JAMESDIXION and SARAH STACY.
iv. DIANNAH BROWN was born 1866 in Letcher Co., KY, and died 1869 inLetcher Co., KY.
v. SALLIE ANN BROWN was born 1867 in Letcher Co., KY.
vi. SARAH BROWN was born 1868 in Letcher Co., KY.
vii. MARTHA BROWN was born 1870 in Letcher Co., KY. She married DAVEHALL.
viii. DAVID C BROWN was born 22 JUL 1874 in Letcher Co., KY, and died1960 in Lothair, KY. He married POLLY ANN WHITAKER 19 JAN 1895 inKENTUCKY.
ix. REBBECA ANN BROWN was born 15 AUG 1876 in Letcher Co., KY. Shemarried BILL NOBLE.
x. FRANIS BROWN was born 1878 in Letcher Co., KY, and died 3 APR 1919in Letcher Co., KY. She married BRENT COLLINS.
xi. MARY JANE BROWN was born 1880 in Letcher Co., KY. She marriedGEORGE W COLLINS.
Ahnentafel, Generation No. 3

4. JOHN Q BROWN. He was the son of 8. VALENTINE BROWN and 9. MARYUNKNOWN.

5. ELIZABETH CAUDILL was born 18 JUN 1800 in Lunenburg Co., VA, and died11 OCT 1881 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co., KY. She was the daughter of 10.STEPHEN CAUDILL and 11. SARAH FRANCES ADAMS.

Children of ELIZABETH CAUDILL and JOHN Q BROWN are: i. SARAH SALLIEBROWN was born 12 APR 1815 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co., KY, and died 19 APR1892 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co., KY. She married JOSEPH ENOCH CORNETT 1837in KENTUCKY.
ii. STEPHEN BROWN was born 1818 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co., KY, anddied 1836 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co., KY.
iii. BEN BROWN was born 1822 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co., KY, and died1863 in Letcher Co., KY. He married MARY POLLY BLAIR 25 SEP 1845 inLetcher Co, Kentucky, daughter of JOHN BLAIR and ELIZABETH HARRISON.
iv. SUSANNAH BROWN was born 25 SEP 1823 in Letcher Co., KY, and died6 NOV 1884 in Letcher Co., KY. She married JOSEPH BLAIR 19 OCT 1842 inLetcher Co, Kentucky, son of JOHN BLAIR and ELIZABETH HARRISON.
2. v. WILLIAM TECUMSEH BROWN was born 11 MAR 1826 in Dry Fork, LetcherCo., KY, and died 18 NOV 1914 in Indian Bottom, KY. He married LETITA DAY20 MAR 1859, daughter of JOSEPH DAY and DINNAH COLLIER.
vi. MARY POPPIE BROWN was born 1827 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co, Ky.. Shemarried WILLIAM H CAUDILL 6 MAR 1845 in KENTUCKY.
vii. GEORGE W BROWN was born 5 OCT 1831 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co., KY,and died 15 JUL 1917 in KY. He married SUSANNAH WELLS 7 JAN 1856 inLetcher Co, Kentucky, daughter of EZEKIEL WELLS and EMALINE DAY.
viii. HENRYETTA RITTER BROWN was born 1834 in Letcher Co., KY. Shemarried ISSAC STURGILL 1851, son of FRANCIS STURGILL and RUTH BISHOP.
ix. ELIZABETH BROWN was born 1835 in KY. She married UNKNOWNSTURGILL.
x. HIRAM C BROWN was born 1836 in KY. He married SARAH SALLEY BLAIR21 FEB 1867 in KENTUCKY.
xi. EASTER BROWN was born 1839 in Letcher Co., KY. She married JOHNLYOYD DAY 1 MAY 1859 in KENTUCKY, son of WILLIAM DAY and JANE BROWN. Hewas born CA. 1829.
xii. JESSE MARLIN BROWN was born 1840 in KY.. He married SARAH CBLAIR 1863, daughter of CHARLES BLAIR and SARAH CREECH.
xiii. LARKIN BROWN was born 1846 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co, Ky.. Hemarried MARGARET ADAMS.



Child of DINNAH COLLIER and JOSEPH DAY is:3. i. LETITA DAY. Shemarried WILLIAM TECUMSEH BROWN 20 MAR 1859, son of JOHN Q BROWN andELIZABETH CAUDILL. He was born 11 MAR 1826 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co., KY,and died 18 NOV 1914 in Indian Bottom, KY.
Ahnentafel, Generation No. 4



Child of MARY UNKNOWN and VALENTINE BROWN is:4. i. JOHN Q BROWN. Hemarried ELIZABETH CAUDILL 15 APR 1816 in Floyd Co Ky, daughter of STEPHENCAUDILL and SARAH FRANCES ADAMS. She was born 18 JUN 1800 in LunenburgCo., VA, and died 11 OCT 1881 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co., KY.

10. STEPHEN CAUDILL was born 1763 in Lunenburg Co., VA, and died 26 JUL1839 in Sandi Lick, Letcher Co., KY. He was the son of 20. JAMES CAUDILLand 21. MARY YARBOROUGH.

11. SARAH FRANCES ADAMS was born 1779 in Loudon Co., VA, and died OCT1842 in Sandi Lick, Letcher Co., KY. She was the daughter of 22. BENJAMINADAMS and 23. HENRIETTA CAUDILL.

Children of SARAH FRANCES ADAMS and STEPHEN CAUDILL are: i. STEPHENCAUDILL was born 7 FEB 1794 in SC, and died 1 JAN 1857 in Lawrence Co.,KY. He married SARAH YONTS JUN 1814 in Floyd Co Ky. He married SARAHYOUNTS 23 JUN 1814 in Floyd Co Ky, daughter of WILLIAM YOUNTS andMARGARET BENTLEY. He married ELIZABETH CASEBOLT 1 MAY 1828 in Pike Co,Ky..
ii. JOHN ADAMS CAUDILL was born 1 JAN 1798 in Ashe Co., NC, and died10 MAY 1873 in KY. He married RACHELL CORNETT, daughter of WILLIAMCORNETT and MARY EVERAGE.
iii. BENJAMIN E. CAUDILL was born 1799 in Wilkes Co., NC, and died 27FEB 1850 in Saylersville KY. He married ABAGAIL PENNINGTON.
5. iv. ELIZABETH CAUDILL was born 18 JUN 1800 in Lunenburg Co., VA, anddied 11 OCT 1881 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co., KY. She married JOHN Q BROWN15 APR 1816 in Floyd Co Ky, son of VALENTINE BROWN and MARY UNKNOWN.
v. HENRYETTA CAUDILL was born ABT 1803 in NC, and died 1835 in PertCreek, Perry Co., KY. She married GEORGE M ADAMS 20 FEB 1820.
vi. EASTER ESTHER CAUDILL was born ABT 1806 in Roaring River , NC,and died 1887. She married LEVI ELDRIDGE.
vii. NANCY CAUDILL was born ABT 1806 in Roaring River , NC, and died1863. She married RANDOLPH ADAMS 25 DEC 1823, son of JOHN ADAMS and LYDIASIMPSON. He was born ABT 1802 in NC.
viii. SARAH CAUDILL was born ABT 1810 in NC, and died 1867 in PikeCo., KY. She married MOSE ADAMS 20 JUL 1825 in Letcher Co, Kentucky.
ix. LYDIA CAUDILL was born 19 JUL 1816 in N.C.. She married NATHANIELWOLEARY CORNETT.
x. JESSE B CAUDILL was born 10 NOV 1818 in NC, and died 1904 in KY.He married MARY POLLY BACK 4 APR 1844 in KENTUCKY.
xi. WATSON E CAUDILL was born 14 MAR 1822 in Letcher Co., KY, anddied 5 DEC 1898. He married ELIZABETH B SMITH 1842 in Letcher Co,Kentucky, daughter of WILLIAM SMITH and ELIZABETH CHILDRESS.
Ahnentafel, Generation No. 5

20. JAMES CAUDILL was born ABT 1720 in Colonial, Va. orSurry Co, Va., anddied ABT 1805 in Wilkes Co, N.C.. He was the son of 40. STEPHEN CAUDILLand 41. MARY ELIZABETH FIELDS.


Children of MARY YARBOROUGH and JAMES CAUDILL are: i. BENJAMINCAUDILL was born ABT 1750 in Lunenburg Co, Va..
ii. JAMES CAUDILL was born ABT 1753 in Lunenburg Co., VA, and died 30MAY 1840 in Perry Co./Letcher Co., KY. He married MARY ADAMS 1770 inWilkes Co, NC. He married SARAH ELIZABETH JAMES ABT 1788.
iii. MATHEW CAUDILL was born ABT 1763 in Lunenburg Co, VA, and died1837 in Letcher Co., KY. He married SARAH WEBB ABT 1793 in Wilkes Co, NC,daughter of JAMES WEBB and ELIZABETH NELSON. She was born 8 NOV 1778 inWilkes Co, NC, and died 1867.
10. iv. STEPHEN CAUDILL was born 1763 in Lunenburg Co., VA, and died 26JUL 1839 in Sandi Lick, Letcher Co., KY. He married JANE DEHART 3 MAR1784 in Wilkes Co, N.C.. He married SARAH FRANCES ADAMS 1791 in WilkesCo., NC, daughter of BENJAMIN ADAMS and HENRIETTA CAUDILL. She was born1779 in Loudon Co., VA, and died OCT 1842 in Sandi Lick, Letcher Co.,KY.
v. WILLIAM CAUDILL was born ABT 1764.
vi. THOMAS ARON CAUDILL was born 4 JUN 1764 in LunenburgCo.,/Franklin Co., VA, and died 5 MAY 1848 in Simpson Co., KY. He marriedMARY POLLY CAUDILL.
vii. MARY CAUDILL was born ABT 1765.
viii. HENRYETTA CAUDILL was born ABT 1766 in Sussex Co, Va..
ix. ABNER CAUDILL was born ABT 1767.
x. JOHN CAUDILL was born ABT 1768.
xi. DAVID CAUDILL was born ABT 1771.
xii. JESSE CAUDILL was born ABT 1774 in Lunenburg Co, Va..

Child of MARY YARBOROUGH and JAMES CAUDILL is:23. i. HENRIETTA CAUDILLwas born ABT 1766 in Sussex Co, Va.. She married BENJAMIN ADAMS, son ofJOHN ADAMS and VINNIE BAUSELL.

22. BENJAMIN ADAMS. He was the son of 44. JOHN ADAMS and 45. VINNIEBAUSELL.

23. HENRIETTA CAUDILL was born ABT 1766 in Sussex Co, Va.. She was thedaughter of 46. JAMES CAUDILL and 47. MARY YARBOROUGH.

Child of HENRIETTA CAUDILL and BENJAMIN ADAMS is:11. i. SARAH FRANCESADAMS was born 1779 in Loudon Co., VA, and died OCT 1842 in Sandi Lick,Letcher Co., KY. She married STEPHEN CAUDILL 1791 in Wilkes Co., NC, sonof JAMES CAUDILL and MARY YARBOROUGH. He was born 1763 in Lunenburg Co.,VA, and died 26 JUL 1839 in Sandi Lick, Letcher Co., KY.

Ahnentafel, Generation No. 6

40. STEPHEN CAUDILL was born 1685 in Colonial, Va. or Scotland, and died1763 in Lunenburg, Va..


Children of MARY ELIZABETH FIELDS and STEPHEN CAUDILL are: i. SAMPSONCAUDILL was born ABT 1717 in Colonial, Va., and died in Lunenburg Va..
20. ii. JAMES CAUDILL was born ABT 1720 in Colonial, Va. orSurry Co,Va., and died ABT 1805 in Wilkes Co, N.C.. He married MARY YARBOROUGH 1JAN 1748/49 in Lunenburg Co, Va..
iii. BENJAMIN CAUDILL was born 1730.



Child of VINNIE BAUSELL and JOHN ADAMS is:22. i. BENJAMIN ADAMS. Hemarried HENRIETTA CAUDILL, daughter of JAMES CAUDILL and MARY YARBOROUGH.She was born ABT 1766 in Sussex Co, Va.. He married HENRIETTA CAUDILL1774 in Leesburg, Va., daughter of BENJAMIN CAUDILL. She was born 1750 inSussex Co., VA, and died NOV 1836 in Mayking, Perry Co./Letcher Co., KY.

46. JAMES CAUDILL was born 1720 in Surry Co Va..

47. MARY YARBOROUGH Same as person number 21. 
Brown, Joseph Preston (I81993)

Revolutionary War soldier John Amburgey Jr. was honored July 31, 1982when Troublesome Creek Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolutionand Amburgey Family Association dedicated a gravestone marker in CarrFork Cemetary to his memory, John Amburgey Jr. was born in 1785 on a farmonce owned by his german immigrant father Conrad Amberger.

Elizabeth applied for a pension stating her husband had been aRevolutionary soldier and had died in Perry County, Kentucky in 1831. Inher application for this she sent pages torn from a family bible, whichto this day may be seen in the National Archives file on John Amburgey. 
Amburgey, John (I2393)


Served in the War of 1812-1814 with England. He was known among thesoldiers as little (Abe) . Soon after the war closed he married andsettled on a large creek named Stillwater in Wolf e County, Kentucky. 
Swango, Abraham (I22474)
22634. Dashing Stream, born May 06, 1474 in Banks Of Tributary OfLancer River, Blue Mtns. He was the son of 45268. Murmuring Ripple,Chief, Attanoughkomouck Tribe.

Child of Dashing Stream is:

11317 i. Scent Flower, born June 03, 1517 in At confluence of Dan &Staunton Rivers, Virginia. 
Stream, Dashing (I27666)
"Talt" Hall was one of the more renowned "feudists" of Eastern Kentucky history and legend. His was the first public hanging in Wise County, Virginia, where he stood trial for the killing of the town constable of Norton. He was captured by the "Red Fox of the Mountains", "Doc" Marshall Benton Taylor.
The "Hanging of Talton Hall" is recorded by author John Fox, Jr., in his book, "Blue-Grass and Rhododendron" originally published in 1901 by Charles Scribner's Sons, and later reissued by the University Press of Kentucky in 1994. 
Hall, Thomas Talton (I2854)
1910 Federal Census, Kentucky Miracode Index
SPURLOCK, Lige Sr., Head. Age ?? Born 1858, Born in ??
" , Lizzie, Wife, Age 50, born in Kentucky.
" , Elsie, Daughter, Age 15, born in Kentucky
" , Claud, Son, Age 13, born in Kentucky
" , Toulmin G., Son, Age 09, born in Kentucky.
" , Flossie, Daughter, Age 08, born in Kentucky.
DEZARN, Hollie, Stepdaughter, Age 18 born in Kentucky. (7/04ad) 
Spurlock, Elijah Jr. (I114063)
1910 KCK E Flat Lick HH#207-219
Bingham Wolford F h m w 26 mx1x4yr KKK all
Belle w f w 26 mx1x4yr 2-2
Chalos s m w 3 s
Cornelis s m w 7/12 
Bingham, Wolford G. (I110592)
Breeden1 - The Breeden family Of Virginia and parts West. 
Crase, Elizabeth (I2051)
Breeden1 - The Breeden family Of Virginia and parts West. 
Sexton, Vina E. (I122892)
Breeden1 - The Breeden family Of Virginia and parts West. 
Breeding, Boyd Elliott (I122894)
Breeden1 - The Breeden family Of Virginia and parts West. 
Breeding, Theodore (I122897)
Breeden1 - The Breeden family Of Virginia and parts West. 
Breeding, Gertrude (I122898)
Breeden1 - The Breeden family Of Virginia and parts West. 
Breeding, Hazel (I122899)
Breeden1 - The Breeden family Of Virginia and parts West. 
Breeding, Richard A. (I122900)
Date of death was recorded in probate certificate by W. B. Booker, Clerk of the Washington County, KY, court dated 19 June, 1848. 
Combs, Pvt. John Jr. (I1222)
Death: 13 MAR 1964 in Knox Co., KY
Knox County Marriage Bond Book T page 311 dated 11-9-1899
SMITH, Robert age 27 b. Knox Co. father: Pallas Smith mother: Linda Smith
MESSER, Cordia age 30 b. Knox Co. father: John Bingham mother : Sally Bingham
groom's 2nd marriage brides 2nd marriage at: Cordie Messer's

1900 Knox Co. Fed. Census, Vol 2, Dwelling 85-85
SMITH, Robert 23, 7-1876, mar. 2 yrs, KY KY KY, farmer
.. Corda 32, 3-1868, 3 children born - 3 living, KY KY KY
MESSER, Maud 11, 1-1899, dau, KY *Corda's 1st marriage
.. Frank 8, 9-1891, son, KY *Corda's 1st marriag e
.. Clark 5, 12-1894, son, KY *Corda's 1st marriag e *?
SMITH, Charley 6, 9-1893, son, KY *Robert's 1st marriage
.. Pearly 4, 12-1895 dau, KY *Robert's 1st marriag e

1910 KCK Messer HH#5-5
Smith Robert h m w 35 mx3?x11yr KKK all
Cordie w f w 40 mx2x11yr 7-7
Charlie s m w 17 s
Pearl d f w 16 s
Sudie d f w 10 s
Ellen d f w 7 s
Maud d f w 5 s
Christopher s m w 3 s
Messer Frank stsn m w 18 s
Clark stsn m w 16 s

1920 KCK Hubbard HH#14-14
Smith Bob h m w 49 m KKK all
Cordie w f w 52 m
Ellen d f w 18 s
Sudie d f w 14 s
Cris s m w 14 s
Amanda d f w 11 s
Messer Clark stsn m w 22 s
Messer Frank h m w 30 m
Martha w f w 24 m ~1895
Lodas s m w 7 s
Oplis? s m w 5 s
Sallie d f w 9/12 s 
Smith, Robert (I110401)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Fulkerson, Rachel (I105262)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Joseph W. Jr. (I105265)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Nancy Emily (I105266)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Peter Fulkerson (I105267)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Bradford, Mary Dunbar (I105268)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, William Barney Sr. (I105269)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, James William (I105270)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, Andrew Jackson (I105271)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, Joseph Henry (I105272)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, Robert Lee (I105273)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, Mattie Thomas (I105274)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, Andrew (I105275)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, Peter (I105276)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, Thornton (I105277)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, Emily (I105278)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, Thomas Elton Sr. (I105279)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Sikes, Mary C. (I105280)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, Henry Clinton (I105281)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, Earl Thompson (I105283)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, Lena Mae (I105284)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, Annie Emily (I105285)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, Elma Lee (I105286)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, Mabel Lillian (I105287)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, Stella Rebecca (I105288)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Bayer, Mary Lucy (I105289)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
French, Mary Ethel (I105293)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, Hazel (I105294)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, Margarie Elizabeth (I105295)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, Omer Henry (I105298)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Walden, Joseph R. (I105299)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
McCarty, Eleanor Elizabeth (I105303)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
McCarty, Robert Lee (I105305)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
McCarty, Winifred Louise (I105308)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Eades, William Ira (I105310)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Pitzing, William B. (I105314)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Angle, Clarence (I105318)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Powell, Mary Ann (I105321)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Nancy (I105322)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Mary (I105323)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, James Powell Sr. (I105324)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Baber, Mourning (I105325)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, James Powell Jr. (I105326)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Manoah Bostick (I105327)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Houston, Jane F. (I105328)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Julia (I105329)
84 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Armstrong, Aaron (I105330)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Elizabeth (I105331)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
McKinzie, Gabriel (I105332)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Mary (I105333)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Matilda (I105334)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
McKenzie, Daniel (I105335)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, William Sr. (I105336)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Theodocia Marie (I105337)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Maxwell, Erred (I105338)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Lucinda Jane (I105339)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Jane (I105340)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Jayne, Thomas (I105341)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Samuel (I105342)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Mary Virginia (I105343)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Traylor, Robert F. (I105344)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Jayne, Martha Matilda (I105345)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Mourning (I105346)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Huddleston, Joel (I105347)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Martha Lucinda (I105348)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, James P. (I105349)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Alfred (I105350)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Manoah E. (I105351)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Matilda Jane (I105352)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Hilyard, John Morris (I105353)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Hilyard, Calvin (I105354)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Hilyard, James Powell (I105355)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Hilyard, Joseph (I105356)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Hilyard, William (I105357)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Decrowe, Eliza (I105358)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Samuel Sr. (I105359)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Elizabeth (I105360)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, James (I105361)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Mary (I105362)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, William Jr. (I105364)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Anna E. (I105365)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Andrew Jackson (I105366)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, David (I105367)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Elijah (I105368)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Priscilla May (I105369)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Clark, Randal Sr. (I105370)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Clark, Mourning C. (I105371)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Whitfield, William Henry (I105372)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Clark, Manoah B. (I105373)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Clark, James Powell (I105374)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Clark, Elizabeth (I105375)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Culbertson, James Lewis (I105376)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Clark, Josephus (I105377)
131 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Walker, Jane (I105378)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Clark, Elijah (I105379)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Clark, Vespasian (I105380)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Clark, Edward R. (I105382)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Clark, Lucy Ann (I105383)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gwin, James Newton (I105384)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Clark, Lincoln (I105385)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Walker, Frances Barbara (I105386)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Clark, Isabella (I105387)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Walker, Orange (I105388)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Rose, Johannah (I105389)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Francis M. (I105390)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Sarah Jane (I105391)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Mary D. (I105392)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Rachel A. (I105393)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Elizabeth Mourning (I105394)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, James P. (I105395)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Virginia Ellen (I105396)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, William Enos (I105397)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Samuel Edward (I105398)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Johanna Rose A. (I105399)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, William Barney Jr. (I105400)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, Nancy Emily (I105401)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, Brice Martin (I105402)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, Rachel Anna (I105403)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Weaks, John Samuel (I105404)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Martha Virginia (I105406)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Morris, America Elizabeth (I105407)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Hilyard, John Morris (I105408)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Hilyard, Archilles (I105409)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Barnes, Martha Ann (I105410)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Hilyard, Elias (I105411)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Hilyard, John (I105412)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Hilyard, William Barnes (I105413)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Hilyard, Mary (I105414)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Taggart, Adam (I105415)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Hilliard, Eliza Jane (I105416)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Morris, Achilles Kellus (I105417)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Hilyard, James Powell Gray (I105418)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Wood, Emily Jane (I105419)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Hilyard, Sarah (I105420)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Barnes, Willilam C (I105421)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Hilyard, Lewis (I105422)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Taggart, Sarah L. (I105423)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Hilyard, Walter Lewis (I105424)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Moore, Ida (I105425)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Hilyard, Mattie (I105426)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Moor, Albanus Runyon (I105427)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Bell, Sarah Bethelda (I105428)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Julia A. (I105429)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Wilson Dennison (I105430)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Taylor, Minnie Frances (I105431)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Roy E. (I105432)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Samuel Jr. (I105433)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Joseph F. (I105435)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Mildred E. (I105436)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Cora Adele (I105437)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Meadows, Rachel (I105438)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Clark, Frank (I105439)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Clark, Lawson M. (I105440)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Rose, Mary Eleanor (I105441)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Clark, Randal (I105442)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, John William (I105444)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Edward (I105445)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Bertie Irene (I105446)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Minnie (I105447)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Shuff, Molly (I105448)
198 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Weaks, Mae (I105449)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Thomas, William Thornton (I105450)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Thomas, Doxie (I105451)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
McKee, Bijou (I105452)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Walter Allen (I105455)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gray, Hazel Irene (I105458)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Karrick, Myrle Edward (I105467)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Karrick, Stephen Michael (I105468)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Cook, Carlisle Cullen (I105472)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Gay, Thomas Edward Jr (I105477)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Cook, William Joseph (I105489)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Vaughan, Oliver Houston (I105496)
Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 
Simpson, Wilburn Finus (I105498)
F A M I L Y H I S T O R Y By Loretta Mae Prewitt

Son of Robert Fleming and Elizabeth (Betty) Stumbo (Staumbaugh).
b. 9 June 1814.
pb. Lee County, VA (Powell's Valley, near Big Stone Gap).
d. 1 February 1881, Flemingtown, Dickenson County, VA, buried in
Cemetery at Clintwood, VA.
m. Mary Jane Mullins at Pike County, Kentucky on 31 January 1833,
(dtr of John Mullins, Jr.(Holly Creek John Mullins) and Ollie Cox who
were the first residents of Clintwood).
b. 15 May 1815.
pb. North Carolina.
d. 6 October 1893, Flemingtown, Dickenson County, VA, buried in
Cemetery at Clintwood, VA.

Children of Jack and Mary Mullins Fleming:

1. John b. 8/29/1834, d. 28 August 1912, m. Mary Frances "Fannie"
(Moved to Logan Co., WV; Served in Confederate Army)-no children
2. Melvina " *Lovina" b. 3/24/1836 d. 26 Oct 1906 m. 1. Marshall
Keel** 2. John B. Counts.
3. Isaac b. 1838 d. Killed on Shelby Creek during Civil War
as Confederate) -never married.
4. Emanuel "Manual" b. 5/12/1840, m. Margaret Eliz. Betty Mullins 13
Feb. 1959 (Lived on farm in Flemingtown, VA). (Dtr of Isom Mullins
Mary "Polly" Sanders).
5. Martha Jane b. 1843 d. 4/11/1925, m. Wesley Y. Vanover, 29 July
(Lived on farm on Pound River near Isom, VA).
6. Sarah "Sally" b. 1844-45, m. Franklin Taylor 16 Aug. 1864.
7. William "Cripple Billy" Jefferson b.12/9/1846, d. 6/30/1921. m.
Jane "Patsy" Branham 31 Dec. 1874. (Lived in Flemingtown, VA).

8. David T. b.1849, d. 2/27/1918. m. 1. Mary Catherine Smith, 2.
Harmon, 3. Effie Jackson. (Moved to Logan Co., WV).
9. Robert Jefferson b. 3/5/1851, d. 1907, m. Mary Elmira "Polly"
14 Jan. 1873 (Lived in Flemingtown, VA).
10.George "Cooley" Washington b. 4/21/1853, d. 1937, m. Lucy Clevenger
Ratliff 12 August 1886 (Lived on farm in Flemingtown, VA)
b. Wise Co., VA, PTS,b-Russell Pike Co., KY
(married at Levi Clevinger's home) b. Mo. F.b-PikeM.b-Va
11.Mary "Jane" Jane b. 5/6/1857, d. 9/28/1836, m. Frank Monroe
4/7/1882 (Lived in Flemingtown, & Freeling, WV: Lived on Pine Creek
for 30-odd years)
12.Andrew Jackson b. 5/6/1859 d. 10/5/1904m. Florida (Florina?)
(Lived on Jerry's Branch)

Above information compiled by Loretta M. Prewitt from the following
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, information submitted
Brenda K. Mullins.
Carson Childers Research on Fleming Family.

John Jackson Fleming was born on a farm in Powell's Valley in Lee
VA, while his father was serving in the War of 1812.

John Jackson Fleming and Mary Mullins Fleming lived for a short time
Jacks Fork (named after him) of Big Beaver Creek in Floyd County, KY,
then moved to Flemingtown, about two miles northeast of Clintwood, VA,
where they lived the rest of their lives on a farm.

John Jackson Fleming was a Confederate soldier during the Civil War.
served under Colonels Prentice and Menefee, but saw no fighting.

He was a member of the regular Old Baptist Church. Mary Mullins
joined the Methodist Church in NC before she came to Dickenson Co.,
and never joined a church in Dickenson Co., which she regretted in her
older days (per her son George W. Fleming).

Pike County, Kentucky, Marriages, 1866 to 1900, by Oscar Thomas
(Marriage date of George Washington Fleming and Lucy Clevenger

*There are three Lovinas in the family and one Lovene. Robert had the
first Lovina, then John Jackson (Robert's son) had the second Lovina,
then Jeff (Robert's son/John Jackson's brother) had the third Lovina
also a Lovene. Was this a special family name?

?????**Marshall Keel was killed during the Civil War on 16 September
1863, but
he was not in the army? He was killed by some "bushwhackers".??????

The following information taken from Estelle (Fleming) Staleys book.

2-2. JOHN JACKSON FLEMING (Son of Robert Fleming & Elizabeth "Betty"
Stembaugh) b. 9 Jun 1814 Powells Valley, Lee Co. Va. d. 1 Feb 1881
67, m. 31 Jan 1833 in Pike Co. Ky. to Mary Jane Mullins b. 15 May
d. 6 Oct 1893. Both are buried in Flemingtown, Dickenson Co. Va. Her
Parents: John Mullins "Holly Creek John" & Ollie Cox.
12 Children

3-1. JOHN FLEMING b. 29 Aug 1834 Russell Co. Va. d. 1912.
m. Mary Frances Adams. No Children.
3-2. LAVINA/MELVINA FLEMING b. 24 Mar 1836 Russell Co. d. 1906.
m. # 1. Marshall Keel m. # 2. John Counts

3-3. ISAAC FLEMING b. 1838 Russell Co. Va.
Never Married. Killed in the Civil War.

3-4. EMMANUEL "MANUEL" FLEMING b. 12 May 1840 Russell Co. Va.
m. 13 Feb 1859 Wise Co. to Margaret Elizabeth "Betty" Mullins.

3-5. MARTHA FLEMING b. Nov 1842 Russell Co. Va. d. 11 Apr 1925
Dickenson Co. Va. Buried Vanover Farm, Mouth of Georges Fork Creek of
Pound River.
m. 29 Jul 1858 Wise Co. Va. to Wesley Y. Vanover.

3-6. SARAH FLEMING b. 1846 Russell Co. Va.
m. 16 Aug 1864 Wise Co. Va. to Frank Taylor.

b. 9 Dec 1846 Russell Co. d. 30 Jun 1921
m. 31 Dec 1874 Wise Co. to Martha Jane "Patsy" Branham.

3-8. DAVID T. FLEMING b. 1849 Russell Co. d. 1918.
m. # 1. Mary Catherine Smith m. # 2. Sarah Harmon m. # 3. Effie

3-9. ROBERT JEFFERSON FLEMING b. 5 Mar 1851 Russell Co. d. 1907 m.
Jan 1873 Wise Co. to Mary Elmira "Polly" McFall.
m. Lucy Clevenger Ratliff.

3-11. MARY JANE FLEMING b. 6 May 1857 Wise Co. Va. d. 28 Sept 1936
79 yrs. 4 mo. 22 days.
m. 7 Apr 1882 Dickenson Co. to Frank M. Beverly.

3-12. ANDREW JACKSON FLEMING b. 6 May 1859 d. 5 Oct
1901/04. m. 20 Feb 1879 Wise Co. to Florina Senter.
Source of information:
1. Library of Congress, Wash. D. C. "Mullins, Hamilton, Fleming by
H. Parris.
2. 1850-1860 Census-National Archives, Wash. D.C.
3. Marriage Records Dickenson Co. Courthouse.
4. Marriage Records Wise Co. Va.
5. Vanover Book by Greg Vanover for information on Wesley Vanover.

Married by Wm Tackett / Tackitt. They lived on Jacks Fork of Big
Beaver Creek, Floyd Co., Kentucky a few years, then about 1837/38
moved to a farm at what is now Flemingtown, about two miles northeast
of Clintwood,
where they lived on a farm for the rest of their days.
The Federal Census for Russell County, Virginia in 1850 showed the
following members of John Jackson Fleming's family.
John Fleming 39 m Farmer b. Lee Co., VA
Mary Fleming 34 f b. N. Carolina
John Fleming 16 m Laborer b. Kentucky
Lavina Fleming 13 f b. Kentucky
Isaac Fleming 12 m b. Kentucky
Emmanuel Fleming 9 m b. Russell Co., VA.
Martha Fleming 7 f b. Russell Co., VA.
Sally Fleming 5 f b. Russell Co., VA.
William Fleming 3 m b. Russell Co., VA.
David Fleming 1 m b. Russell Co., VA. 
Family: Fleming, John Jackson / Mullins, Mary Jane (F4307)
Information provided here is the result of lots of work by many individuals. Delores Willey did not verify each individual. Please use this information as a starting point in your own research. Any errors or corrections will be gladly accepted. 
Holbrook, Henry Grant (I108330)
Information provided here is the result of lots of work by many individuals. Delores Willey did not verify each individual. Please use this information as a starting point in your own research. Any errors or corrections will be gladly accepted. 
Holbrook, Maryland Rose (I108332)
Information provided here is the result of lots of work by many individuals. Delores Willey did not verify each individual. Please use this information as a starting point in your own research. Any errors or corrections will be gladly accepted. 
Holbrook, Palmyra (I108335)
Information provided here is the result of lots of work by many individuals. Delores Willey did not verify each individual. Please use this information as a starting point in your own research. Any errors or corrections will be gladly accepted. 
Holbrook, Martha Jane (I108336)
Information provided here is the result of lots of work by many individuals. Delores Willey did not verify each individual. Please use this information as a starting point in your own research. Any errors or corrections will be gladly accepted. 
Holbrook, Mary (I108338)
Information provided here is the result of lots of work by many individuals. Delores Willey did not verify each individual. Please use this information as a starting point in your own research. Any errors or corrections will be gladly accepted. 
Holbrook, Clayton Max (I108343)
Merged General Note:
Osborne, Alamander (I639)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Hall, Mallie (I106055)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Fulfer, Barbara Ann (I106578)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Baker, Callie (I106594)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Shepherd, Oscar (I106601)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Baker, William Wallace (I106619)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Baker, Wilson W. (I106620)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Jacobs, Allen Wayne (I106645)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Fitch, Ernest Sid (I106694)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Fitch, James Leon (I106696)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Waters, Pearl Lee (I106709)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Fitch, Edwin (I106723)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Shepherd, Pearl (I106747)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Fitch, Bonnie Faye (I106750)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Shepherd, Junior Lee (I106763)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Shepherd, Authur Ray (I106766)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Shepherd, Norman Estelle (I106790)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Shepherd, Evie (I106791)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Shepherd, Oscar (I106792)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Youngblood, James (I106799)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Wheeler, Erma Wiley (I106804)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Shepherd, Larry James (I106805)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Shepherd, Connie (I106807)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Shepherd, Bonnie (I106808)
Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Shepherd, Donnie (I106809)
Please email egambrell@bellsouth.net for further information on this individual 
Hall, Louisa Caroline (I13878)
Please email egambrell@bellsouth.net for further information on this individual 
Hall, James Wesley (I30303)
Please email egambrell@bellsouth.net for further information on this individual 
Hall, Freeling (I106335)
Please email egambrell@bellsouth.net for further information on this individual 
Hall, Andrew Jackson (I106336)
Please email egambrell@bellsouth.net for further information on this individual 
Milam, Lydia (I106337)
Please email egambrell@bellsouth.net for further information on this individual 
Hall, Lewis (I106339)
Please email egambrell@bellsouth.net for further information on this individual 
Hall, Preston (I106340)
Please email egambrell@bellsouth.net for further information on this individual 
Hall, Sarah Elizabeth (I106341)
Please email egambrell@bellsouth.net for further information on this individual 
Hall, Dollie (I106342)
Please email egambrell@bellsouth.net for further information on this individual 
Hall, Preston S. Sr. (I285163)
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Johnson, Clara (I24976)
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Hall, Howard Vinton (I104727)
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Blair, Bertha E. (I104728)
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Hall, Clifton (I104729)
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McKenzie, Lucille (I104730)
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Hall, Gladys (I104731)
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Hall, Marian (I104733)
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Hall, Ralph Blair (I104734)
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Jones, Hazel (I104735)
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McKenzie, Lelene (I104736)
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Crager, Virginia (I104737)
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Calvert, _____ (I104738)
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Hall, Lela (I104739)
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Hall, Ocie Mae (I104740)
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Blair, Francis P. (I104741)
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Blair, Tears (I104742)
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Blair, Murvel (I104743)
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Hall, Cordelia (I104744)
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White, Dewitt W. (I104745)
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White, Chester (I104746)
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White, Clyde (I104747)
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White, Clara Nell (I104748)
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White, Delora (I104749)
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*Unknown, Elma R. (I104751)
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Hall, Gene (I104752)
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Markel, Bessie Mae (I104753)
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Hall, William Henry (I104754)
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Rose, Myrtle D. (I104755)
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Hall, Tedo (I104756)
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Hall, Nella Mae (I104757)
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Hall, Jack Vencil (I104758)
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Hall, Ollie (I104759)
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Hall, Tommy (I104760)
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Hall, Cleo Olina (I104761)
There are mistakes in this data. If you send corrections, I will update my data. Verify all data rated 1. 
Hall, William C. (I104762)
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Hall, James Henry (I104763)
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Hall, Ora Pike (I104764)
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Hall, Arvella Jo (I104766)
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Thomas, _____ (I104767)
There are mistakes in this data. If you send corrections, I will update my data. Verify all data rated 1. 
Hall, Leo (I104768)
This info on the Debord surname, various spellings, have been collected, compiled and merged from many sources; some more reliable than others. Please contact me for any info on folks I may have that were born after 1907 
Hamm, Sarah M. (I84816)
This info on the Debord surname, various spellings, have been collected, compiled and merged from many sources; some more reliable than others. Please contact me for any info on folks I may have that were born after 1907 
Baldridge, Julia Etta (I84817)
This is an ongoing tree. If you have any comments or find any mistakes please contact me. 
Smith, Joanna (I105847)
This is an ongoing tree. If you have any comments or find any mistakes please contact me. 
Gibson, Estill (I107337)
This is an ongoing tree. If you have any comments or find any mistakes please contact me. 
Boyd, Shirley Jean (I107339)
This is an ongoing tree. If you have any comments or find any mistakes please contact me. 
Johnson, Liza Lee (I107341)
This is an ongoing tree. If you have any comments or find any mistakes please contact me. 
Curtis, Monnie (I107695)
This is an ongoing tree. If you have any comments or find any mistakes please contact me. 
Kidd, Opal Jewell (I107698)
This is an ongoing tree. If you have any comments or find any mistakes please contact me. 
Harris, Robert Lee (I107710)
This is an ongoing tree. If you have any comments or find any mistakes please contact me. 
Layne, Mary Ozetta (I108254)
Wilson Melvin "Big Melvin" Fleming married Evelyn Phipps on 15 Jan
Evelyn Phipps Fleming was the d/ of A.J. and Elizabeth Phipps.
He was also married to Rena Willis, Rena Bore Wilson 5 more Children. 
Family: Fleming, Wilson Melvin Sr. / Willis, Rena (F4373)
304  White, Elsie Leah (I240)
305  Sexton, Ida (I323)
306  Franklin, Samuel (I2030)
307  Bentley, Moses Lee (I4742)
308  Francis, Nancy (I7708)
309  Bentley, Shadrick (I13392)
310  Hall, Wayne (I13450)
311  Adams, Jesse Lee (I14898)
312  Combs, Simeon Levi (I29857)
313  Dean, Ruth Audrey (I30973)
314  Thomas, Bobbie Jean (I31402)
315  Thornsberry, Celinda (I33160)
316  Belcher, Tracy Rick (I33694)
317  Caudill, Nancy (I34086)
318  Brashear, Hezekiah B. (I34088)
319  Tolliver, Sarah (I35275)
320  Bentley, Liddie (I72482)
321  Cornett, Ida (I77352)
322  Truman, Commodore (I79579)
323  Family: Adams, Byrd / Haynes, Mary (F6204)
324  Source (S732)
325 To: /mail/ch/chief Msg #: 429 Size:
From: 76744.461@compuserve.com (Stan Stumbo) On: 04/06/96 01:19
Subject: Re: STUMBO LINE


Here's the information on Elizabeth Stambaugh/Stumbo that is the best
have to date on ancestors. It takes you back to 1643 in what is now

John Phillip Stumbaugh b: in York Co, PA d: Bef 1840 in Floyd Co, KY
................................... +Elizabeth b: in OH
........................................... 5 John S Stumbaugh b:
February 12, 1785 in Southampton Twn, Franklin Co, PA d: in
Johnson Co, KY
............................................... +Nancy Spradlin
........................................... 5 Elizabeth Stumbaugh b:
Abt 1787 in Southampton Twn, Franklin Co, PA d: Bef 1860
........................................... 5 Samuel S Stambaugh b:
1791in Southampton Twn, Franklin Co, PA d: June 12, 1865 in
Johnson Co, KY
............................................... +Charlotte Rogers b:
1798 in DEL m: in Floyd Co, KY d: June 24, 1860 in Stambaugh, Johnson
........................................... *2nd Wife of Samuel S
............................................... +Eliza Hager m:
November 29,1860 in Johnson Co, KY
........................................... 5 Philip Stambaugh b:
1798 in Southampton Twn, Franklin Co, PA d: Bef 1840 in Johnson Co,
............................................... +Lucretia Wilson m:
Johnson Co, KY
........................................... *2nd Wife of Philip
............................................... +Dicey Johnson b: Abt
1800 in Unknown m: May 02, 1833 in Johnson Co, KY
........................................... 5 Lawrence Stambaugh b:
1802 in Southampton Twn, Franklin Co, PA d: Abt 1848 in Cass Co, MO
............................................... +Elizabeth Runnels m:
March 26, 1821 in Floyd Co, KY
........................................... 5 Frederick Stumbo b:
1804 in Martinsburg, Berkeley Co, WV d: 1876 in Floyd Co, KY
............................................... +Nancy Thornesberry
Abt 1810 in VA m: 1824 in MD 
Family: Stumbaugh, John Phillip / Shiebly, Elizabeth (F4439)
326 To: /mail/ch/chief Msg #: 429 Size:
From: 76744.461@compuserve.com (Stan Stumbo) On: 04/06/96 01:19
Subject: Re: STUMBO LINE


Here's the information on Elizabeth Stambaugh/Stumbo that is the best
have to date on ancestors. It takes you back to 1643 in what is now

Descendants of Felix STAMBACH

1 Felix STAMBACH b: July 22, 1643 d: November 03, 1729 in
Kutzenhausen, Bas
Rhin, Alsace, France
.. +Anna Maria Wehrling b: Abt 1656 d: Abt 1733
......... 2 Johannes STAMBACH b: Abt 1676 d: January 17, 1732/33 in
Kutzenhausen, Bas Rhin, Alsace, France
............. +Maria Catharina MEYER b: Abt 1690 in Merckweyler, Bas
Alsace, France m: 1717 in Kutzenhausen, Bas Rhin, Alsace, France d:
1739 in PA
.................... 3 Johann Jacob Stambaugh b: January 09, 1718/19
Kutzenhausen, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France d: Abt 1774 in York Co, PA
........................ +Margretha
............................... 4 Anna Barbara Stambaugh
............................... 4 Jacob Stambaugh d: 1804-1805 in
York Co, PA
............................... 4 Maria Elizabeth Stambaugh
............................... 4 Anna Barbara Stambaugh
............................... 4 Philip Stambaugh
............................... 4 Magdalena Stambaugh b: Abt 1747 in
York Co, PA
.................... 3 Maria Barbara Stambaugh b: July 25, 1721 in
Kutzenhausen, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France d: Abt 1800 in OH
........................ +Johann George Schmeisser b: Abt 1722 m: May
22, 1739 in Codorus Creek, York Co, PA d: Abt 1747
............................... 4 Matthais Smyser b: Abt 1742 in
Co, PA
............................... 4 John Michael Smyser b: Abt 1743 in
York Co, PA
............................... 4 John Jacob Smyser b: Abt 1747 in
Co, PA

.................... 3 Nicholaus Stambaugh b: August 19, 1723 in
Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France d: 1759 in York Co, PA
........................ +Barbara m: Abt 1748
............................... 4 Anna Margreth Stambaugh
............................... 4 John Peter Stambaugh
............................... 4 John Stambaugh
............................... 4 Anna Elizabeth Stambaugh
............................... 4 John Jacob Stambaugh b: November
1749 in York Co, PA d: February 22, 1826 in York Co, PA
............................... 4 Phillip Stambaugh b: Abt 1756 in
Co, PA

.................... 3 Lawrence Stumbaugh b: December 08, 1725 in
Kutzenhausen, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France d: April 1805 in Franklin Co,
........................ +Anna b: Abt 1730 d: Aft 1807 in Strasburg,
Franklin Co, PA
............................... 4 Catharina Stumbaugh b: in York Co,
............................... 4 Jacob Stumbaugh b: in York Co, PA
December 1796 in Letterkenny Twn, Franklin Co, PA
................................... +Anna Gertraut Shoaf b: Abt 1752
Cumberland Co, PA m: Bef 1781 in Cumberland Co, PA d: Bef 1790 in
Franklin Co, PA
........................................... 5 Anna Elizabeth
b: December 13, 1781 in Franklin Co, PA d: Bef 1796 in Franklin Co,
........................................... 5 John Stumbaugh b: Abt
1783 in Franklin Co, PA
............................................... +Eve
........................................... 5 Jacob Stumbaugh b:
28, 1785 in Franklin Co, PA d: Abt 1835
............................................... +Sarah b: Abt 1790
........................................... 5 Anna Margretha
b: April 04, 1787 in Franklin Co, PA
............................... *2nd Wife of Jacob Stumbaugh:
................................... +Elizabeth Cassel m: Bef 1796 d:
Aft 1805
............................... 4 Elizabeth Magdalena Stumbaugh b:
York Co, PA
................................... +Samuel Brindle m: 1776 d:
1804 in Southampton Twn, Franklin Co, PA
........................................... 5 Peter Brindle b:
17, 1779 in Southampton, Franklin Co, PA
............................... 4 Peter Stumbaugh b: in York Co, PA
Abt 1830 in St Clair Twn, Bedford Co, PA
................................... +Elizabeth Shoaf b: Abt 1755 in
Cumberland Co, PA m: Abt 1780 in Cumberland Co, PA d: Aft 1803
........................................... 5 Jacob Stumbaugh b: in
Franklin Co, PA
........................................... 5 Barbara Stumbaugh b:
Co, PA
........................................... 5 Susan Stambaugh b: in
Co, PA
........................................... 5 Magdalena Stambaugh b:
Franklin Co, PA
........................................... 5 Christina Stambaugh b:
Bedford Co, PA
........................................... 5 James Stumbaugh b:
08, 1781 in Cumberland Co, PA
........................................... 5 Phillip Stambaugh b:
March 13, 1789 in Franklin Co, PA d: November 14, 1873 in Bedford Co,
............................................... +Franey Mock b: April
14, 1798 in Bedford Co, PA m: in Bedford Co, PA d: October 11, 1873 in
Bedford Co,
........................................... 5 Frederick Stambaugh b:
June 13, 1792 in Bedford Co, PA d: June 26, 1870 in Bedford Co, PA
............................................... +Rosanna Dively b:
January 04, 1788 in Bedford Co, PA m: in Bedford Co, PA d: November
04, 1878 in
Bedford Co, PA
........................................... 5 Peter Stumbaugh b:
June 14, 1794 in Franklin Co, PA
............................... 4 Margaret Stumbaugh b: in York Co,
PA d: Abt 1835
................................... +Conrad Kyner b: Abt 1755 in New
Holland, Lancaster Co, PA m: Abt 1778 d: March 11, 1816 in Southampton
Franklin Co, PA
........................................... 5 John Kyner b: Abt 1779
in Franklin Co, PA
............................................... +Susan Myers b: in
Adams Co, PA

........................................... 5 George Kyner b:
November 18, 1781 in Franklin Co, PA d: Abt 1867 in Franklin Co, PA
............................................... +Mary Shields b: Abt
1797 in Franklin Co, PA
m: December 10, 1822 in Mid.Sp.Pres.Chur, Shippensburg, Cumberland
Co, PA
........................................... 5 Phillip Kyner b:
December 09, 1783 in Franklin Co, PA d: March 16, 1863 in Franklin
Co, PA
............................................... +Catharine Martin b:
February 10, 1786 d: August 16, 1870 in Franklin Co, PA
........................................... 5 Jacob Kyner b: Abt
1786 in Franklin Co, PA
d: March 03, 1851 in Culbertson Row, Greene Twn, Franklin Co, PA
............................................... +Rebecca Myers
........................................... 5 Michael Kyner b:
January 20, 1789 in Franklin Co, PA d: November 24, 1867 in Franklin
Co, PA
............................................... +Susannah Weigert b:
December 06, 1799
d: March 12, 1860
........................................... 5 Elizabeth Kyner b: Abt
1794 in Franklin Co, PA
........................................... 5 Casper Kyner b: March
1795 in Franklin Co, PA
d: January 11, 1861 in Columbus, OH
............................................... +Elizabeth Mock b:
October 30, 1800
d: August 27, 1873
............................... 4 John Phillip Stumbaugh b: in York
Co, PA
d: Bef 1840 in Floyd Co, KY
................................... +Elizabeth b: in OH
........................................... 5 John S Stumbaugh b:
February 12, 1785 in Southampton Twn, Franklin Co, PA d: in
Stambaugh, Johnson Co, KY
............................................... +Nancy Spradlin
........................................... 5 Elizabeth Stumbaugh b:
Abt 1787 in Southampton Twn, Franklin Co, PA d: Bef 1860
........................................... 5 Samuel S Stambaugh b:
Abt 1791 in Southampton Twn, Franklin Co, PA d: June 12, 1865 in
Stambaugh, Johnson Co, KY
............................................... +Charlotte Rogers b:
Abt 1798 in DEL m: in Floyd Co, KY d: June 24, 1860 in Stambaugh,
Johnson Co, KY
........................................... *2nd Wife of Samuel S
............................................... +Eliza Hager m:
November 29, 1860 in Johnson Co, KY
........................................... 5 Philip Stambaugh b:
Abt 1798 in Southampton Twn, Franklin Co, PA d: Bef 1840 in Johnson
Co, KY
............................................... +Lucretia Wilson m:
in Johnson Co, KY
........................................... *2nd Wife of Philip
............................................... +Dicey Johnson b: Abt
1800 in Unknown m: May 02, 1833 in Johnson Co, KY
........................................... 5 Lawrence Stambaugh b:
Abt 1802 in Southampton Twn, Franklin Co, PA d: Abt 1848 in Cass Co,
............................................... +Elizabeth Runnels m:
March 26, 1821 in Floyd Co, KY
........................................... 5 Frederick Stumbo b:
1804 in Martinsburg, Berkeley Co, WV d: 1876 in Floyd Co, KY
............................................... +Nancy Thornesberry
b: Abt 1810 in VA m: 1824 in MD
............................... 4 Frederick Stumbaugh b: 1764-1765
in York Co, PA
d: December 1799 in Southampton Twn, Franklin Co, PA
................................... +Barbara
........................................... 5 John Stumbaugh b:
March 26, 1794 in Southampton Twn, Franklin Co, PA d: May 27, 1874 in
Shippensburg, Cumberland Co, PA
............................................... +Rebecca Shearer b:
February 29, 1804 d: July 29, 1869 in Shippensburg, Cumberland Co, PA
........................................... *2nd Wife of John
............................................... +Leah Shearer b: Abt
1790 in PA
m: Abt 1816 in Franklin Co, PA d: March 19, 1834 in Shippensburg,
Cumberland Co, PA
........................................... 5 Frederick Stumbaugh b:
November 18, 1797 in Franklin Co, PA d: Abt 1852
............................................... +Mary (Polly)
Plasterer b: May 07, 1806 in Southampton Twn, Franklin Co, PA d: 1867
in Clinton Co, IA
............................... 4 Elizabeth Stumbaugh b: February
15, 1768 in Cumberland Co, PA
.................... 3 Johann Peter Stumbaugh b: February 11,
1728/29 in Kutzenhausen, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France d: October 1812 in
Cumberland Co, PA
........................ +Catharine
............................... 4 Anna Maria Stumbaugh b: in York
Co, PA
................................... +Christian Erdinger m: 1771
........................................... 5 Johannes Erdinger b:
October 03, 1778 in Southampton, Franklin Co, PA
........................................... 5 John Peter Erdinger b:
July 22, 1782 in Southampton, Franklin Co, PA
........................................... 5 Maria Magdalena
b: January 29, 1785 in Southampton, Franklin Co, PA
........................................... 5 Philip Erdinger b:
April 15, 1791 in Southampton, Franklin Co, PA
............................... 4 Maria Susanna Stumbaugh b: in York
Co, PA d: Bef 1807
................................... +John Frederick Shepfly m:
........................................... 5 Johannes Peter Shepfly
b: September 02, 1786 in Southampton, Franklin Co, PA
........................................... 5 Friedrich Shepfly b:
November 09, 1787 in Southampton, Franklin Co, PA
........................................... 5 Magdalena Shepfly b:
January 09, 1789 in Southampton Twn, Franklin Co, PA
............................... 4 Christina Stumbaugh b: in York Co,
PA d: Bef 1812
................................... +Michael Widtmyer
........................................... 5 William Widtmyer b:
January 16, 1776 in Southampton, Franklin Co, PA
............................... 4 Maria Elizabeth Stumbaugh b: in
York Co, PA

................................... +James Jacob Shoaf b: Abt 1750 in
Franklin Co, PA
d: Abt 1813 in Franklin Co, PA
........................................... 5 Maria Elizabeth Shoaf
b: October 23, 1780 in Southampton Twn, Franklin Co, PA
........................................... 5 Christian Shoaf b:
December 04, 1788 in Southampton Twn, Franklin Co, PA
........................................... 5 Jacobus Shoaf b: May
03, 1791 in Southampton Twn, Franklin Co, PA
........................................... 5 Jacob Shoaf b: January
09, 1794 in Southampton Twn, Franklin Co, PA
............................... 4 Anna Margreth Stumbaugh b: in York
Co, PA d: Bef 1812
............................... 4 Maria Barbara Stumbaugh b: Abt
1747 in York Co, PA
d: Bef 1812
................................... +Johann Benjamin Cuhne m: Bef
1771 in Cumberland Co, PA
........................................... 5 Johann Heinrich Cuhne
........................................... 5 Johann Peter Cuhne b:
November 06, 1772
........................................... 5 Maria Elisabeth Cuhne
b: June 19, 1774 in Cumberland Co, PA
........................................... 5 Catharina Cuhne b:
March 12, 1778 in Cumberland Co, PA
............................... 4 Catherine Stumbaugh b: Abt 1756 in
York Co, PA
d: July 04, 1847 in Greensburg, Franklin Co, PA
................................... +Jacob Keyser b: September 08,
in Germantown, Philadelphia Co, PA m: April 08, 1775 in Lancaster Co,
d: January 13, 1835 in Shippensburg, Franklin Co, PA
........................................... 5 Catharina Keyser b: in
Southampton Twn, Franklin Co, PA
........................................... 5 Jacob Keyser b: June
04, 1787 in Southampton Twn, Franklin Co, PA
........................................... 5 Jacob Keyser b:
January 24, 1789 in Southampton Twn, Franklin Co, PA d: November 16,
1857 in PA
............................... 4 Maria Magdalena Stumbaugh b:
January 09, 1760 in York Co, PA d: April 02, 1828 in Cumberland Co,
................................... +Peter Seifart m: Bef 1778 in
Cumberland Co, PA
........................................... 5 Peter Seifart b:
January 28, 1778 in Southampton, Franklin Co, PA
............................... *2nd Husband of Maria Magdalena
................................... +Johannes Pague b: August 25,
m: Bef 1785 in Cumberland Co, PA d: December 04, 1817 in Shippensburg,
Twn, Cumberland Co, PA
........................................... 5 Johannes Pague b:
March 25, 1782 in Cumberland Co, PA
........................................... 5 Maria Susanna Pague b:
October 16, 1785 in Cumberland Co, PA
........................................... 5 Johann Phillip Pague
b: January 09, 1788 in Cumberland Co, PA
........................................... 5 Peter Pague b: April
30, 1790 in Cumberland Co, PA
d: August 21, 1861 in Cumberland Co, PA
........................................... 5 Jacobus (James) Pague
b: July 08, 1792 in Cumberland Co, PA
........................................... 5 Samuel Pague b:
January 13, 1795 in Cumberland Co, PA d: April 17, 1867
........................................... 5 Jacob Pague b:
November 28, 1799 in Cumberland Co, PA d: 1865
.................... 3 Johann Philip Stambaugh b: June 09, 1731 in
Kutzenhausen, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France d: Abt 1809 in York Co, PA
........................ +Anna Maria
............................... 4 John Michael Stambaugh
............................... 4 ELIZABETH STAMBAUGH
............................... 4 John Henry Stambaugh b: May 15,
1760 in York Co, PA
d: April 15, 1833
............................... 4 Susanna Stambaugh b: Abt 1765 in
York Co, PA
d: December 20, 1836

Hope this helps.

Warm regards,
Stan Stumbo 
Family: Stambach, Felix / Wehrling, Anna Marie (F5244)
327 In the 1850 census, James M. Franklin, white head of household, is listed with Lucy Valentine, mulatto, and her three children, Paulina, Thomas, and Rachel Valentine, in the household. They are not recorded as part of a slave schedule. The question arises as to the relationship between James and Lucy, as the law barred marriage between a white man and a mulatto (free or enslaved). It is not certain from this census that James was the father of these children.
It is noteworthy that the same census sheet indicates several other mulattoes residing in the neighborhood. 
Franklin, James M. (I86877)
328 Vivian Evans has his middle name as McSpadden Fairchild, Isaiah Ruben McSpadden (I263960)
329 !BIRTH: IGI 872 lists same date but bpl as , Letcher, KY (we had no bpl). IGI 874 adds town of Partridge. (1/05ad)

!MARRIAGE: Geri Ball Note: Marriage info from Jackie Owen's book. IGI 867,68 lists '16 Jan 1879 of ,, KY' (we have '06 Feb 1877 in ,,KY' No change. (1/05ad)

!PARENTS: IGI 874,75,76 confirms parents (spells mother's name CATHERINE; we had a 'or' of Katherine. IGI 869,70,71 adds StoP: 12 Jul 1977 LANGE. hillips K 
Lewis, David Collier (I72005)
330 !DEATH: State of Arizona Death Certificate #D102. Rhoda May Langford, born Januar 30, 1895 at age 79, died February 2, 1974 at Good Samaritan Hospital in Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona. SS# 527-12-1774. Cause of Death Acute Myocardian Infarction and prev myocardial infarctin; hypo-thyroidism and atrial fibrilation played a part. She was living at 1148 N. 18th Pl., Apt #1.

!History: Grandpa Brewer was always the "big boss" even after Grandmother
married John C. Langford. Grandpa Brewer filed a claim in Oklahoma and moved to
Ogden, Utah when Rhoda was a teenager. He got mad at the church members and
took Rhoda to Kelsey, Texas, to stay with a family named Bailey to go to High
School. She boarded with them. He moved the family later to Houliann, Texas,
close to Kirkland. This is where Rhoda met John C. Langford.

Rhoda joined the Church of Christ after marrying John C. Langford but the LDS
didn't excommunicate her.

!History: Grandpa Brewer was always the "big boss" even after Grandmother
married John C. Langford. Grandpa Brewer filed a claim in Oklahoma and moved to
Ogden, Utah when Rhoda was a teenager. He got mad at the church members and
took Rhoda to Kelsey, Texas, to stay with a family named Bailey to go to High
School. She boarded with them. He moved the family later to Houliann, Texas,
close to Kirkland. This is where Rhoda met John C. Langford.

Rhoda joined the Church of Christ after marrying John C. Langford but the LDS
didn't excommunicate her. 
Brewer, Rhoda May (I114607)
331 !NAME: IGI 280 lists John Dock Coldiron. IGI 286 lists John Daniel. (7/04ad)

!SOURCE PLUS MARIAGES: DEATHS: BIRTHS: Geri Ball Notes: Bible record of John D. Coldiron (in his hand) copied by Geri Ball July 1968. This was in the hands of Hugh Baker, decendant of Daniel and Lucinda (Coldiron)
John D. Coldiron and Martha Nance md April 1st 1847
Taylor Coldiron and Polly Wells md Febr'y 2 1868
William Wells and Nancy Coldiron md Jan'y 3 1870
Justice P. Brewer and Silvania Coldiron md March 21 1871
Alvira Coldiron and J.C. Napier was married July 13 1871
E.W. Robinson and Leah Coldiron was married Jan'y 14 1873
William Coldiron and Mary Hornsby was married March 6 1879
O.H. Brewer and Charity Coldiron was married Dec'br 20 1881
Frederic Coldiron and Elen Hornsby was married Dec'br 14 1884
William Coldiron and Emily More was married Oct'br 7 1886
Loushaby Howard and Wile Baker was married Dec'br 9 1886
John H. Coldiron and Marths Rawling was married Aprl 30 1891
Rachel Coldiron deceased June 3 1873
Taylor Coldiron was shot Jan'y 22 1873, deceased Febr'y 9 1873 lived 18 days
Leah Coldiron deceased Aprl 21 1884
William Coldiron deceased July 4 1878
Alvira Napier deceased June 3 1887
Mary Coldiron deceased Jan'y 31 1885
Sary Nance deceased Novm'br 2nd 1871
Frederic Nance deceased Novm'br 28 1881
Justice T.(?) Brewer deceased Novm'br 25 1891
Nancy Wells deceased Dec'br 24 1891
Alice Baker deceased Jan'y 14 1892
John M. Brewer deceased Oct'br 26 1891
Martha Coldiron deceased Sept'br 26 1911
John D. Coldiron deceased Oct'br 18 1912
John D. Coldiron of Harlan Co Ky married Martha Nance of Clay Co Ky on the first day of April 1847 at Frederic Nance in Clay Co Ky bu Rev John Dickinson. witness: Milton E. Howard, Polly Morgan
John D. Coldiron was born August 17th 1826
Martha Nance was born Dec'br 4th 1828
Taylor Coldiron was born Febr'y 3 1848
Nancy Coldiron was born April 2 1850
Alvira Coldiron was born April 13 1852
Leah Coldiron was born March 1854
Sylvania was born May 28 1856
Rachel was born May 15 1858
William was born March 31 1860
Sarah (Sary) was born March 21 1862
Charity was born Oct'br 5 1864
Lucy M. Coldiron was born Jan'y 6 1867
Fredric Coldiron was born April 29 1869
John H. was born March 4 1871
Lushaby Howard was born Jan'y 16 1867
A.L. Howard was born Jan'y 25 1868
John S. Coldiron was born Sept'br 21 1871
!1850 PERRY COUNTY KENTUCKY: dwell #43; fam #44 John Coldiron, Head of house; white male age 22; born in Ky; farmer; personal property value $200;
Martha Coldiron, wife; white female; age 20; household duties; born in Kentucky. Zachary, son; white male; age 2; born in Ky;
Nancy, daughter; white female; age 1; born in Kentucky.
!1860 CLAY COUNTY KENTUCKY: page 56, dwell #359, family #359, Manchester, Kentucky, taken 13 June 1860.
John D. Coldiron, age 33; white male; farmer; real estate value $1000; personal property value $700; born in Harlan County Kentucky. Martha, age 31; wht female; born in Clay County Kentucky. Taylor, age 12; wht male, born in Clay County Kentucky
Nancy, age 10; wht female, born in Clay County Kentucky
Alvira, age 8; wht female, born in Clay County Kentucky
Leah, age 6; wht female, born in Clay County Kentucky
Slyvania, age 4; wht female, born in Clay County Kentucky
William, age 2/12; wht male, born in Clay County Kentucky
!1870 CLAY COUNTY KENTUCKY: Taken 28 July, page 37, dwelling and family #272,
Post Office of Manchester, District 32, Precenct 1.
John D. Coldiron, age 44, male, white, farmer, real estate value $2500,
personal property $2000. He was born in Kentucky. Living with wife,7 children
Martha, age 41, female, white, housekeeper, born Kentucky.
Leaah (sic), age 16, female, white at home, born in Kentucky.
Sylvania, age 14, female, white, at home, born in Kentucky.
William, age 10, male, white, works on farm, born in Kentucky, in school. Sarah, age 8, female, white, born in Kentucky. Charity, age 5, female, white, born in Kentucky. Lucinda, age 3, female, white, born in Kentucky. Frederick, age 1, male, white, born in Kentucky, born in census year in April. William Lunceford, age 11, male, white, bound boy, born in Kentucky, in school.
Theophilus Hucker, age 8, male, white, hired servant, born in Kentucky.

!1880 CLAY COUNTY KENTUCKY: Vol 6, ED 25, Sheet 34, Line 33, Pct #1 Manchester,
John D. Coldiron, white male, age 53, born in Kentucky, a farmer, mother born
in Kentucky. Place of birth for father left blank. Children at home were:
Charity, daughter, age 15, occupation keeping house and in school
Lucinda, daughter, age 13, unemployed
Frederic, son, age 11, farm laborer
John, son, age 9
Lushaba Howard, niece, age 13, unemployed, both parents born in Kentucky.
Albert Howard, nephew, age 11, farm laborer
John H. Howard, nephew, age 9

!1900 CLAY COUNTY KENTUCKY, ED 34, SD 11, Laurel Creek, 6/11/1900:

!dwell fam Name Birth Age Md #YR Bn S Fa Mo Ocp O/R F/M
161 161 John D. Coldiron Aug 1826 73 M 53 Ky Ky Ky farm O F
Martha Coldiron Dec 1828 71 M 53 Ky Ky Ky

!1910 CLAY COUNTY KENTUCKY: ED 51, SD 11, Laurel Creek, 4/25/1910:
Shows that both John and Martha are still alive and living on their own farm
but John is not farming, declares he has his own income and they have a live-in
servant, Hattie Runyens, age 15, living with them. They were dwelling #131 and
their children were living close by. This may mean that John had divided part
of his holdings prior to his death or it may mean that they had purchased land

!MISC: Family all buried at Coldiron Cemetery located at Brown Mission Church
near Highway 1/2 way between Burning Springs and W. Oneida.

!HISTORY: Coldirons were First Christians and Tobacco Farmers.

Laurel Creek, Kentucky
July 2, 1966

Dear Mrs. Ball,
I have your letter concerning the Coldiron Family. I am glad to send what
information I have. Most of this comes from tombstones in the Coldiron Cemetery
The cemetery is part of the land formerly owned by John D. Coldiron and
was donated by him. I heard that Leah Coldiron, his mother, was the first
person buried in the cemetery. The cemetery is one mile from my home, we
attend the Brown Mission Christian Church, which most of the Coldirons attended,
it is mear the cemetery, also on part of the farm that John D. once owned. It
is located 8 miles northeast of Manchester, Ky. on highway 11 leading to
Oneida, Ky.
My grandmother, Lushaba Howard Baker, was the niece of John D. Coldiron,
her parents lived in Harlan County, Kentucky and died when she was a small
child. John D. cared for the three children after the death of their parents.
This is all the information that I have, hope it will help you.

! Sincerely,
Florence Baker

!P.S. I have the records of the Church will send the oldest ones when I get
them copied. fb (she never sent them)


!Leah Coldiron (Mother of John D.) Rachel Coldiron (dau Wm & Mary Hornsby)
Born --- 1808 Born January 6, 1881
Died April 21, 1884 Died December 4, 1961
Married William Campbell
John D. Coldiron Three children:
Born August 17, 1826 Cora Goforth
Died October 13, 1912 Dallas Campbell
Married April 1, 1847 Ella Campbell
Martha Nance
Born December 4, 1827
Died September 26, 1911

!Lucy Coldiron (dau of John D. & Martha)
Died --- 1963
Married --- John S. Howard
Daniel Baker Born September 21, 1871
Born --- 1860 Died February 27, 1931
Died --- 1940 Married
Martha McDaniel
Leah Coldiron Born September 26 1884
Born March 28, 1854 Died August 17, 1963
Died December 1, 1951 Eight children:
Married --- Mildred
Lige Robinson Helen
John Combs Lena
John H. Coldiron (son of John D. A. T.
Born --- 1871 & Martha) Daisy
Died --- 1963 Carl
Married April 30, 1891 Edith
Martha F. Rawlings
Born --- 1869 Lushaba Howard (My grandmother)
Died --- 1944 Born January 12, 1867
Died September 19, 1943
William Coldiron Married December 9, 1886
Born --- 1860 Wiley Baker
Died --- 1939 Born April 17, 1867
Married March 6, 1879 Died June 11, 1950
Mary Hornsby 4 children
Born --- 1853 John Baker
Died --- 1884 Beverly (My father)
Fred N. Coldiron Dewey
Born April 29, 1870
Died February 23, 1959 Lincoln Howard
Wife unknown Born ---
Died ---
Sylvania Coldiron Married ---
Born May 28, 1856 Sarah Rawlings
Died November 20, 1943 2 children
Married Homer Howard
J. P. Brewer Mae H. Mayhew
W. M. Brewster

!Martha Coldiron Brewer (dau Fred N. Coldiron)
Born May 26, 1890
Died November 16,1962

!Mary Coldiron (Sister of John D.)
Married Calvin Howard
3 children:
Lushaba Howard
Lincoln Howard
John S. Howard

The following notes are from the records of Otto Coldiron:

! Death date listed in Bible record of John D. Coldiron, in hands of one of the

!MARRIAGE: John D. Coldiron and Martha NANCE were married 1 April 1847 by Rev.
John Dickinson and witnessed by Milton E. Howard and Polly Morgan.

!MARRIAGE: Records of Marriage in Clay County Kentucky 1807-1851, page 17.
Coldiron, John, son of William, Sr. to Nance, Martha, daughter of Frederic
Nance, f. 27 March 1847. (Seems to have been some difference between the taking
out of the marriage license and the actual wedding.) John D.'s Bible record
supports the former.

!In Harlan Footprints, there is a reference to John D. Coldiron (about data
taken from a monument in Clay Co.??).

!Have another marriage date of 1 Apr 1847, compiled by Mrs. Leah
O'Donnal of Arizona from Mormon records [supposedly from Clay Co. Ky.
marriage records]. Sent to me by Kara Lee Coldiron. 1 April 1847
marriage date is also from a family bible record [of which I have a copy].

!Much of this data on John Dock's family is from Mrs. Charles E. Lewis.

!See letter from Dr. D. F. Coldiron dated 30 March 1952, written to Kara
Lee Coldiron. In it, he says: "Abner Lewis Coldiron, my grandfather had
two brothers, Calvin and John, settle or locate in Clay Co., KY. about 40
miles Northwest of Harlan, Ky."

!An article by Holly Fee confirms that he settled in Clay Co., Ky. He and
his family were in Clay Co. in the 1880 census.

!He was a farmer.

!Talked to Robert Potter Coldiron III on 25 Nov 1990. He said John Dock's
birthday was 17 Aug 1825 (from death certificate). Said he was buried
19 Oct 1912, and died from Brights disease. Said he was paralyzed. He
was a farmer and a retired merchant.

!I have received copies of the family bible from two sources which list
the children with birthdates, deathdates, and marriage dates in most

!Death cert. Vol 34 (14), #16924.

!LDS ORDINANCES: These have been performed many times and places and I have
been able to locate not only thoses done by Orville Brewer (at the urging of my
GGmother Brewer) in 1921 at the Salt Lake Temple, but also in 1972 in Las
Angeles, 1990 in Salt Lake, 1991 in Chicago, etc. I have put down what was
done by Orville Brewer because I feel that they would know the names, dates and
people better.-- G. Ball 
Coldiron, John D. (I114900)
332 1930 US > Kentucky > Letcher > Jenkins > Dist 4
8 April 1930 > Sheet No 4A > Stamped 46

16 2312 57 56 Breeding, Floyd Head R 11 N M W 27 M 20 N Y KY KY KY Brakeman Coal Mine
17 Vina Wife F W 21 M 14 N Y KY KY KY
18 Boyd Son M W 05 S N KY KY KY
19 Richard Son M W 03 1/12 S KY KY KY
20 Sexton, Garnette SIslaw F W 15 S N Y KY KY KY


1940 US > Kentucky > Letcher > Other Places > 67-2
29 May 1940 > Sheet No 25B
Cally Creek in Margin

64 393 R 2.00 Y Breeding, Floyd Head M W 38 M N8 VA Same Place 1 Apr 1935 Miner Coal Mine
65 Minnie Wife F W 24 M N8 KY Same Place 1 Apr 1935
66 Boyd Son M W 15 S Y8 KY Same Place 1 Apr 1935
67 Richard Son M W 12 S N6 KY Same Place 1 Apr 1935
68 Marion Dau F W 07 S N1 KY Same Place 1 Apr 1935
69 Peggy Dau F W 04 S N0 KY
70 Betty Dau F W 03 S N0 KY

Breeden1 - The Breeden family Of Virginia and parts West. 
Breeding, Floyd C. (I122893)
333 Amos "Walt" Walter Watson b 26 Feb 1923, Ashcamp, on Elkhorn
Creek, Pike Co. Ky. Served as a baker in Verden , Niedersachsen
(GERMANY) and in France during WWII. Worked for Volvo White.
He mar on 26 Jul 1943, Pikville, Pike Co. Ky to Beunos M. Phipps b 24
Aug 1917, Clintwood, Dickenson Co, Va.

Ch1 Patty Sue Moore b 16 Apr 1944 Mar
Kenneth Moore. Divorced,
lives in Columbus, OH

Ch2 Jerry Wayne Watson b 7 Oct 1946 Mar
Nely Bartel b
21 Jun 51, McPherson Kansas
Ch.1 Edward Glen Watson b 23 Jan 1971 Orrville, Wayne
County, Ohio Mar 3 Oct 1992 Brenda Kaye Zimmerly.
Adopted and became a Holt upon mother's re-marrage to Michael Duane
Holt . He is now (1-1-1997) serving in the U.S. Navy at Sabana Seca
Puerto Rico. Nely later divorced Michael Duane Holt, and mar on 1 Jun
1985 to Larry Cadmen Harris b 22 Jul 1941, Sutton Wva, Braxton County.
They now live on Lakeview Dr, Wooster Ohio.
Divorced Nely Bartel. Mar Shanan Sirman 15 Jun 1974, New
Bounls.TX. Retired from the Air Force and lives in Arkansas.
Ch1 Jeffery D. Watson b 2 Apr 1975, Canada. Now Lives in Alaska
Ch2 Brandee Marie Watson b 22 Mar 1977, Aurora, Co

Ch3 Walter Franklin "June Bug" Watson JR. b 6 Feb
Pikeville, Pike Co. Ky. Mar. 22 Oct 1968 Cynthia Ann "Cindy"
McConnell b 1 Jul 1949 and now live in Tuscon Az.
Ch1 Angela Dawn Watson b 1 Apr 1969 Mar. 15 Aug 1986 Eric Luis
Cabrera b 17 Apr 1967. Divorced Eric and later married Robert Cabrera
Ch1 Michael Louis Cabrera b. 3 Jan 1988
Ch2 Brent Tyler Cabrera b. 15 July 1992

Ch2 Natasha Lynn "Tasha" Watson b. 24 Aug 1971 Mar on 21 Feb 1992
to Greg Lee Dean b 9 Feb 1971
Ch1 Asia Leandra Dean b 3 Feb 1995
Ch2 Twin Girls b 11 June 1996, stillborn at six months

Ch4 Kennith Allen Watson b 1 Feb 1958, Orrville
OH. Mar. Betsy who had three chilren Sean, Tom, and Amanda.
Later married Karon Forrer b in Dalton Ohio Mar on 24 Apr 1984. They
now live in Mansfield, Ohio 
Family: Watson, Amos Walter / Phipps, Buenos Myrl (F4290)
334 Ancestry.com and Ohio Department of Health, Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2002 (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2006). Source (S825)
335 Ancestry.com and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2005), United States of America, Bureau of the Census, Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1880. Source (S819)
336 Ancestry.com, 1850 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2005), United States of America, Bureau of the Census, Seventh Census of the United States, 1850, Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1850. Source (S817)
337 Ancestry.com, 1860 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2004), United States of America, Bureau of the Census, Eighth Census of the United States, 1860, Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1860. Source (S815)
338 Ancestry.com, 1870 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2003), 1870. Source (S816)
339 Ancestry.com, 1900 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2004), United States of America, Bureau of the Census, Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900, Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1900. Source (S814)
340 Ancestry.com, 1910 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2006), United States of America, Bureau of the Census, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1910. Source (S820)
341 Ancestry.com, 1920 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2005), United States of America, Bureau of the Census, Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1920. Source (S821)
342 Ancestry.com, 1930 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2002), United States of America, Bureau of the Census, Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930, Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1930. Source (S822)
343 Ancestry.com, California Death Index, 1940-1997 (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2000), State of California, California Death Index, 1940-1997, Sacramento, CA, USA: State of California Department of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics. Source (S818)
344 Ancestry.com, Florida Death Index, 1877-1998 (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2004), State of Florida, Florida Death Index, 1877-1998, Florida: Florida Department of Health, Office of Vital Records, 1998. Source (S830)
345 Ancestry.com, Kentucky Birth Index, 1911-1999 (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2006), Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Kentucky Birth, Marriage, and Death Databases: Births 1911-1999, Frankfort, Kentucky: Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives. Source (S831)
346 Ancestry.com, Kentucky Death Index, 1911-2000 (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2000), Commonwealth of Kentucky, Health Data Branch, Divisision of Epidemiology and Health Planning, Kentucky Death Index, 1911-present, Frankfort, KY, USA: Kentucky Department of Information Systems. Source (S829)
347 Ancestry.com, Kentucky Death Records, 1852-1953 (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2007). Source (S827)
348 Ancestry.com, Kentucky Marriage Records, 1852-1914 (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2007). Source (S828)
349 Ancestry.com, OneWorldTree (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc.). Source (S812)
350 Ancestry.com, Public Member Trees (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2006). Source (S824)
351 Ancestry.com, Social Security Death Index (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2007), Social Security Administration, Social Security Death Index, Master File, : Social Security Administration. Source (S813)
352 Ancestry.com, World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2005), United States, Selective Service System, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. Source (S823)
353 Asberry died as an infant. Walters, Asberry (I120120)
354 Ben initially worked on the railroad as a brakeman. After that he went
into Real Estate and Insurance. 
Middleton, Benjamin Franklin (I114838)
355 Bob was a plumber. He was in business many years with his dad, Gomer,
before Gomer retired.

He died of a massive heart attack on 16 Mar 1989 in Athens, Pa. while at
work in the afternoon.

He is buried in Tioga Point Cemetery in Athens. 
Duggan, Robert Gomer (I114834)
356 Buried in Van Huss Cemetery, Rose Hill, Va. Birth and death dates from

From a Census Report of School Children for Harlan County, taken in the
Fall of 1897, Harvey's birthdate is listed as 3 Nov 1891. He is listed as
age 7. Janette Nolan FGS sent in July 1993 lists his birthdate as 3 Nov
1889. She lists his birthplace as Baxter.

On a FGS submitted by Emerson Coldiron, based on the 1920 Lee Co., VA
census, Harvey's birth date is listed as 1890.

Ed Neal, who runs the restaurant in Rose Hill, said Harvey lived in
Burkeville, Va. for about 20 years. He said Harvey died of a stroke.

Hayward Coldiron said that Harvey lived in Blackstone, VA. Bought a
farm and had cattle.

Harvey and Lona were living on Poor Fork Road in the 1910 census. See
marriage record Vol 18, page 156.

For marriage to Ethie, see marriage record, Vol 16, page 319.

* Birthdate found on Harlan County School records microfilmed by LDS Church. 
Coldiron, Harvey Ledford (I114840)
357 Charlie was named after his great uncle, John Fernando Cope. Helistedhis trade as a wagoner. Walters, Charlie Fernando Norman (I120122)
358 CSA Lee County Rangers 25th Regiment, Virginia Calvary Gibson, James Johnson Jr. (I124055)
359 CSA Lee County Rangers 25th Regiment, Virginia Cavalry Gibson, Pvt George Washington (I124039)
360 Darrel served in the U.S. Air Force from 7 Jan 1957 to 11 jan1961. Hewas a sargeant and served in Spain. He was a retiredcarpenter inLocal Union 113. Deem, Darrel Edwin (I120023)
361 Dorislene's funeral was preached by John Holbrook, the firstfuneral heever preached for a relative. John's mother, Mollie,and Dorislenewere cousins. The text was John 11:1-19. Boggs, Dorislene (I120138)
362 from My Family.com Posted By: Ruth Ann Blevins; Date Posted: Feb 17, 2004
Description: John Ramey "Shank" Wheeler was a Sgt. in the Civil War-Union 68th. Ky. Reg. Enrolled Militia 1864.
John Ramey Wheeler , born August 19, 1820 in Blain, Lawrence County, kentucky He was the son of James Harrison Wheeler and Elizabeth (Ramey) Wheeler. John Ramey Wheeler married 1st. Rachel LeMaster, born April 30, 1821, she was the daughter of Francis "Frank" LeMaster and Eleanor (Jayne) LeMaster. Their children were- James Lee Wheeler married 1st. Mahala Angeline Sparks and 2 nd. Mary Lou Tabor., Eleanor Jane "Nellie" Wheeler married Minton Holbrook., Francis Wheeler married Sarah LeMaster. Joshua Madison Wheeler married Sarah Ann Terry., William Martin Wheeler married Rachael Pennington., Henry H. Wheeler married America Clark., John Ramey Wheeler married 2 nd. Catherine Wheeler, daughter of William Ramey Wheeler and Elizabeth Borders. Their children were- Oliver B. Wheeler married Amanda Terry., Wallace B. Wheeler married Lucy Cordial., Elizabeth Wheeler married Luke Clark., Trenvilla Wheeler married Henry Pack., Isaac Gallop Wheeler married 1 st. Susan Terry 2 nd. Rutha Skaggs., Lucina Wheeler married Garfield Moore., Amous H. Wheeler married Mollie Booth. Nancy E. Wheeler 1857-1858 and Shadrick Wheeler 1859-1859. John Ramey Wheeler died July 27, 1896 in Lawrence County, Kentucky. Rachael (LeMaster) Wheeler died August 18, 1852. John Ramey "Shank" Wheeler and Rachael (LeMaster) Wheeler were my Great Great Grandparents and their son Joshua Madison Wheeler and Sarah Ann (Terry) Wheeler were my Great Grandparents, their daughter Elizabeth (Wheeler) Skaggs married Ferrit Efferson Skaggs they were my Grandparents, their son Loranza Dowe Skaggs married Nola Mae Parker, they are my parents.

John Ramey "Shank" Wheeler and his wives are all buried at the Wheeler Cemetery on Route 201 ,South of Blaine on Wheeler's Branch. I went last fall, looking for their graves, I could not find this cemetery. I am planning on another trip this summar to Lawrence County, kentucky, hope I will find them next trip. Any help with directions to this cemetery would be appreciated. Thanks-Ruth Ann

Photo Date Taken: Abt. 1890; Place Taken: Prob. Lawrence County, Kentucky; Owner: Ruth Blevins 
Wheeler, John Ramey (I231960)
363 Funeral Services were conducted at Big Rock Pentecostal Church with Rev. Orville Collins officiating. Burial at Mountain View Memorial Park Cemetary in Grundy, VA. Potter, Celestia (I108881)
364 Geneva and Bob were married at home in East Smithfield, Pa.

Geneva died at 4:27 pm at the Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre, Pa., on 21
Sep 1992. She had cancer. She had had three operations in the past two
years, the first for colon cancer and the second for intestinal cancer. The
most recent operation was on 18 Sep 1992, where it was discovered that
she had a blockage in her lower intestine. She had been having trouble
keeping food down for several weeks, and got to the point where she
couldn't eat or drink anything without throwing it up. By the time she
got to the hospital for the last time, she was so weak the doctor were
afraid she wouldn't stand the operation, but they didn't have any choice,
they had to operate anyway. She never recovered from the last operation.
During her illness, particularly in the past 3-4 months, she lost
considerable weight, from about 210 to about 150 pounds.

Geneva had a living will, and did not want to have her life prolonged by
artificial means. During her last few days, there was no attempt by the
doctors to prolong life.

I remember Geneva as a quiet, private person. Even in her last few
weeks, she didn't complain and didn't request help for her medical
problems. A few weeks before she died, she was still trying to do her
house chores, including mowing the lawn.

Geneva and Bob were avid collectors of Hummels and antique clocks, plus
other things. They went "antiqueing" or "collecting" many times in the
last 10-15 years of their lives.

She was buried at Tioga Point Cemetery, Athens, Pa. 
Coldiron, Helen Geneva (I114826)
365 Geri Ball Notes: He was killed in a gun battle in the Lynch bathhouse murders in Lynch, Harlan, Kentucky. According to Jacqueline Coldiron, he was the head of security of the Lynch Coal Mine. It was common practice for mine guards and security personnel to also be a Deputy Sheriff. The following story appeared in the Harlan Enterprise on Friday, 13 January 1922 and summarizes the trial of the persons who killed James and two others.

Slayers of Deputy Coldiron Aquitted
Jury In Circuit Court Deliberates Over Night And Return Verdict
Early Friday Morning

"Not guilty," said the jury early Friday morning that tried Jim Stivers, Pitt Stivers, John Burchell and Ted Marcum in the Curcuit Court for the murder of John C. Coldiron, at Lynch in July, and thus ended one of the hardest fought legal battles here since Harlan has been a county. The arguments of counsel on both sides were brilliant. At times acrimonious. At times eloquent. The court allotted five hours in all for argument -- two and a half hours to the side, and the counsel who consumed the allotment were Judge W.F.. Hall and Commonwealth Attorney B.B. Golden for the state, and Ex-Governor James D. Black of Barbourville and Judge Gilbert of Pineville for the defense. Before the first argument began Judge J.G. Forester warned spectators, many of them women, who packed the court room until there was not as much as stand-ing room for one more, to be undemonstrative. But when Judge Gilbert, whose speech was an especially brilliant effort, and who was delivering the first speech of counsel, dramatically gestured and declared it a fortunate thing that Jim Stivers was in the bathhouse at Lynch when the defendants and Lynch officials fought there that bloody, deadly duel, a demonstration of approval apparently unaminous came from every part of the auditormium, followed but heavy raps of the gavel in restoration of order, and this followed by the court's threat to clear the court room of spectators in the event of another demonstration. Judge Hall opened for the prosecution, and his effort was logical and his sentences well connected. He denounced the defendants with interesting description, comparing Jim Stivers to Jesse James, and he accused counsel for the defense of unfair tactics. Ex-Governor Black closed for the defense and Commonwealth Attorney Golden for the State. Golden concluded his able argument at 5 o'clock and the case was then given to the jury. The case against the defendants charging them with the murder of Policeman W.R. Holcomb and Carl Fulton at the time Coldiron was killed were continued to the 7th day of the next term of court. The trial of Jim and Pitt Stivers, Ted Marcum, and John Burchell, for alleged killing of Deputy Sheriff Coldiron in July at Lynch, has attracted much attention since the hour it began, and as it drew near a close standing room was at a premium. Truth to say many people were at the door and could not get inside while those within craned their necks and listened intensely to hear every word that dropped from the lips of each witness for or against the defendants, all of whom are nice appearing. No one of the defendants looks the desperado nor as a bully, just a man able to take care of himself when an opponent presses for a fight. Burchell and Marcum are laddish looking. Marcum is but a lad. He is but fourteen years old. Birchell is but 20, could easily pass for 18. Jim Stivers is 32. His brother Pitt Stivers is 30 and both appear as if time has dealt kindly with them. Though but 20, John Birchell saw military service in France during the World War. He is a comely fellow and intelligent for one of his age. Candor compels us to say all the defendants are intelligent. Pitt Stivers has a collegiate education. Jim Stivers was educated in high school. A strong array of counsel represent the defense. They are Ex-Governor James D. Black, of Barboursville; Judge James M. Gilbert of Pineville; A.T.W. Manning
of Manchester; W.A. Brock; J.T. Bowling and Judge D.Y. Lyttle of this city and two of these argued before the jury for the defense, asking that each defendant be acquitted that they may return to the county from which they came -- Clay.
Commonwealth Attorney B.B. Golden and County Attorney John B. Carter were assisted in the prosecution by all members of the law firm of Hall, Jones and Lee. Judge Hall stated the prosecution's theory of the case in advance to the jury. He was followed by Ex-Governor Black who with apparent telling effect presented in advance the side of the prosecution. For the time Mr. See, the star witness for the state testified until the last witness was examined the general public predicted mistrial or aquittal of all four of the defendants. Mr See was not a strong witness for the State. His demeanor indicated he would like to leave some things unsaid. He at times was unmistakably uncomfortable.
On the other hand the witnesses for the defense were at ease and answered all questions punctually and pointedly.
While the trial was in progress the father of the Stiver boys and the parents of Marcum sat in the court room. The elder Stivers is old and gray and sat with head bowed. The thought of possible ill-fate awaiting his sons weighing heavily upon him. The murders of which the defendants were charged was committed as already stated at Lynch in July. In that town at the time in the public bath house belonging to the United States Coal and Coke Company, one of the deadliest duels ever fought, with guns or other weapons in the state of Kentucky was staged, and when the smoke of battle cleared away three lay dead upon the ground and three lay wounded. The dead were a Mr. Fulton, and, as herebefore related Deputy Coldiron and Policeman Holcomb. The latter two fell dead. Fulton fell and expired soon afterward. A bullet from the 45 New Service Colt Revolver that was fired with deadly aim by Jim Stivers went crashing through Holcomb's brain immediately after Pitt Stivers, sheltering behind a column had cried out, referring to Holcomb: "Jim, he's going to kill me." The trouble arose over an eviction order. Pitt Stivers, Burchell and Marcum were discharged in the morning of the day of the tragedy from their position in the Lynch mines and their hurried departure from the town of Lynch was demanded by officials of the company. 
Coldiron, James C. (I73001)
366 Geri Ball Notes: Marriage information found in Harlan County Marriage Records, vol a, page. Service performed by A. Blanton, Elder B.C. and witnesses were Milton E. Howard and Jackson Long. Family: Howard, Hiram B. / Coldiron, Jane (F47626)
367 He was a soil scientist. Eikleberry, Robert Woodrow (I115032)
368 He was delivered by his uncle, Sylvester Back. Walters, Albert McClellan (I120117)
369 in Shelby County, Ohio 1930 Census Records. Adams, America Ann (I113230)
370 Information on the family of Media and Charlie was provided byJackArrowood. Media was the youngest of 8 children. Thefamily lived onHunting Bays Creek in Breathitt Co. KY. Whenshe was still an infant,her parents decided to follow herfather's brother, Robert E. Lee Bach,to Missouri. They soldall their property with the exception of only afew articles offurniture and personal items to take with them toestablish anew home. Two more families by the name of Holbrookdecided tojoin them and after weeks of preparation and biddingfarewell tofamily and friends, the three families began theirjourneywestward in three covered wagons. They camped at nightbesidethe road. They crossed the Ohio River by ferry, thenpassedthrough Indiana. Media's mother told her that it wasthe"prettiest country" they ever saw. After reaching theirdestinationin Missouri, they discovered that life in this newplace was not whatthey expected. Their savings rapidlydwindled as her fatherdesperaqtely tried to make a living, butthings did not improve andsoon they were "busted". The familyreturned to Breathitt Co. with herfather finding jobs along theway to buy provisions for the family.Not long after theirreturn, her parents were operating a small generalstore andthey regained a firm financial footing and lived theremainderof their lives in Breathitt County. Media grew up onFrozenCreek and married at the age of 15. She and her husband,Charliehad 12 children, for of them dying in infancy andanother died as ateenager. In 1942 they decided to move toMiddletown, Ohio, where theyboth died. Jack Arrowood describedMedia as "a lady of dignity andwisdom who had an exceptionalmemory and exhibited an unshakeable faithin God." Back, Media (I120090)
371 James Johnson was in the 6th VA Reg of the Continental Lines. He was Capt of a company called the James Johnson Company, from 16 Feb 1776 to Apr 1,1777 wheb he became Major and was a staff officer until he resigned 15 Aug, 1777. His residence was given as Lunenburg Co. VA. Johnson, Maj. James Jr. (I116459)
372 Kentucky Death Records, 1852-1953
Name: Samuel Lewis Breeding
Death Date: 27 Aug 1947
Death Location: Letcher
Residence Location: Letcher
Age: 70
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: 31 Aug 1876
Birth Location: Letcher
Spouse's name: Elizabeth Breeding
Spouse's Age: 61
Father's Name: Wesley Breeding
Father's Birth Location: Kentucky
Mother's Name: Sallie Franklin
Mother's Birth Location: Kentucky


1910 US > Kentucky > Letcher > East Whitesburg > Dist 143
18 April 1910 > Sheet No 3A > Stamped 153

25 48 48 Breeding, Sam L. Head M W 36 M1 11 KY KY KY Farmer General Farm
26 Elizza Wife F W 24 M1 11 5 4 KY KY KY
27 Floyd Son M W 08 S KY KY KY
28 Teddy Son M W 06 S KY KY KY
29 Gertrude Dau F W 04 S KY KY KY
30 Hazel Dau F W 01 3/12 S KY KY KY

Breeden1 - The Breeden family Of Virginia and parts West. 
Breeding, Samuel Lewis (I2043)
373 Lewis lived in Orange County VA before 1778. He served several tours of duty in the Revolutionary War under Generals Gates and Nathaniel Greene, He first left on Maryc 11, 1781. He was a private and wagon driver. see pension app;iction #S-8519 Nathional Archives. He was present at Yorktown, VA for the surrender of General Cornwallis on October 19, 1781 He purchased acerage on April 25, 1791 from Stanwix, william and John Hord sold 50 acers to him. He eventually accumulated several 100 acres on the south side of the Smith river about one mile north of Waller's ford. near the present day village of Fieldale, VA known as the Franklin Plantation moved there permanantly during the winter of 1779. He and his wife are both buried atr the family cemetary about 100 yards from the house at his home in Henry County april 1842 another source says he died in Anderson County KY on 8-11-1843 and buried at Busey Graveyard, Glensboro, Anderson County KY Franklin, Lewis (I86882)
374 Linda Lewis-Weissinger, , Source Medium: Other
Source (S810)
375 Liz King, Genealogy of Liz King Jones 1998, GEN report from FTW downloaded in rtf format 7-2-98
Source Media Type: Electronic
Source (S808)
376 married by J.H Lawson at George Yocum's house. Witnesses were W. R. Fitchpatrick and Joseph Hampton
In the 1910 census records of Menifee County, Able and Mary Hampton are living with them in the Beaver Creek district.
In the 1920 census records, George is living with America his second wife and his mother Mary is living there too. 
Hampton, George Washington (I113215)
377 Name: John C HALL Sex: M Birth: 8 Dec 1856 Death: 6 Jan 1920. Father: Morgan HALL b: 16 Mar 1830; Mother: Christine STUMBAUGH b: Abt 1836.
Marriage 1 Mary HAMILTON b: 10 May 1857
Married: 10 Aug 1876 in Floyd Co., KY
Martha HALL b: 1877
Elizabeth HALL b: 13 Feb 1879
Emmitt HALL b: bet 1882-1900
Nancy Jane HALL b: 20 Jan 1887
William Jay HALL b: Dec 1888
Frances HALL b: Feb 1891
Maudie HALL b: Feb 1894
Lona Belle HALL b: Nov 1899. (2/05ad)

William Jay Hall b: DEC 1888 in Floyd Co, KY
Martha Hall b: 1877
Elizabeth "Lissie" Hall b: 13 FEB 1879 in Floyd Co, KY
Nancy "Nannie" Hall b: 20 JAN 1887 in Floyd Co, KY
Mary Frances Hall b: FEB 1891 in Floyd Co, KY
Maudie Hall b: 15 FEB 1894 
Hall, Emmitt (I114260)
378 National Archives and Records Administration, Kentucky 1910 Miracode Index (Provo, UT, USA, The Generations Network, Inc., 2000), National Archives and Records Administration, Kentucky Miracode, Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. Source (S826)
379 Never married. Coldiron, Edison (I115639)
380 No Children by either marriage. Hall, Mander (I84608)
381 Pioneer Settler of Lee County, Virginia.
Revolutionary War Soldier and Indian Figher. He was a surveyor of the road from Martin's Station (Lee County, Virginia) to Cumberland Gap, where the three states of Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky come together.
John Ball is buried in the Cave where he had hidden when he was younger to escape being killed by Indians.
His Mother and brother, William, were killed by the Indians.
John's wife was Mary (Polly) Yeary.
He was the son of George and Kezziah Ball.

1. George Ball (1720 - 1801)
2. John Ball (1756 - 1809)
3. George Washington Ball (1787 - 1852)
4. Arthur Ball (1816 - 20 May 1865)
5. Sarah "Sally" E. Ball Marcum (10 Mar 1842 - 31 May 1923)
6. Rachel Emma Marcum Akers (28 Feb 1865 - 22 Feb 1931)
7. Rev. James Luther Akers (07 Apr 1890 - 24 Oct 1967)
8. Ralph Clayton Akers (09 Mar 1918 - 14 Dec 1981)
9. Pat 
Ball, John (I124072)
382 Preston MULLINS was born on Feb 19 1857 in Dickenson Co. Va. He died
Jul 28 1928. He was buried in Farmer Cem. Rt. 3 Clintwood, VA.. On a
family group sheet from Johnny C. Mullins the birth date for Preston
Mullins is given several dates "7 Feb., 1856 in Wise Co., VA, 19 Feb.,
1857 and 29 Feb., 1844" So it needs further research.

He was married to Martha Anne PHIPPS on Dec 28 1876 in Wise Co., VA..
Martha Anne PHIPPS was born on Dec 12 1858 in Wise Co., VA.. She died
Oct 20 1961. She was buried in Farmer Cem. Rt. 3 Clintwood, VA..
Children of Preston MULLINS and Martha Anne PHIPPS were:

+112 i. Alexander "Alex" MULLINS.
+113 ii. Elizabeth "Liz" MULLINS.
+114 iii. Alaifair MULLINS.
+115 iv. Rose Ann MULLINS.
+116 v. Lockwood MULLINS.
+117 vi. Matilda "Tilda" MULLINS.
118 vii. Edgar MULLINS was born Child. He died Child.
+119 viii. Arnold MULLINS.
+120 ix. Tivis MULLINS.
+121 x. Laura MULLINS.

He was married to Sallie DUTTON UNKNOWN. Sallie DUTTON was born
UNKNOWN. She died UNKNOWN. Children of Preston MULLINS and Sallie
DUTTON were:

122 i. Alice R. MULLINS was born in Sep 1879. 
Family: Mullins, Preston / Phipps, Martha Ann (F4305)
383 Private, NC Line; Indian spy Hall, David Landson Sr (I104241)
384 Rowan KY Marriages: Sarah M. Hall father Samuel R. Ham consent to James E. Hall on 22 Jun 1889 (21 June 1889) su: John Hall

Rowan KY Marriages: Etta Hall age 23 2nd marriage father Ben Baldridge mother Orlene Baldridge to Ed Hall age 41 2nd marriage father Jno M. Hall mother Martha S. Hall on 29 Jul 1911 @Morehead, surety by Chess Hall license, no return

This info on the Debord surname, various spellings, have been collected, compiled and merged from many sources; some more reliable than others. Please contact me for any info on folks I may have that were born after 1907 
Hall, James Edward (I30426)
385 See Early Settlers on the Poor Fork, by Jackie Owen, page 95. This source says "Joseph E. Day Jr. had received a large bottom land farm from
his father on the Cumberland River, plus other land in grants. He built a
white one-story house on the Pine Mountain side of the river and ran the
post office at Este. When the railroad boom came about 1910, Joseph's
widow Mary Jane sold the Day farm up the river and bought a house in Hickory Flats." 
Day, Joseph E. Jr. (I115466)
386 She drowned with husband, Isaac Coleman, and an Indian when returning with Eleazer Folger in a canoe from Martha's Vineyard where they had been to purchase some furniture. Folger, Bethia (I123245)
387 She was an Oneida Baptist Institute graduate. [See page 50 of "Dawn
Comes to the Mountains."] 
Coldiron, Kate Potter (I114282)
388 Shirley Arnold 2008. Source (S811)
389 The Ball family of Middlesex Co., VA. is possibly related to the Ball family of Lancaster Co., VA. from which family George Washington, First President of the U. S., is descended. Actual proof of this relationship is not now available, however, if, in fact, this relationship exists, it is probably in generations previous to Col. William Ball and the Edward Ball, Sr. of Middlesex, which would take it back into pre-colonial England.

Married (1695, Christ Church, Middlesex, VA): Keziah Ozborne (Born: 1674, of Christ Church, Middlesex, VA - 09 Jul 1736, Middlesex, VA; Burial: Christ Church, Middlesex, VA)

Children (12):
1. Catherine Ball (Keeling) (B: 25 Jan 1696, Christ Church, Middlesex, VA) married (30 Sep 1719, Christ Church, Middlesex, VA): Thomas Keeling (B: Abt 1695, of Christ Church, Middlesex, VA);
2. Infant son, Ball (B: 25 Jun 1696, Christ Church, Middlesex, VA);
3. Arthur Ball (B: 1697, Christ Church, Middlesex, VA);
4. Johannah Ball (Blake) (B: 04 Apr 1699) married (24 Feb 1717, Church, Middlesex, VA): John Blake (B: 01 May 1698, of Christ Church, Middlesex, VA) -children (07) Note: Johannah Ball not mentioned in Christ Church Parish Records, Middletown, VA.;
5. Edward Ball (B: 01 Mar 1701, Christ Church, Middlesex, VA - 1742, Prince William, VA) marrried (04 Feb 1724, Christ Church Parish, Middletown, VA): Sarah Owen (Ball) (B: Abt 1704, of Middlesex, VA) -children (05): a. Clemence Ball (B: 15 Jan 1726, Christ Church, Middletown, VA - Jul 1806, Fauquier Co., VA) married (Abt 1747, Prince William, VA): William Dulin (B: 1720, Essex Co., VA - Jul 1801, Fauquier Co., VA) Note: Clemence baptized, 1726, Christ Church Parish, Middletown, VA. b. John Ball (B: 1729, Christ Church, Middlesex, VA - 1764, Fauquier, VA) married: Frances (Ball) Note: John baptized, 1729, Christ Church Parish, Middletown, VA. c. Edward Ball (B: 1732 - 1788) married: Elizabeth. Note: Edward baptized, 1732, Christ Church Parish, Middletown, VA; d. William Ball (B: 14 Jan 1741, Christ Church, Middlesex, VA - 28 Dec 1807, Warrenton, Fauquier, VA) married (1759, Fauquier, VA): Hannah Smith (B: 1740, VA -1825, Fauquier, VA) d. James Ball (B: 1742, Fauquier, VA -1794, Fauquier, VA) married: Anna Chloe Smith;
5. Elizabeth Ball (Smith) (B: 01 May 1704, Christ Church, Middlesex Co., VA) married (07 Feb 1720, Christ Church, Middlesex Co., VA): Joseph Smith (B: Abt 1700, of Middlesex Co., VA);
6. Kezia Ball (B: 31 Mar 1706, Christ Church, Middlesex, VA) married (27 Jan 1724, Christ Church, Middlesex, VA): John Scanlon (B: 1702, Christ Church, Middlesex, VA). Note: Kezia Ball not mentioned in Christ Church Parish Records, Middletown, VA;
7. Mary Ball (B: Abt 1708);
8. Ann Ball (B: 1710-1726) Note: Ann Ball not mentioned in Christ Church Parish Records, Middletown, VA;
9. Phoebe Ball (B: 1711);
10. Daniel Ball (B: 1713) married: Sarah Hackney - children (02): a. Daniel Ball, Jr., (B: 30 Oct 1745, Middlesex Co., VA - 29 Sep 1794, Granville Co., NC) married (1760, NC): Elizabeth Osborne (B: 1746, Salisbury, Rowan, NC - Bef 1788, Granville Co., NC) -Note: children: Elsie Ball, Daniel Ball, William Ball, Osborne Ball, Elijah Ball, John Ball, Mary Fannie Ball, Elizabeth Ball, Benjamin Ball, James Ball, Phereba Ball (is Phereba, the person listed in the will as Ferraba Ball, grandaughter?;
b. Benjamin Ball (B: 1742 - Bef 1810) married: Ann McIntosh McIntyre;
11. William Ball (B: 1716);
12. Benjamin Ball (B: 1719 - 1784) married: Ann Bowen;

Died: 04 Sep 1726, Christ Church, Middlesex, VA

Burial: Sep 1726, Parish Cemetery, Christ Church, Middlesex, VA 
Ball, Edward (I123988)
390 The death date for Betty Jean is mentioned in her father, Ned's

Cope, Betty Jean (I120014)
391 The obituary for Alma reads as follows: "Alma Bessie Cope,88,Middletown, died Monday, June 21, 2004, at the MiddletownRegionalHospital Emergency Room. She was born Sept. 9, 1915 inJackson,Breathitt Co., KY, the daughter of Charles Walters andMedia (Back)Walters. Mrs. Cope attended Towne Boulevard Churchof God. She issurvived by a granddaughter, Debbie Manns ofMiddletown; a greatgrandson, David Edward Manns of Monroe; twosisters, Morene Brewer andNokia McDonald, both of Spring City,TN. Mrs Cope was preceded indeath by her husband, Henry Cope,in 2001; her parents; a daughter,Betty Jean O'Neill in 1980;six sisters, Irene Walters; Alta Deem; MaryJane Amburgery;Virginia Siebein; and infants, Molly Florence WaltersandGeraldine Walters; and three brothers, Albert, and infants,Chesterand Asberry Walters. Funeral arrangements will be at 1p.m.,Wednesday, at the Towne boulevard Church of God withPastor FrankCurtis officiating. Visitation will be from 6 to 8p.m., Tuesday, atthe Breitenbach-McCoy-Leffler Funeral Home.Burial will be in WoodsideCemetery. Walters, Alma Bessie (I120118)
392 The obituary for Ned reads as follows: "Henry Edward "Ned"Cope, bornAugust 12, 1914, died 17 Aug 2001 in Jackson,Breathitt Co. KY, was theson of Floyd and Sarah (Peters) Cope.He served in three CCC camps forfour years. He was a member ofTowne Boulevard Church of God. He issurvived by his wife of 62years, Alma Bessie (Walters) Cope;granddaughter, Debbie Manns;great-grandson, David Edward Manns, andbrother, Joe Gamble. Hewas preceded in death by a daughter, BettyJean O'Neill in1980,;by his parents; his sister, Tressie Cope; and hisbrother,Seward Cope. Funeral services were Monday, August 20, 2001. Cope, Henry Edward (I120015)
393 This hand written will can be found in Will Book #3, page 176, Harlan County
Court Records.

I John S. Howard of Laurel Creek in the county of Clay and State of Ky, Being
of sound mine and memory and considering the uncertainity of this life do
therefore make, ordain, publish and declare this to be my last will and

First I order and direct that my Executors herein after named pay all my just
debts and funeral expenses as soon after my decease as conveniently may be.

Second after the payment of such debts and funeral expenses I bequeath and give
all of my estate both real and personal to my heirs including my wife Martha
Howard who is to be equal heir with the children as long as she remains my
widow but if she remarries she is to be disinherted with the exception of what the children may give her. I further enpower my Executor my wife Martha Howard with the assistance A.L. Howard and T.C. McDaniel to collect any money from any and all parties that should be excluded in this will and also to expend any money for the support or education of each one of my heirs.

Lastly I make & constitute & appoint my wife Martha Howard Executor & A.L. Howard & T.C. McDaniel as assistant Executors of this my last will & testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my hand & fixed my seal this
Feb'y 6th 1912.
John S. Howard

This instrument was on the day of the date hereof signed, Published & declared by the said testator John S. Howard to be his last will and testament in the presents of us who at his request have subscribed our names thereunto as witnesses in his presents and in the presents of each other.
H.L. Morgan
Wm Barrett

State of Kentucky )_ Sct.
County of Clay )
I, S.V. Sizemore Clerk of the County Court for the County and State aforesaid, do certify that the foregoing will of John S. Howard deceased, was this day produced to me in my office for record whereupon the same with the
forgoing and this certificate has been duly recorded in will Book # 3 at page
176, therin.
Witness my hand this 19th day of August 1931.
S.V. Sizemore Clerk
By T.W. White D.C. 
Howard, John Sherman (I114642)
394 This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Source (S757)
395 Various sources, International Genealogical Index. Source (S809)
396 [Willey Family Tree 16 Jan 2005.FTW]

Johnny started playing the guitar at age seven, and was considered an expert at the age of twelve. He went into the Army upon graduating fr om high school and was stationed in Hawaii. After the Army he went t o Long Beach, California where he started his own business and marrie d.

Information provided here is the result of lots of work by many individuals. Delores Willey did not verify each individual. Please use this information as a starting point in your own research. Any errors or corrections will be gladly accepted. 
Holbrook, Johnny Luther (I108339)
397 [Willey Family Tree 16 Jan 2005.FTW]

Polean, Poleana, Pauline.
Besides all the farm work Pauline had, she was also a neighborhood 'do ctor' with home remedies and she was a midwife for twenty-five years . Many times neglecting her own health to go out in pouring down rai n to minister to a sick friend. Her husband would saddle up a horse i n the middle of the night and she would ride off not to return till da y break. She would return with a smile on her face and the news of a fine baby girl or boy. She did not charge and she had a remedy for ev erything.
Her husband bought an apple orchard and they moved. It was during th e tuberculosis outbreak that several of their neighbors became ill an d died. Pauline was usually the first there to help with the neighbor s. She would take over the job of washing, dressing, and folding thei r hands and putting nickles over their eyes. She did this for three generations in one family, a woman, her daughter and granddaughter. Ev eryone around there were kin folk and they just did not do these jobs . She was a blessing to all.

Information provided here is the result of lots of work by many individuals. Delores Willey did not verify each individual. Please use this information as a starting point in your own research. Any errors or corrections will be gladly accepted. 
Hall, Pauline Evangeline (I84610)
398 [Willey Family Tree 16 Jan 2005.FTW]

She taught school as a youg girl and married at 22. She had two child ren, but lost them both. She attended Bowling Green Kentucky State Te achers College and held a life certificate, but kept working on her de gree. She taught until she had a heart attack after teaching for 39 y ears. In 1933 she was commissioned a Kentucky Colonel under the forme r governor, Bert Combs. Her husband also holds the title.

Julia was a great seamstress. She made doll clothes for her sisters w hen she was young and she made her own wedding dress. Her husband wa s a sawmill man. He was injured at the mill and died at 39 years old leaving her with 7 small children to raise. Julia married again to a succcessful business man. The two of them enjoyed lapidary which start ed as a hobby then turned into a business which brought in income for 16 years. She became an authority on gems, stones and minerals. She and her husband reside in Rockford, Ill.

Information provided here is the result of lots of work by many individuals. Delores Willey did not verify each individual. Please use this information as a starting point in your own research. Any errors or corrections will be gladly accepted. 
Holbrook, Julia Belle (I108331)
399 [Willey Family Tree 16 Jan 2005.FTW]

Troy was very talanted, he could make or fix anything. He repaired vi olins and guitars. Troy was one of the best old time fiddlers in East ern Kentucky. He formed a quartet with two of his sisters and a young er brother. They played for silent movies and other occasions. He wa s also a painter and paper hanger.

Information provided here is the result of lots of work by many individuals. Delores Willey did not verify each individual. Please use this information as a starting point in your own research. Any errors or corrections will be gladly accepted. 
Holbrook, Troy Edward (I108334)
400 !Lucinda Fleming married William Mullins/ sof/John S. and Ollie
Mullins. John S. was the son of John Mullins and Ollie Short was the
daughter of Benjaminn and Elizabeth Short. 
Family: Mullins, William Preston / Fleming, Lucinda (F4448)
401 !Manda is the second wife of Stephen Carpenter. Marriage record

found in the Vital Index Records. 
Brock Lax, Manda (I96405)
402 !Martha and Mary Fleming were twins and both died young, probably soon
after birth. 
Fleming, Martha (I10486)
403 !OBITUARY: James Estep, 70, well kown resident of Sitka, died at his home at 8:00 a m Friday, Julyl 9, 1948 following the effects of a stroke suffered last fall from which he never fully recovered. Mr. Estep was born in the county Dec. 4 1877, the son of John and Jane Stephen ESTEP . He was married on Aug 23, 1902 to Sadie Mae STAMBAUGH, who preceeded him in death on Jan. 6th 1939. He later married Kitty Preston, who survives. Mr. ESTEP was a prominent and respected member of his community and was held in high esteem by his many friends and neighbers. He was a veteran of the Spanish American War and a member of the Masonic Lodge of Chandlerville. He lived a devoted Christian life, having united with the Church of Christ at Stambaugh in Dec 1906. Survivors, besides his wife, are the following children: Thurza, at home; Joe and Russell of San Francisco, Calif.; Rusha Jones of Middletown, Ohio; Raymond of Stambaugh, Ky.; Vivian Grant of Wenatchee Wash.,; Redmond and Daisy of Baltimore, Md.; also surviving are eleven grand children Funeral services were conducted by Rev S.C. Honeycutt at the home Monday afternoon, July 12th and burial was in the family cemetery nearby. Estep, James (I120970)
404 !Susannah probably born in 1755 in Amherst. Susannah made her will in Jan 1781, which was probated in Washington county, where she then resided. She left to brother Charles Carter of the same county all her property, which included three negroes, two of whom had been devised to her by her father Charles Carter, of Amherst county. Carter, Susanna (I76125)
405 "Barksdale Family Bills 1782-1900", from the Stampp Collection, reports settlement of the estate off Nathaniel Barksdale by Peter Barksdale (who was sheriff of Halifax Co. VA in 1790).

Barksdale, Nathaniel B. (I390)
406 "Barksdale Family Bills 1782-1900", from the Stampp Collection, reports settlement of the estate off Nathaniel Barksdale by Peter Barksdale (who was sheriff of Halifax Co. VA in 1790).
Barksdale, Nathaniel B. (I390)
407 "Billie"

"Jaw Bone" Neighbor of Hiram, Shadrac & Isham in 1830. Children are
fairly good assumptions. Shadrac bondsman & Sally Terry gave consent.
Ferrin has another Polly Ann b. 1845 m. Will Triplett 13 Feb 1868, Ky.
listed as his child.

Sources: 1. Census 1830: Floyd Co. Ky. pg88 100100000 100010000 2.
Census 1840: Floyd Co. Ky. pg260 121001000 102001000 3. Census 1850:
Floyd Co. Ky. Fam313 pg433 [Slone, age 40, Ky] 4. Census 1880: Floyd
Co. Ky. somewhere [missing in my records] 5. Floyd Co. Annals 1850. 6.
Verna Mae Sloan's Book 7. 1996 research of Darleen P. Flanagan, 1302
East Allen Rd. apt #3, Tucson, AZ 85719 [dod=c1890] 8. 1997 research
of Chris Jackson, E-mail: spritrider@webtv.net [nickname] 6. "The
Sloan Family Genealogy" by Mildred Slone Ferrin, Draper, UT, 1986
[1880 info & pod] 
Slone, William Hall (I15566)
408 "Bolling, John, son of Col. John Bolling, of "Cobbs", lived first in Gloucester county from which he was a delegate in the house of burgesses in 1766-1769. Afterwards, in 1778, he was a member of the house of delegates from Chesterfield county. He married Mary, sister of Thomas Jefferson. He was born June 24, 1737, and died in 179-." Bolling, John Blair W. (I27581)
409 "Bolling, John, son of Col. Robert Bolling and Jane Rolfe, his wife, was born in 1676, in Charles City county. He lived at "Cobbs" in Chesterfield county, formerly a part of Henrico. He was an active merchant and planter and took a large part in politics. He was a justice of Henrico in 1699 and other years. In 1707 he is styled captain and later was major. He was member of the house of burgesses for Henrico in the assemblies of 1710-1712, 1712-1714, 1718 and 1723-26. He died April 20, 1729, leaving issue by Mary Kennon, his wife, John Bolling Jr." Bolling, Maj. John Fairfax (I27595)
410 "Bolling, John, son of Maj. John Bolling, of "Cobbs", was born Jan. 20, 1700, was burgess for Henrico county in the assemblies of 1727-1734, 1742-1748, 148-1749 and for Chesterfield in the assemblies of 1752-1755 and 1756-1758, though he died Sept. 6, 1757. He was colonel commanding the Chesterfield militia, and justice of the peace. He added greatly to the estates inherited by him. He married (first) Elizabeth Lewis; (second) Elizabeth Blair." Bolling, Col. John Kennon (I27569)
411 "Bolling, Robert, a descendant of the Bollings of Bradford in Yorkshire, was son of John Bolling, of the parish of All-Hallows Barking, Tower street, London. He was born Dec. 26, 1646, and came to Virginia in 1660. He engaged in trade as a merchant and acquired large tracts of land. His residence was in Charles City county on the south side of James river in what is now Prince George county. The name of his residence was "Kippax". He was sheriff and lieutenant-colonel of the militia and in 1688, 1692 and 1699 he represented Charles City county in the house of burgesses, and in 1704, 1705-06 he represented Prince George county. He died July 17, 1709. His first wife was Jane Rolfe, daughter of Capt. Thomas Rolfe, son of Pocahontas, and his second was Anne Stith, daughter of Capt. John Stith, of Charles City county." Bolling, Robert (I27603)
412 "Bolling, Robert, Jr., was son of Col. John Bolling, of "Cobbs", and lived at "Chellowe" in Buckingham county. He was born at Varina, Henrico county, Aug. 17, 178, and was educated at Wakefield, Yorkshire, England. He was a man of learning, and wrote "The Bolling Memoir", besides two volumes of verse. He was a member of the house of burgesses for Cumberland from 1761 to 1765, and of the convention of July, 1775. He married (first) Mary Burton; (second) Susannah Watson. Died in 1775." Bolling, Col. Robert Jr. (I27582)
413 "Bolling, Robert, son of Col. Robert Bolling, was born Jan. 25, 1686, and was burgess for Prince George county in 1710-1712; 1712-1714, 1723-1726 and 1727-1734. He married Anne Meriwether and had issue: I. Mary, married William Stark. 2. Elizabeth, married James Munford. 3. Ann, married John Hall. 4. Lucy, married Peter Randolph. 5. Jane, married Hugh Miller. 6. Martha, married Richard Eppes. 7. Susanna, married Alexander Bolling. 8. Robert, married Mary Tabb. He died 1749." Bolling, Robert (I118980)
414 "Bolling, Robert, son of Robert Bolling, and grandson of Col. Robert Bolling, was born June 12, 1730, was burgess for Dinwiddie county from 1758 to 1774. He settled at Petersburg, where his residence was known as "Bollingbrook". He was colonel of the militia and had large estates. He married (first) Martha Bannister; and (second) Mary Marshall Tabb. He died Feb. 24, 1775." Bolling, Robert (I118996)
415 "Bond dated 26, Oct. 1813 by Alexander Pelphry and John Lemaster for a marriage shortly to be had between Alexander Pelphry and Ailsy Lemaster.
This is to certify that I, Ely Memaster do give my unfeigned consent for my daughter Alisey Lemaster to be joined in wedlock to Alexander Pelphry.
Oct. 26, 1813 (S) Ely Lemaster" 
Family: Pelfrey, Alexander / Lemaster, Ailsey (F39488)
416 "Doctor" is his given name, not a professional title. Wright, Doctor William McComas (I232906)
417 "Find-a-Grave website lists his year of death as 1918, but that cannot be correct since hw was enumerated in his parents' household for the 1920 census. Sergent, Andrew Jackson (I133748)
418 "Find-a-Grave" reports her date of death as 16 Jan 1880, but this cannot be correct. She was alive at least as late as 1884, when she gave birth to son Holt, as evidenced in his death certificate. Also, children Turner and Jan were reportedly born in 1880, and she appeared in the 1880 census. Haddix, Ellis (I269644)
419 "George Washington Lafayette Bickley (July 18, 1823 – August 10, 1867) was the founder of the Knights of the Golden Circle, a Civil War era secret society used to promote the interests of the Southern United States by preparing the way for annexation of a "golden circle" of territories in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean which would be included into the United States as southern or slave states. Bickley was arrested by the United States government and it was during this time he wrote a letter to Abraham Lincoln expressing his distastes with Lincoln's handling of the government..." [From Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._L._Bickley} Bickley, George Washington Lafayette (I328118)
420 "He was among the prominent officers of the Halifax Militia. In 1814 he was recommended for lieutenant in the 84th Regiment and qualified. In 1820 he served as Captain, 1st Regt., 1st Division, Va. Militia; appointed Major of Cavalry, 1829; promoted to Lt. Colonel of Cavalry, 1837. [ Halifax Co., . XXXI, pp. 48, 119; XXXVII, p. 194; M.IV, p.67; VII, p. 124.] Barksdale, Col. Elisha (I21905)
421 "Jacob Eversole was born approximately 1760 probably in Lancaster Co.,Pennsylvania. He died on his farm in Perry County, Kentucky, about 1860.He married Mary Kessler in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. After theRevolutionary War they went with a German Colony to Ashe County, thenorthwest corner of North Carolina, where he had brothers and sistersliving. Old records show that members of the colony made cloth out ofcotton and flax. The Ebersohls, (for that is the early spelling of theirname), later returned to Pennsylvania. Later they joined a company ofPioneers who were following Boone to the fabled "Blue Grass" region ofKy. When they arrived, they found many settlers, so they went back to themountain section of eastern Kentucky and bought a farm a mile up theKentucky River, south of Chavies in Perry County, near Krypton. Kentucky,however, was then called Kentucky County of Virginia. Jacob built aone-room cabin here in 1789. In 1800 he built a large two-story log houseon this site. It still stands, and is owned by his descendants to thisday and is one of the oldest land marks in Kentucky. Jacob was a BaptistMinister and not overly endowed with wordly goods. Because he could notspeak English plainly, his congregation left him, but he was laterfurnished with a pulpit when members of his family organized the "OldGrapevine Baptist Church" where he preached many years. Jacob and Marylived to be about 100 years old and left several children."
"From the book, "Perry Co., Ky, a History" the following: 'Jacob settledat the mouth of Lick Branch around 1790, while this was still part of VA.The log house he built in 1802 is the oldest log house still standing inPerry Co. today.' Later in the book, 'Jacob built a one room cabin nearthe mouth of Lick Branch around 1789; in 1800 he built a larger two storyhouse on this site. When Jacob died, his son Woolery continued to live inthis house until the time of his death. Jacob who was a Baptist Minister,was also a miller and had one of the first water mills in this part ofthe county.'"
"I believe both the 'Perry Co., Ky, a History' and 'The EbersoleFamilies,' books are in error as to the date of Jacob's arrival inKentucky. In checking on the birth year of the first 5 males they wereborn in VA and NC and Joseph ws born about 1800. So it would have had tobeen after this time. The 1800 North Carolina census for Ashe Countylisted a Jacob Eversole living there. It said he was over 45 years old,had 3 males under 10 and 2 between 10-16. His wife was over 45 and therewere 3 females under 10 and 1 between 10-16. The 1810 Clay Co. Censuslisted him as being over 45 and his wife.
"The 1820 or 1830 census showed no head of the house listed for JacobEversole. He could be in another household. The 1840 Perry Co. Censuslists in Woolery's household a male and female between 80-90 years old.
"The 1850 Clay, Perry, or Owsley Census lists by name all householdmembers and there was no Jacob or Mary Eversole listed. Unless he wasstaying with his son, Abraham. He is also missing from the 1850 OwsleyCo. Census. So he probably died before 1850 instead of 1860, whichprobably is correct since the 1800 census had him listed being over 45which would put his birth at before 1755.
"John Eversole (Abraham's son) in his 1-31-1898 interview with JohnDickey, said that Jacob died in 1833 or 1834."

Jacob, First Eversole/Ebersol in Kentucky
"Jacob was a wagoneer in the Revolutionary War" (Biggerstaff notes)."After the Revolutionary War they [Jacob and Mary] went with a Germancolony to Ashe Co., northwest corner of North Carolina, where he hadbrothers and sisters. Old records show that member of the colony madecloth out of cotton and flax. The Ebersohls (early spelling of theirname), later joined a company of pioneers who were following Daniel Booneto the fabled "Blue Grass" region of Ky. When they arrived, they foundmany settlers, so they went back to the mountain section of easternKentucky and bought a farm on the north Fork of Kentucky river south ofChavies in Perry Co., near Krypton, Kentucky. It was then called KentuckyCounty of Virginia.... Jacob built a one-room cabin here in 1789. In 1800he built a large two-story log house on this site. It still stands, andis owned by his descendants to this day. It is one of the oldestlandmarks in Kentucky.... Mary and Jacob lived to be about 100 years oldand left several children..." (McKinley, 1991)

27998 total entries, last updated Mon Oct 18 05:50:09 1999
Don Chesnut

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------

ID: I459
Name: Jacob EVERSOLE
Sex: M
Birth: ABT 1760 in Lancaster, PA
Christening: in Went To New R., Ashe, NC After War; In KY 1804
Death: ABT 1833 in Perry Co., KY
Occupation: Baptist Minister, Miller
EDUC: His Pedigree Is Speculative
Religion: Organized The Grapevine Baptish Church
Change Date: 24 JAN 1999

Father: Jacob EBERSOHL b: 1739
Mother: FISHER?

Marriage 1 Mary (Anna Maria?) KESSLER b: 1764 in PA
Married: ABT 1784 in Lancaster, PA?
John EVERSOLE b: 1785 in PA?
Peter EVERSOLE b: 1787 in PA?
Abraham EVERSOLE b: 1790 in PA?; Ashe Co., NC [1794-6 Is Too Late]
Woolery EVERSOLE b: 1794 in PA?, NC [1850 Census Suggests 1794]
Mary "Polly" EVERSOLE b: ABT 1796 in PA?, NC
Sarah "Sally" EVERSOLE b: ABT 1797 in Ashe Co., NC
Joseph EVERSOLE b: ABT 1800 in NC

Eversole, Jacob Joseph (I5482)
422 "Kitteneye" Slone, Isom B. (I15568)
423 "Letcher County Births, 1852-1859" cites reported birthdate of 15 Feb 1859. However, his tombstone lists a birth date of 9 Feb 1860. Campbell, Lewis (I2139)
424 "Neel" Roberts was listed in the western part of the county in what later became Henry, Patrick, Carroll, and Grayson Counties. Roberts, Cornelius Mumbray (I14525)
425 "Ohio Marriages" (Extracted from the Old Northwest Gen. Qtly); Edited by Marjorie Smith; Gen. Publ. Co., Inc., Baltimore, 1986, pg. 219- 1800 Apr 1- Miller, Elizabeth and Ezekiel Rice, by Robert Safford; Washington Co.
Family: Rice, Ezekiel L. / Miller, Elizabeth (F34091)
426 "On this 30th day of May 1826 personally appeared in open Court being a Court of record for the County of Giles which proceeds according to the Course of the Common law with Jurisdiction with the point of amount of keeping a record of these proceedings.

David Hall, a resident of the County of Giles aforesaid, aged upward of seventy two years, who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the provisions by the act of Congress of the 18th of March 1818 or the first day of May 1821, that he the said David Hall enlisted on the --- day --- in the year 1779 for the term of eighteen months in the County of Bedford in the State of Virginia under Captain Epps in the company commanded by the said Cpt. Epps and was marched from the County of Bedford and the State of Virginia to Hillsborough in the State of North Carolina, attached to the regiment commanded by Col. Buford in the line of the State of Virginia on Continental establishment and that the said Regiment to which he belonged was attached to the Brigade of General Gates and that he continued to serve in the said Corps eighteen months, the full term of his enlistement when he was discharged at Salisbury in the State of North Carolina, which discharge he has lost, his ocupation was a farmer, that he was ..... and that he has one son that lives with him named James , about 35 years of age, which son has a family of his own to support and that he has some small grandchildren to support, they being the children of an unfortunate dissipated son who is unable to support them and that he relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension except the present application and that the following are the reason for not making earlier application for a
pension to wit:

That he was in indigent circumstances and being in possession of but little property either real or personal and he would have been entitled to a pension under the Act of Congress passed on the 18th day of March 1818 if he had made application for the same at that time yet he was not willing to become a burden to his county while he was able to support by his labor as a farmer which he was able to do and is not with reluctance that he has thus called on his county for support and in pursuance of this act of the first of May 1820 I do solemnly sware (swear) that I was a resident, citizen of the United States, on the 18th of May 1818 and that I have not since that time by gift, sale or in any manner disposed of my property or any part thereof with the intention to diminish it as to bring myself within the provisions of the act of Congress entitled and get to provide a certain person in service in the State of Virginia of the United States in the Revolutionary War passed on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not nor has any person ............ for me any property or securities or debt due to me nor have any income other than what is contained in the schedule below.

A schedule of this property of David Hall as follows , to wit:
about 20 acres of land worth about sixty dollars, one horse being worth about $30, six head of cattle worth about $26, two sows and pigs worth about $5, one water pail and piggin, two pots, one oven, one pewter dish, bason and six plates and 6 iron spoons worth about ten dollars and he the said David Hall further states on oath that no material changes have taken place on his personal property from the 18th day of March 1818 until the present unless one horse being dead, the other property somewhat the same.

And that he has sold and conveyed to Henley Chapman one hundred and fourteen acres of the poor broken high land for the sum of one hundred dollars which sum the said Chapman has paid me and which money has all been used for the necessary support of myself and family. Sworn and subscribed to in open court the 30th day of May 1826.

I, David French, Clerk of Giles County, do certify that it appears to the satisfaction of the court that the said David Hall did serve in the Revolutionary War as stated in the preceding declaration against the Common Enemy." 
Hall, David (I119108)
427 "Report of the Adjutant General of Kentucky" printed 1866- At the Battle of Middle Creek Nelson Boggs was found dead on the battlefield from rifle fire, and the only Union casualty of the skirmish. Boggs, Nelson Thomas (I343765)
428 "Roster of Captain Joseph Knight's Second Company of Scituate Minutemen, Third Regiment Providence County Militia:" shows membership of:
Private Uriah Franklin, junior 
Franklin, Uriah (I243258)
429 "Summer Jim" or "Jancy"
Grandson Isaac, b. Feb 1890, w/fam in 1900.

Sources: 1. Census 1850: Floyd Co. Ky. Fam313 pg433 [age 15, Ky.
w/parents] 2. Census 1880: Floyd Co. Ky. Dry Creek Twp [age 46, Ky.]
3. Census 1900: Wolfe Co. Ky. Dist #7 [b. Jun 1835, age64, Ky.] 4.
Verna Mae Sloan Book 5. 1996 research of Darleen P. Flanagan, 1302
East Allen Rd. apt #3, Tucson, AZ 85719 subref: Mary Lynn Slone
Bennett [dob,dod,dom, wife] 6. "The Sloan Family Genealogy" by Mildred
Slone Ferrin, Draper, UT, 1986[pob=raven, Knott Co. Ky.]
Slone, James Summer (I8056)
430 "The Joe Stallard Graveyard is near the head of the Middle Fork of Bold Camp, on a low hill about four hundred yards north of the Middle Fork Road. It is fenced with woven wire, but was in bad condition when I was there at ten o'clock, Thursday morning, September 10, 1936." [comments of James Taylor Adams] Stallard, Joseph Henderson (I29543)
431 "This Anthony is sometimes mistaken for Anthony Hall of Berkley County, West Virginia, who died in 1825, in Pickaway County, Ohio." [Atlas D. Hall (adjehall@bellsouth.net), 11/20/2002.] Hall, Anthony (I2829)
432 "Thomas Lincoln is believed to have built a cabin for the Lincoln family before his death in May, 1786. He purchased a 100-acre piece of his property along a creek known now as Lincoln Run in the Beechland neighborhood from Richard Berry, Sr. in 1781 or 1782. The neighborhood was a piece of land created by a horseshoe bend in the Beech Fork River." [wikipedia] Herring, Bathsheba (I24024)
433 "Three attorneys, John Echols, Richard H. Catlett and Henderson M. Bell who opened a law firm in Staunton after the war then expanded into the real estate business with a specialty in the iron and coal lands in western Virginia and West Virginia. Eventually the three had a major role in reorganizing the Virginia Central into the Chesapeake and Ohio." Bell, Maj. Henderson Moffatt (I72789)
434 "Twelve-Toed John" Fleming/Mullins. His Mother was a daughter of
William "Whiskey Bill" Fleming.
Some of John Henry's children would not go by the name of Mullins, but
preferred to be called Flemings. (Their grandmother was a Fleming, as
was John Henry's previous wife.) This John Mullins was better known
some of his relatives. This was partly because he had 12 toes and
because he was a mischievous sort of person and liked to play tricks
people. After he married he moved to West Virginia, near Williamson.
John was listed as John FLEMING Mullins in son, Arbe's obituary??? 
Fleming, John Preston (I11846)
435 "U.S., Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, 1861-1865 - Ancestry.com." U.S., Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, 1861-1865 - Ancestry.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jul. 2014..

Source text: Name:Martin Fraley
Residence:Wise County, Virginia, Virginia
Age at Enlistment:33
Enlistment Date:3 Jun 1861
Rank at enlistment:Private
Enlistment Place:Wise County, Virginia
State Served:Virginia
Survived the War?:No
Service Record:Enlisted in Company H, Virginia 50th Infantry Regiment on 03 Jun 1861.Mustered out on 02 Jul 1863 at Gettysburg, PA.
Birth Date:abt 1828
Sources:The Virginia Regimental Histories Series 
Fraley, Martin (I82797)
436 "Yellow Jack" was mulatto, according to census records. Combs, Jackson (I124404)
437 " Mrs. Blakemore [Lucy Morgan Carter Blakemore] had moved on the Station Camp Creek land in October of 1794 and her husband John Blakemore remained in Davidson County, TN." Morgan, Lucy (I76124)
438 'Bad John' Wright Waits Death in Bed

Famous Feudist and Mountain Peace Officer Has a Record of Thirty Killings.
Unaware Son is Slain
Friend of John Fox Jr., and One of His Characters, Was Foe of "Devil Anse" Hatfield.
WHITESBURG, Ky., Aug. 31 (AP). -- "Bad John" Wright, former feudist, who in later years was respected as an intrepid mountain peace officer, lies at the point of death today at his home in Wise County, Va., near the Kentucky border, unaware that his son, Sam, met violent death yesterday in Pike County, KY.

"Bad John" earned the sobriquet by killing more than thirty men while serving in positions of authority in the border counties of Virginia and Kentucky. All his killings were within the law, his friends hasten to tell, questioners, safe in the knowledge that the events of the famed Wright-Jones feud of forty years ago have long since been forgotten.

The border patrolman, whose age is estimated between 87 and 96 years, was an intimate friend of John Fox Jr., the novelist, and provided him with much material for his books dealing with mountain life. "Devil Jack Tolliver", one of the characters in the Fox novel "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine," was a prototype of John Wright.

"Bad John's" admirers hasten to add, however, that "Bad John was not like 'Devil Jack'. 'Bad John' was not really bad, they say, citing his record as an enfofrcer of the law, whereas Fox's famed character was depicted as a bloodthirsty two-gun man of the hills who killed for the mere fun of it.

"Bad John" in later years became more familiarly known as "Uncle John," and has friends without number in Letcher and Pike Counties, Ky., and Wise County, Va. Sometimes he was called "the Tall Sycamore of the Elkhorn" because of his gigantic stature and his residence near Elkhorn Creek.

Until several days ago, when he was stricken ill, "Bad John" was active as a deputy sheriff of Wise County. He had previously sedrved as sheriff, deputy and justice of the peace in the several counties he patrolled.

The officer was a deadly enemy of "Devil Anse" Hatfield, principal in the feud between the Hatfields and McCoys. "Bad John" was never able to capture "Devil Anse", who died with his boots off in ripe old age. William R. (Cap) Hatfield, son of "Devil Anse" and last survivor of the feud, also died with his boots off in Baltimore several days ago, and "Bad John" seems destined to pass to the great beyond in the same fashion.

"Bad John's" son, Sam Wright, was killed by Melvin Branham during a family quarrel in front of Sam's home in Pike County, Ky., yesterday. Branham also was shot to death, but the coroner's jury was unable to decide who killed him. The jury decided that Sam Wright was slain by Branham.
Wright, John Wesley (I6059)
439 (Deed Book 3, Page 166) Caudill, Sampson (I118814)
440 (Deed Book 3, Page 166 ) Caudill, Sampson (I118814)
441 (Deed Book 6, Page 209) Caudill, Sampson (I118814)
442 (Deed Book 7, Page 514 ) Family: Caudill, Sampson / Hall, Martha (F49077)
443 (Deed Book D, Page 45) Caudill, Isham (I118822)
444 (Deed Book D, Page 45) Caudill, Isham (I118822)
445 (Deed Book G & H, Page 412) Caudill, Jeremiah (I118820)
446 (Deed Book G & H, Page 412) Caudill, Jeremiah (I118820)
447 (Deed Book G, Page 331) Family: Caudill, Isham / Buckner, Elizabeth (F49080)
448 (Deed Book H, Page 227) Family: Caudill, Isham / Buckner, Elizabeth (F49080)
449 (Deed Book J, Page 146) Caudill, Isham (I118822)
450 (Deed Book L, Page 187) Family: Caudill, Isham / Buckner, Elizabeth (F49080)
451 (Deed Book M, Page 360) Caudill, Jeremiah (I118820)
452 (Deed Book M, Page 360) Caudill, Jeremiah (I118820)
453 * Shipper in the "Waring," 12-23 Feb 1728 Bristol for Philadelphia (PRO:E190/915/8). Public Records Office, London Cox, John Joshua (I24405)
454 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Notes for Fitchue James Morrison PHIPPS 15 Jun
Individual note:
!Book, "The Phipps Family of NC & VA", by John Mullins-1982. Pg. 250 1
NOTE conflict on birth date... Crystal gave me this one... the Phipps
book lists 20 2 CONT Nov 1925.

Family: Phipps, Fitchue Morrison / Mullins, Mildred Christine (F4464)
455 02/20/1928 Williamson Whitley Bingham Posie Knox Co Knox Co 15 21
age: 24 widowed age: 17 single
born: Knox Co Ky born: Knox Co
fa: John Williamson fa: Robert Bingham
mo: Dora Williamson mo: Mollie Bingham
by: W M Broughton at: Baptist Church
wit: Frank Epperson and Amanda Mills 
Bingham, Postway B (I110616)
456 1 _UID C513EEED297CD511A32C00A0CC681F0101B8 Family: Reed, Dockie Franklin / Howard, Minnie Susan (F44548)
457 1 _UID C713EEED297CD511A32C00A0CC681F0103D8 Family: Howard, Jarvis Fleming / Stapleton, Audie Hazel (F44549)
458 1--SS# 552-20-0594 issued in California.

Please contact me for correctios and added Families. 
Shepherd, Lonnie James (I106793)
459 1. 1830 Census Tazewell Co., VA

Harman, Adam 0010001 001001 
Harmon, Adam Henry (I105067)
460 1. 1830 Census Tazewell Co., VA

Harman, Henry 0101201 1112001 
Harman, Henry Harrison (I105066)
461 1. 1830 Census Tazewell Co., VA

Harman, Matthias 01112001 0112201 
Harman, Mathias (I105069)
462 1. 1830 Census Tazewell Co., VA

Harman, Matthias 10001 30001 
Harman, Mathias Skaggs (I105082)
463 1. 1830 Census Tazewell Co., VA

Harman, Matthias 111000100001 000011 
Harman, Mathias Sr. (I105065)
464 1114 County Road 4200
Clarksville, AR 72830 
Source (S734)
465 11317. Scent Flower, born June 03, 1517 in At confluence of Dan &Staunton Rivers, Virginia. She was the daughter of 22634. Dashing Stream. Flower, Scent (I27665)
466 116 John Mullins III jioned the Confederate Army and Served
under Col. Menefee and Col. Prenlice. 
Mullins, John Sanders Jr. (I10213)
467 1850 census shows her age as 45. 1860 census records her age as 69. Lasley, Susan (I331594)
468 1850 Index to Illinois Census lists "Peter Mohen" in St. C 447, Belleville. Mohn, Pete (I74)

-- ------------

Williams, Joseph (I85990)
LYDIA BORN (6-12-1850) KY

# 823
Pelphrey, Stephen (I263979)
471 1850 Knox Co., KY
HH # 122-124
Powell, Thomas; 25; M; $400; KY
Esther; 23; KY
Peter; 5
Margaret; 4
Jemima; 1

1860 Knox Co., KY
Flat Lick; HH # 1036
Powell, Easter; 35; Farming; $400-$200; KY
Peter; 15
Margaret; 13
Jamima; 16
Creasy; 7************
John; 7
Elizabeth; 6
Clark; 3 
Powell, Thomas (I110425)
472 1850 Knox County Federal Census
House hold 13-14
Baker, William, 20, Farmer, Kentucky
....Jane, 17, Kentucky

Src: Nasby Mills Book
Frances Jane Mills b. 1833 d/o John & Lucretia Baker Mills, m. Septemb er 1849 in Clairborne Co, TN William Richard "Dick" Baker s/o David Ba ker & Mary Cain. Dick Baker was shot and killed April 1886 by Elliott Baker, a s/o John W. Baker.

Source notes in Nasby Mills Book:
153 Data sent complier by K. Raney: "In Mountain Echo - 4-23-1886 - Jo hn Elliott Baker shot and killed Dick Baker and his son James Baker"
154 "Mountain Echo" newspaper, 4-23-1886. In this article it is state d that a brother of Dick Baker, Daniel C. Baker was also shot and kill ed, and the dispute was over land. Another article dated 3-25-1892 sta tes that Elliott Baker had been convicted and "goes to the penitentiar y for life". Supplied by Maurine (Baker) Moore of Stanton, Ky.
Shot by Eloitt Baker. 
Baker, William Richard (I110560)
473 1850 Scott County, VA, Census Index lists James Franklin (enumerated on 16 Jul 1850 in household #1123 of the Western District) as a farmer, aged 32.

His wife, Elizabeth J., gave her age as 19. Both reported their place of birth as Virginia. They also listed a son, John W., age 1, and a boarder, Wesley Lumpkins, aged 21, farmer.

Their real estate was valued at $500.
Franklin, James C. (I2818)
# 244
LeMaster, John Peter (I20695)
476 1860 Wise county, Virginia Federal Census Family: Sergent, James Henry / Wells, Margaret (F37819)


# 749
Pelphrey, William (I264015)
478 1870 United States Federal Census 22 Aug 1870 Kentucky>Perry>Hazard>p. 23 Henry Fields, 48, Louisa, 38, Robert, 15, Jesse, 14, Peggy, 9, all born in Kentucky. Next door are Jesse Combs, 75, a clerk, Polly Combs, 70, John Combs,14, Ira J. Davidson, 20, a D.Clerk, and Nancy Combs, 70, black, a domestic servant, all born in Kentucky, Combs, Louisa Pratt (I29320)
479 1880 Breathitt Co., KY census has:
Lewis 25 KKK
Mahala 23 "
William 6
Mary J. 4
Armina 2
Hiram 1/12 May

Information on this person found in the 1900 Breathitt Co., Census for Lost Creek:
117. Lewis Campbell 1850, s/o Zach Campbell & Paulina Combs
Mahala (McIntosh) 1855, d/o Fugate McIntosh & Catherine Thomas
Hiram Campbell 5/80
Green Campbell 8/83
Asberry Campbell 4/84
Ellen Campbell 12/88
Gran Campbell 6/91
Chester Campbell 1/94
Logan Campbell 10/96
Also From the 28 page Zachariah Campbell document found at the Kentucky Historical Society, Frankfort, KY 
Campbell, Lewis (I80312)
480 1880 census records his name as ALVIN W. Gray. Gray, Allan A. (I81804)
481 1880 census records his name as ALVIN W. Gray. Gray, Alva Woodman (I81802)
482 1880 census records his name as ALVIN W. Gray. Gray, Joseph Elza (I81803)
483 1880 census records his name as ALVIN W. Gray. Porter, Mary Elizabeth (I81801)
484 1880 census records his name as ALVIN W. Gray. Gray, Webster Clay (I76573)
485 1880 Census, Wolfe County, Kentucky
Birth <1874> KY 
Stamper, George T. (I121409)

# 758

Rice, Andrew Jackson (I22289)
Tackett, Andrew Jackson (I263797)

# 771
LeMaster, Daniel Phillip (I98411)

JANUARY 2, 1920
# 83-85

-- ------------


JANUARY 2, 1920
# 83-85
Tackett, Lewis L (I263764)
Colvin, William (I263690)
# 360
Spradlin, Hamilton Sweatnam (I263806)
LeMaster, Samuel Marr (I264009)
493 1880 KCK
Mayo Henry 31 farms h m KY VA KY
Chinie 20 kh w m [all the rest Ky]
George 2 s
Annie 8/12 d

1910 Knox County, Kentucky
Series: T624 Roll: 489 Page: 78
George Mayo h 32 m 1 10 KY KY KY
Bertie w 27 m 1 10 1/1 KY KY KY
Mary d 6 KY KY KY
Edward brother 17 KY KY KY

1920 Knox County, Kentucky
Series: T625 Roll: 585 Page: 97
Geo Mayo h 42 m KY KY KY
Bertie w 35 m KY KY KY
Mary d 17 KY KY KY
Eugene Asher nephew 6 KY KY KY
Ed Mayo lodger 21 KY KY KY 
Mayo, George (I110598)
494 1880 KCK
Mayo Henry 31 farms h m KY VA KY
Chinie 20 kh w m [all the rest Ky]
George 2 s
Annie 8/12 d

KCK 1900
Murphy China h w f 4-1864 36 w 6-6 [all b Ky]
Mays George s w m 1-1878 22 s
Annie d w f 11-1880 19 s
Findly s w m 11-1882 17 s
Bettie d w f 3-1884 16 s
John W s w m 2-1887 13 s
Murphy Edward s w m 11-1893 6 s 
Mayo, Henry Wilks (I110597)
LeMaster, Jesse (I263727)
496 19 Oct 1857 (Breathitt Co., KY Vital Statistics - Births) John C. B. CAMPBELL, born Leatherwood, Breathitt Co, the son of Zachariah CAMPBELL and Pauline COMBS. (Extracted by Combs Researcher Lynda Combs Gipson from Breathitt County Vital Statistics Book)

Information on this person came from Betty Finger and her database starting at:
Information or additional information on this person comes from a 28 page "Zachariah Campbell" document found at the Kentucky Historical Society.Some information on this person came from the 1900 Breathitt Co., KY Census for Lost Creek.

1880 Breathitt Co., census has:
Breck 21 KKK
Phoeba 17 "
Robert 2
Floyd 2/12 Mar

Turner 26 KKK (single) (brother-in-law)

Armina 14 TVT (servant)

From the xxxxx site:

Brack Campbell was born in 1859, son of Zack Campbell and Paulina Combs, daughter of Wes Combs, Kentucky, in Perry County. Married Phoebe McIntosh, daughter of Edward and Polly McIntosh. To this union were born Lee, Floyd, Kelly, McKinley, Charlie, Julia and Paulina.

He bought two hundred acres of land from his grandfather, Old Lewis Campbell. This land was part of the land Lewis Campbell bought which extended from Lower Big Branch to Hays’ Branch.

Brack was a farmer, a miner, a government worker and a river man. He took rafts down the river and would bring back a freight boat fill of groceries.

His first wife died and he married Rebecca McIntosh, a sister to Leroy McIntosh. She lived at Evelyn in Lee County and owned a large farm with oil wells on it. They could have sold it for a fortune but turned it down. The oil wells played out, causing them to lose a lot of money.

They never had any children.

Brack and Rebecca moved back to his farm at Granney’s Branch at Haddix, Kentucky. He had a son killed in France in World War I. He then drew a dependable check from the government. He raised his children by himself, didn’t get married till they were drown and married. Then he never did forsake his children; he would buy them groceries when he thought they needed them.

He had servants in those days. Rebecca died and he married Nannie Fugate but didn't live with her very long.

He owned the first car and radio around Haddix. The car was a Chrysler and the radio was an RCA with the speaker in the shape of a dog’s head. We would go to his house to listen to Joe Lewis’ fights.

In 1933 he got killed on the railroad at Haddix and was buried in Tharp Cemetery at Haddix. 
Campbell, John Cabell Breckenridge (I80152)
497 1900 Census, Perry County, KY listed William and "Amelda" Pratt, with seven children in household: Sally, John M., Elec Z., Jane, Hiram, William, and Elizabeth. William's occupation was listed as farmer. All were reported to be born in Kentucky. "Amelda" was reported to have given birth to twelve children; eight were reported as living.
The family lived on Mason's Creek. 
Pratt, William Sr. (I1462)
498 1900 Dickson County Census lists Hazel as mother of 13 children, 12
Interred in a cemetery behind Nobel Osborne's old house.on Burke's
Branch of Shelby Creek near Jonancy, Pike Co. Ky. 
McFall, Hazel Althenia (I10355)
499 1900 KCK Upper Stinking Creek HH#204-207?
Gambrell Daniel h w m Jan 1848 52 mx2yr KKK all
Susan w w f Apr 1880 20 mx2yr 2-1
Callaway s w m Dec 1881 18 s
Allen s w m Oct 1884 15 s
Rice s w m June 1888 11 s
Green s w m Aug 1890 9 s
Lilly d w f Apr 1894 6 s
Dewey feb? w m July 1900 4/12 s

1910 KCK E Flat Lick HH#205-216
Gambral Caliway h m w 22 mx1x3yr KKK all
Mary w f w 22 mx1x3yr 1-1 7-1889
Sallie d f w 2 s 
Gambrel, Daniel (I110406)
500 1900 KCK Upper Stinking Creek HH#342-342
Bingham Daniel h w m Dec 1874 25 mx7yr
Jennie w w f Jan 1878 22 mx7yr 3-3
Abijah w m Aug 1893 6 s
Lilly d w f July 1897 2 s
Doxie d w f Feb 1900 3/12 s

1910 KCK East Flat Lick HH#211-222
Bingham Daniel h m w 34 mx1x17yr
Jennie w f w 33 mx1x17yr 4-4
Bige s m w 16 s
Lila d f w 12 s
Doxie d f w 10 s
Charlie s m w 7 s

1920 KCK Barbourville HH#121-127??
Bingham Daniel h m w 42 m
Jennie w f w 40 m
Bige s m w 23 s
Doxie d f w 17 s
Charles s m w 16 s
Vermillion Lila d f w 19 m
Walter sil m w 24 m
Hoskins Sallie sil f w 43 s

1930 KCK Barbourville HH#231-236
Vermillion Walter h m w 35 m
Lila w f w 30 m
Kenneth s m w 11 s 
Bingham, Daniel (I110515)
501 1900 Knox Co. Federal Census
Dwelling 243-243
BINGHAM, Nelson 39, 2-1861, m. 19 yrs, KY KY KY
.. Amanda 40, 3-1860, 6 children born 6 living, KY KY KY
.. Woodford 13, 12-1886, son
.. Sallie 10, 4-1890, dau
.. Parker 7, 4-1893, son
.. Boyd 4, 6-1895, son 
Bingham, Nelson (I110495)
502 1901 HGA Grad. Ward, Henry C. (I121389)
503 1910 Knox Co., KY
E FLAT LICK; ED 105; Sheet 12A; HH# 222-233
Baker, Pallis; 25; mx1x4yr; KY KY KY
Sudie; wife; 23; mx1x4yr; children 2/2; KY KY KY
(Claud); son; 3; KY KY KY
Cleo; dau; 8/12; KY KY KY
_ammons, John H. ; (?)12; KY KY KY
Carns, Wa?; sister in law;19; KY KY KY

1920 Knox Co., KY
Dewitt; Roll: T625_585; Page: 10A; ED: 118
Baker, Pallas D. h 34 m (all b. KY KY KY
...Sudie wife 35 m
...Claud son 13
...Cleo dau 10
...Lion son; 8
...Lilhie?? dau 5
...Woodrow son 4 and 3/12
...Tom J. son 9/12

1930 Washington Co., IN
Franklin; ED 4
Baker Pallas D. h 43 first m@18 KY KY KY
...Suda wife 44 first m@18 KY KY KY
...Claude son 24 KY
...Cleo dau 21 KY
...Lyon son 19 KY
...Tibitha dau 16 KY
...Woodrow son 13 KY
...Thomas J. son 10 KY
...Pallas Jr. son 8 KY
...Netta B. dau 6 KY
...Charles L. son; 2 and 8/12; IN 
Baker, Pallis Daniel (I110697)
504 1910 Yell Co Arkansas Chickalah HH##167-167
Hammons James h m w 57 mx2x5yr KKK all ~1853
China w f w 43 mx2x5yr 7-7 ~1867
Louis H s m w 19 s
China G d f w 17 s ~1893
Willie s m w 4 s AK KY KY 
Family: Hammons, James T. / Bingham, China (F45656)
JANUARY 22, 1920
# 232-235
LeMaster, William R. (I263732)
JANUARY 2, 1920
LeMaster, Alfred Tenneyson (I263994)
# 82-84
Tackett, Carl (I263775)
JANUARY 2, 1920
# 187-188
LeMaster, Hollie (I263749)
PRICINCT 2(30-05A)
# 103-103
Cooper, Ollie C (I263852)
510 1920 KCK Hubbard HH#2-2
Gray E D h m w 51 m KKK all
Marah w f w 52 m
Estal s m w 18 s
Gray Sam h m w 22 m
Cena w f w 17 m
Tressie d f w 1 8/12 s

1930 KCK Hubbard HH#251-252
Gray Edd h m w 65 m@18 KKK all
Mirah w f w 65 m@18
Hubert grsn m w 12 s
Della grda f w 9 s 
Gray, Samuel (I110517)
511 1920 Ky Census
Magoffin Co., Gifford #70
Claude Pennington age 24
Ressie 25
Norma 4
Dora 2

1930 Ky Census
Magoffin Co., Dist 2 #5
Claude Pennington age 36
Rissie 36
Norma 15
Dora 13
Roosevelt 10
Boyd 9
Hassell 5
Dock 3 
Pennington, Claude (I108512)
Smith, Francis Marion (I263698)
513 1920 Yell Co Arkansas Chickalah HH#75-78
Hammons James h m w 63 m KY US US ~1857
Chansia w f w 53 m KY KY KY ~1867
Willie s m w 13 s AK KY KY 
Family: Hammons, James T. / Bingham, China (F45656)
514 1930 KCK Flat Lick HH#80-81
Howard James h m w 43 m@23 KKK all
Ellen w f w 42 m@22
Leora d f w 18 s
Aloin s m w 14 s
Tom s m w 13 s
Bernice d f w 11 s 
Howard, James Matt (I110392)
515 1930 Perry Co., KY Campbell dist. Census has:
235-241/9 Allen Chester Head M W 39 M 21 Ky Ky Ky Farmer s/o Ira & Mary Ellen Sizemore Allen
235-241/9 Allen Susan Wife H. F W 44 M 25 Ky Ky Ky nee Campbell
235-241/9 Allen Oma Dau F W 17 S Ky Ky Ky b. 14 Jan 1913 Perry
235-241/9 Allen Crit Son M W 14 S Ky Ky Ky
235-241/9 Allen Ora Dau F W 12 S Ky Ky Ky
235-241/9 Allen Elbert Son M W 10 S Ky Ky Ky
235-241/9 Allen Hargis Son M W 8 S Ky Ky Ky
235-241/9 Allen Lillie Dau F W 6 S Ky Ky Ky b. 16 Mar 1924 Perry
235-241/9 Allen Lullie Dau F W 4 S Ky Ky Ky b. 8 Jan 1926 Perry
235-241/9 Allen Ira Son M W 1 S Ky Ky Ky b. 3 Oct 1928 Perry 
Campbell, Susan (I80321)
516 1930 Perry Co., KY Campbell dist. Census has:
235-241/9 Allen Chester Head M W 39 M 21 Ky Ky Ky Farmer s/o Ira & Mary Ellen Sizemore Allen
235-241/9 Allen Susan Wife H. F W 44 M 25 Ky Ky Ky nee Campbell
235-241/9 Allen Oma Dau F W 17 S Ky Ky Ky b. 14 Jan 1913 Perry
235-241/9 Allen Crit Son M W 14 S Ky Ky Ky
235-241/9 Allen Ora Dau F W 12 S Ky Ky Ky
235-241/9 Allen Elbert Son M W 10 S Ky Ky Ky
235-241/9 Allen Hargis Son M W 8 S Ky Ky Ky
235-241/9 Allen Lillie Dau F W 6 S Ky Ky Ky b. 16 Mar 1924 Perry
235-241/9 Allen Lullie Dau F W 4 S Ky Ky Ky b. 8 Jan 1926 Perry
235-241/9 Allen Ira Son M W 1 S Ky Ky Ky b. 3 Oct 1928 Perry 
Allen, Hargis (I80326)
517 1930 Perry Co., KY Campbell dist. Census has:
235-241/9 Allen Chester Head M W 39 M 21 Ky Ky Ky Farmer s/o Ira & Mary Ellen Sizemore Allen
235-241/9 Allen Susan Wife H. F W 44 M 25 Ky Ky Ky nee Campbell
235-241/9 Allen Oma Dau F W 17 S Ky Ky Ky b. 14 Jan 1913 Perry
235-241/9 Allen Crit Son M W 14 S Ky Ky Ky
235-241/9 Allen Ora Dau F W 12 S Ky Ky Ky
235-241/9 Allen Elbert Son M W 10 S Ky Ky Ky
235-241/9 Allen Hargis Son M W 8 S Ky Ky Ky
235-241/9 Allen Lillie Dau F W 6 S Ky Ky Ky b. 16 Mar 1924 Perry
235-241/9 Allen Lullie Dau F W 4 S Ky Ky Ky b. 8 Jan 1926 Perry
235-241/9 Allen Ira Son M W 1 S Ky Ky Ky b. 3 Oct 1928 Perry 
Allen, Lillie (I80327)
518 1930 Perry Co., KY Campbell dist. Census has:
235-241/9 Allen Chester Head M W 39 M 21 Ky Ky Ky Farmer s/o Ira & Mary Ellen Sizemore Allen
235-241/9 Allen Susan Wife H. F W 44 M 25 Ky Ky Ky nee Campbell
235-241/9 Allen Oma Dau F W 17 S Ky Ky Ky b. 14 Jan 1913 Perry
235-241/9 Allen Crit Son M W 14 S Ky Ky Ky
235-241/9 Allen Ora Dau F W 12 S Ky Ky Ky
235-241/9 Allen Elbert Son M W 10 S Ky Ky Ky
235-241/9 Allen Hargis Son M W 8 S Ky Ky Ky
235-241/9 Allen Lillie Dau F W 6 S Ky Ky Ky b. 16 Mar 1924 Perry
235-241/9 Allen Lullie Dau F W 4 S Ky Ky Ky b. 8 Jan 1926 Perry
235-241/9 Allen Ira Son M W 1 S Ky Ky Ky b. 3 Oct 1928 Perry 
Allen, Lullie (I80328)
519 1st Wife of Andrew Jackson Cox Stamper, Matilda (I121472)
520 201-93100 GRAY, HUBERT 1-1-1919 KNOX BAKER, CENIA filed 11-20-1980
62 30593 GRAY DELLA KNOX BAKER CENIA 10 22 1919 9 1942 
Baker, Cenia (I110524)
521 258. CALLOWAY C.9 BROWN (SARAH CAROLINE8 BLAIR, REGINA7 DINGUS, MAHALE6WELLS, REBECCA5 SHEPHERD, WILLIAM4, SAMPSON3, THOMAS2, ISRAEL1)1 was bornDecember 20, 18841, and died May 14, 19391. He married RACHEL BROWN1,daughter of WES BROWN and SALLY CORNETT. She was born 18821, and died19461.

ii. ALBERTA BROWN1, d. May 09, 19761; m. HURLEY NIECE1; b. March 10,19191; d. March 07, 19781.
iv. JOE P. BROWN1, d. July 19791.
vi. VERLON R. BROWN1, b. 19201; d. July 04, 19731. 
Brown, Grace Truman (I82057)
522 258. CALLOWAY C.9 BROWN (SARAH CAROLINE8 BLAIR, REGINA7 DINGUS, MAHALE6WELLS, REBECCA5 SHEPHERD, WILLIAM4, SAMPSON3, THOMAS2, ISRAEL1)1 was bornDecember 20, 18841, and died May 14, 19391. He married RACHEL BROWN1,daughter of WES BROWN and SALLY CORNETT. She was born 18821, and died19461.

ii. ALBERTA BROWN1, d. May 09, 19761; m. HURLEY NIECE1; b. March 10,19191; d. March 07, 19781.
iv. JOE P. BROWN1, d. July 19791.
vi. VERLON R. BROWN1, b. 19201; d. July 04, 19731. 
Brown, Sally Ann (I82058)
523 258. CALLOWAY C.9 BROWN (SARAH CAROLINE8 BLAIR, REGINA7 DINGUS, MAHALE6WELLS, REBECCA5 SHEPHERD, WILLIAM4, SAMPSON3, THOMAS2, ISRAEL1)1 was bornDecember 20, 18841, and died May 14, 19391. He married RACHEL BROWN1,daughter of WES BROWN and SALLY CORNETT. She was born 18821, and died19461. Brown, Calloway C. (I82056)
524 261. REGINA D.9 BROWN (SARAH CAROLINE8 BLAIR, REGINA7 DINGUS, MAHALE6WELLS, REBECCA5 SHEPHERD, WILLIAM4, SAMPSON3, THOMAS2, ISRAEL1)1 was bornJuly 08, 18921, and died September 21, 19821. She married LOREN BENTLEY1,son of ELBERT BENTLEY and MARTHA BOATWRIGHT. He was born October 10,18891, and died October 13, 19741.

314. i. JAMES10 BENTLEY, b. December 05, 1920; d. March 05, 1980.
315. ii. EILEEN BENTLEY, b. July 06, 1925.
iii. EUNICE BENTLEY1, b. October 05, 19271; m. PAUL L. TAYLOR1.
iv. CLETA BENTLEY1, b. September 08, 19291; d. June 25, 19781; m.PAUL POLLY1. 
Brown, Regina D. (I82059)
525 261. REGINA D.9 BROWN (SARAH CAROLINE8 BLAIR, REGINA7 DINGUS, MAHALE6WELLS, REBECCA5 SHEPHERD, WILLIAM4, SAMPSON3, THOMAS2, ISRAEL1)1 was bornJuly 08, 18921, and died September 21, 19821. She married LOREN BENTLEY1,son of ELBERT BENTLEY and MARTHA BOATWRIGHT. He was born October 10,18891, and died October 13, 19741.

314. i. JAMES10 BENTLEY, b. December 05, 1920; d. March 05, 1980.
315. ii. EILEEN BENTLEY, b. July 06, 1925.
iii. EUNICE BENTLEY1, b. October 05, 19271; m. PAUL L. TAYLOR1.
iv. CLETA BENTLEY1, b. September 08, 19291; d. June 25, 19781; m.PAUL POLLY1.

314. JAMES10 BENTLEY (REGINA D.9 BROWN, SARAH CAROLINE8 BLAIR, REGINA7DINGUS, MAHALE6 WELLS, REBECCA5 SHEPHERD, WILLIAM4, SAMPSON3, THOMAS2,ISRAEL1)1 was born December 05, 19201, and died March 05, 19801. Hemarried MERITA BOYD1, daughter of DEE BOYD and NORA GIBSON. She was bornFebruary 01, 19221.

Children of JAMES BENTLEY and MERITA BOYD are:
i. JAMES11 BENTLEY1, b. August 22, 19411.
ii. KAY BENTLEY1, b. April 08, 19521; m. TOMMY DUCKETT1; b. February01, 19221. 
Bentley, James Loren Jr. (I82060)
526 261. REGINA D.9 BROWN (SARAH CAROLINE8 BLAIR, REGINA7 DINGUS, MAHALE6WELLS, REBECCA5 SHEPHERD, WILLIAM4, SAMPSON3, THOMAS2, ISRAEL1)1 was bornJuly 08, 18921, and died September 21, 19821. She married LOREN BENTLEY1,son of ELBERT BENTLEY and MARTHA BOATWRIGHT. He was born October 10,18891, and died October 13, 19741.

314. i. JAMES10 BENTLEY, b. December 05, 1920; d. March 05, 1980.
315. ii. EILEEN BENTLEY, b. July 06, 1925.
iii. EUNICE BENTLEY1, b. October 05, 19271; m. PAUL L. TAYLOR1.
iv. CLETA BENTLEY1, b. September 08, 19291; d. June 25, 19781; m.PAUL POLLY1.


Marriage: August 01, 19461

i. CAROLE GWEN11 BANKS1, b. March 30, 19471; m. DALE LEGG1.
ii. CHERYL LYNN BANKS1, b. June 06, 19481; d. August 15, 19701; m.JOHN KELLER1. 
Bentley, Eileen (I82061)
527 27998 total entries, last updated Mon Oct 18 05:50:09 1999
Don Chesnut

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------

ID: I1241
Name: Earl CORNET
Sex: M
Birth: ABT 1696 in Southampton, England
Occupation: Earl As Parent Of These Children Is Speculative
Change Date: 24 JAN 1999

Father: Erin CORNET b: ABT 1676 in Northumberland, England

Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown
John CORNETT b: 2 MAY 1712 in Southampton, England
James CANUTE b: 1727 in VA Or PA [or Ca 1740]
Roger CANUTE b: abt 1730/1736 in VA Or PA
George CORNETT b: ABT 1732 in VA Or PA
Francis CORNETT b: ABT 1734 in VA Or PA
Frank CORNETT b: ABT 1735 in VA Or PA
Jesse CORNETT b: ABT 1737 in VA Or PA 
Canute, Earl John (I27484)
528 27998 total entries, last updated Mon Oct 18 05:50:09 1999
Don Chesnut

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------

ID: I21108
Name: Jost? AEBERSOLD?
Sex: M
Birth: ABT 1640 in Berne?, Switzerland
Change Date: 30 OCT 1998

Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown
Unknown AEBERSOLD? b: ABT 1665 in Switzerland
Elsbeth Or Elizabeth AEBERSOLD OR EBERSOLE b: ABT 1670 in Berne?,Switzerland
Benz? EBERSOLD? b: ca 1670/1690 in Switzerland 
Aebersold, Jost (I27664)
529 27998 total entries, last updated Mon Oct 18 05:50:09 1999
Don Chesnut

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------

ID: I4150
Name: Thomas F. JOHNSON Lieu.
Sex: M
Christening: in Lived Chavies, Perry Co. 1880
Occupation: 1st Lieu., L Co., 14th Ky. Cav.; Dry Goods Merchant
Change Date: 16 JUL 1995

Marriage 1 Lucy EVERSOLE b: 1845
Married: 27 JAN 1864

Our Ancestors
38588 total entries, last updated Fri Aug 25 05:53:16 2000
All questions, comments or suggestions regarding information on
this page should be addressed to: Don Chesnut

ID: I4150
Name: Thomas F. JOHNSON Lieu.
Sex: M
Christening: Lived Chavies, Perry Co. 1880
Occupation: 1st Lieu., L Co., 14th Ky. Cav.; Dry Goods Merchant
Change Date: 16 JUL 1995

Marriage 1 Lucy Marie EVERSOLE b: 1845
Married: 27 JAN 1864

27998 total entries, last updated Mon Oct 18 05:50:09 1999
Don Chesnut

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------

ID: I4150
Name: Thomas F. JOHNSON Lieu.
Sex: M
Christening: in Lived Chavies, Perry Co. 1880
Occupation: 1st Lieu., L Co., 14th Ky. Cav.; Dry Goods Merchant
Change Date: 16 JUL 1995

Marriage 1 Lucy EVERSOLE b: 1845
Married: 27 JAN 1864

Our Ancestors
38588 total entries, last updated Fri Aug 25 05:53:16 2000
All questions, comments or suggestions regarding information on
this page should be addressed to: Don Chesnut

ID: I4150
Name: Thomas F. JOHNSON Lieu.
Sex: M
Christening: Lived Chavies, Perry Co. 1880
Occupation: 1st Lieu., L Co., 14th Ky. Cav.; Dry Goods Merchant
Change Date: 16 JUL 1995

Marriage 1 Lucy Marie EVERSOLE b: 1845
Married: 27 JAN 1864 
Johnson, Thomas Francis (I26001)
530 27998 total entries, last updated Mon Oct 18 05:50:09 1999
Don Chesnut

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------

ID: I461
Name: Jacob EBERSOHL
Sex: M
Birth: 1739
Occupation: Jacob May Not Be A Son Of This Jost
EDUC: His Pedigree Is Speculative
Change Date: 14 APR 1999

Father: Jost "Joseph" EBERSOHL b: SEP 1710 in Of Friedelsheim, Germany
Mother: Ann NISSLEY b: ABT 1710

Marriage 1 FISHER?
Jacob EVERSOLE b: ABT 1760 in Lancaster, PA
Daniel EVERSOLE b: 15 MAY 1777
Aebersold, Jost (I27463)
531 3-1. TABITHA "BITHA" FLEMING b. 1843 Pike Co. Ky.
m. Joseph Bryant. (Some question about this)
His Parents: Caleb Baker & Alice Bryant.
3 Children

4-1. JACKSON W. BRYANT b. ca1867 in Pike Co. Ky. m. 9 Apr 1887
Co. Va. to Ardellia Phipps b. ca 1871 Wise Co. Va. Her Parents:
W. Phipps & Lucy. Jackson was 20 & single and she was 16 & single
married. M/B. C. H. Haynes.
Ref. 1-6-15. He was a Farmer. Both were living in Dickenson Co. Va.

4-2. LOUVINA BRYANT b. ca1870 in Pike Co. Ky.
m. 31 Jan 1883 in Dickenson Co. Va. to Solomon Phipps b. 1860 Wise
His Parents: David Phipps & Charlotte. Solomon was 23 & single and
Louvina was 13 & single when married. M/B. Caleb Haynes.
Ref. 1-3-7. He was a Farmer. Both were living in Dickenson Co. Va.

4-3. H. J. "HANK" BRYANT b. 1873 in Pike Co. Ky. m. 28 Dec 1894
Dickenson Co. to # 1. Martha Hollyfield b. 1871 in Wise Co. Va. Her
Parents: L. & M. Hollyfield. Hank was 21 & single & she was 23 &
when married. M/B. L. M. Vanover.
Ref. 1-17-143. He was a Farmer. Both were living in Dickenson Co. Va.
Hank married # 2. Mollie Bandy. 
Family: Bryant, Joseph / Fleming, Tabitha (F4446)
532 3-12. MARY ELIZABETH FLEMING (D/O. Wm. "Whiskey Bill" )
b. 1865/7 in Pike Co. Ky. m. 9 Jan 1888 Dickenson Co. to Joseph Hall
1866 Lawrence Co. Va.
Occu: Farmer. He was 22 & single and she was 21 & single when married
Caleb Haynes.
Ref. 1-7-2.
5 Children

4-1. EMMA HALL b. 1888 in Dickenson Co. Va.
m. 4 May 1905 Dickenson Co. to Columbus Viers b. 1887 Dickenson Co.
Parents: Joe & L. Viers. Columbus was a Farmer. He was 18 & single
Emma was 17 & single when married. M/B. J.C. Swindall.
Ref. 1-36-32. Both living in Dickenson Co. Va.

Family: Hall, Joseph Bryant / Fleming, Mary Elizabeth (F4452)
533 3-2. LAVINA/MELVINA FLEMING (Dau of John Jackson Fleming & Mary Jane
Mullins) b. 24 Mar 1836 Russell Co. Va. d. 1906
m. # 1. Marshall Keel m. # 2. John Counts.
7 Children 5 by Marshall Keel & 2 by John Counts.

4-1. MARTHA J. KEEL b. 1853
m. # 1. ? m. # 2. Mary ?
4-3. SARAH E. KEEL b. 1856 d. 1953 4-4. MARY F. KEEL b. 1859
4-5. FLOYD KEEL b. 1861

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

3-2. LAVINA/MELVINA FLEMING (Dau of John Jackson Fleming & Mary Jane
Mullins) b. 24 Mar 1836 Russell Co. Va. d. 1906
m. # 1. Marshall Keel m. # 2. John Counts.
7 Children 5 by Marshall Keel & 2 by John Counts.

4-1. MARTHA J. KEEL b. 1853
m. # 1. ? m. # 2. Mary ?
4-3. SARAH E. KEEL b. 1856 d. 1953 4-4. MARY F. KEEL b. 1859
4-5. FLOYD KEEL b. 1861 
Family: Keel, Marshall Greer / Fleming, Lavina (F4287)
534 3-2. LAVINA/MELVINA FLEMING (Dau of John Jackson Fleming & Mary Jane
Mullins) b. 24 Mar 1836 Russell Co. Va. d. 1906
m. # 2. John Counts.
7 Children 5 by Marshall Keel & 2 by John Counts.

4-6. ANDREW J. COUNTS b. 1872 d. 1951. m. Vera A. Grizzle b. 1880

4-7. NOAH COLUMBUS COUNTS b. 1874 d. 1942 m. Ura Mullins b. 1887 d.
Family: Counts, John Bunyon / Fleming, Lavina (F4288)
535 3-4. EMMANUEL FLEMING (Son of John Jackson Fleming & Mary Jane
b. 12 May 1840 Russell Co. Va.
m. 13 Feb 1859 Wise Co. to Elizabeth "Betty" Mullins b. Aug 1843
Co. Her Parents: Isham Mullins & Polly.
Emmanuel was 19 and Single and Betty was 16 & Single They were married
Stephen H. Senter. I have a copy of their marriage certificate.
Emmanuel was a farmer and they lived in Wise Co. They had 15

Note: Family Group Sheet from Johnny C. Mullins Lists marriage as 13
Feb., 1858

4-1. WILLIAM FLEMING b. 1860 Died Young.

4-2. WILBURN FLEMING b. 5 Sept 1861 in Wise, Va. d. 15 Mar 1924
Clintwood, Dickenson Co. Va.
m. 3 Mar 1887 Clintwood to Sarah Fleming.

m. 15 Jan 1885 to # 1. Evelyn Phipps m. # 2. Rena Willis

4-4. SARAH ELVENA FLEMING b. 1865 in Va. d. 1888 Never Married.

4-5. HULDA FLEMING b. 1867/8 in Va. m. 1 Oct 1885 in Dickenson Co.
Henry Moore/Moor.

4-6. MARY FLEMING b. 1869 in Va. Died Young. (Twin) 4-7. MARTHA
b. 1869 in Va. Died Young. (Twin)

4-8. JOHN FLEMING b. 1871 d. 1920
m. 23 Apr 1896 Dickenson Co. to Cintha Mullins.

m. 3 Sept 1891 Dickenson Co. to Marion N. Vanover

4-10. ISOM FLEMING b. 1875.
m. 1 Dec 1898 Dickenson Co. to Mollie Stone.

4-11. DAVID C. FLEMING b. 1877 d. 1919
m. 8 Apr 1897 Dickenson Co. to Ida Branham.

4-12. ELIZABETH FLEMING b. 15 Aug 1878 Flemingtown, Dickenson Co.
d. 20 Dec 1964 Dickenson Co.
m. 23 May 1896 Dickenson Co. to Kenos Stone.

Dickenson Co. m. 23 Mar 1904 Dickenson Co. to Dora Swindall.

4-14. IDA C. FLEMING b. 1884 in Va.
m. 5 Feb 1903 Dickenson Co. to Andrew Elkins.

4-15. DAISY FLEMING m. May 1888 to George Fleming
m. 30 Oct 1905 to ?.

4-16. EVERETT ? b. Jul 1884 in Va. Everett was listed on the census
being a Grandson.
Information on these famlies are from the following sources: 1.
Information Sheet.
2. Marriage Records - Dickenson County Courthouse.
3. Lemuel G. Mullins, Jr.
4. Ida B. Fleming marriage records.
5. Hermon G. Fleming - Son of Fitzhugh Fleming.
6. Cemetery Tomb Stone.
7. Aleta Pearl Mumpower - Daughter of Alcie Fleming Scott. 8. Maynard
Lee Fleming - Son of Van Buren Fleming.
9. Census Records - National Archives, Washington D. C. 10. Zora
- Wife of Stewart Fleming.
11. Janet Johnson Shamblin - Dau.of Althena Fleming Johnson.

Margaret Elizabeth "Betty" MULLINS was born on Aug 18 1843 in Russell
(now Dickenson) Co., VA.. She died in 1915 in Pike Co., KY.

She was married to Emanuel "Manual" FLEMING on Feb 13 1859 in Wise
VA.. 3-4. EMMANUEL FLEMING (Son of John Jackson Fleming & Mary Jane
b. 12 May 1840 Russell Co. Va.
m. 13 Feb 1859 Wise Co. to Elizabeth "Betty" Mullins b. Aug 1843
Co. Her Parents: Isham Mullins & Polly.
Emmanuel was 19 and Single and Betty was 16 & Single They were married
Stephen H. Senter. I have a copy of their marriage certificate.
Emmanuel was a farmer and they lived in Wise Co. They had 15

Note: Family Group Sheet from Johnny C. Mullins Lists marriage as 13
Feb., 1858

4-1. WILLIAM FLEMING b. 1860 Died Young.

4-2. WILBURN FLEMING b. 5 Sept 1861 in Wise, Va. d. 15 Mar 1924
Clintwood, Dickenson Co. Va.
m. 3 Mar 1887 Clintwood to Sarah Fleming.

m. 15 Jan 1885 to # 1. Evelyn Phipps m. # 2. Rena Willis

4-4. SARAH ELVENA FLEMING b. 1865 in Va. d. 1888 Never Married.

4-5. HULDA FLEMING b. 1867/8 in Va. m. 1 Oct 1885 in Dickenson Co.
Henry Moore/Moor.

4-6. MARY FLEMING b. 1869 in Va. Died Young. (Twin) 4-7. MARTHA
b. 1869 in Va. Died Young. (Twin)

4-8. JOHN FLEMING b. 1871 d. 1920
m. 23 Apr 1896 Dickenson Co. to Cintha Mullins.

m. 3 Sept 1891 Dickenson Co. to Marion N. Vanover

4-10. ISOM FLEMING b. 1875.
m. 1 Dec 1898 Dickenson Co. to Mollie Stone.

4-11. DAVID C. FLEMING b. 1877 d. 1919
m. 8 Apr 1897 Dickenson Co. to Ida Branham.

4-12. ELIZABETH FLEMING b. 15 Aug 1878 Flemingtown, Dickenson Co.
d. 20 Dec 1964 Dickenson Co.
m. 23 May 1896 Dickenson Co. to Kenos Stone.

Dickenson Co. m. 23 Mar 1904 Dickenson Co. to Dora Swindall.

4-14. IDA C. FLEMING b. 1884 in Va.
m. 5 Feb 1903 Dickenson Co. to Andrew Elkins.

4-15. DAISY FLEMING m. May 1888 to George Fleming
m. 30 Oct 1905 to ?.

4-16. EVERETT ? b. Jul 1884 in Va. Everett was listed on the census
being a Grandson.
Information on these famlies are from the following sources: 1.
Information Sheet.
2. Marriage Records - Dickenson County Courthouse.
3. Lemuel G. Mullins, Jr.
4. Ida B. Fleming marriage records.
5. Hermon G. Fleming - Son of Fitzhugh Fleming.
6. Cemetery Tomb Stone.
7. Aleta Pearl Mumpower - Daughter of Alcie Fleming Scott. 8. Maynard
Lee Fleming - Son of Van Buren Fleming.
9. Census Records - National Archives, Washington D. C. 10. Zora
- Wife of Stewart Fleming.
11. Janet Johnson Shamblin - Dau.of Althena Fleming Johnson. Emanuel
"Manual" FLEMING was born on May 12 1840 in Holly Creek, Russell Co.,
(Now Dickenson) VA. He died in 1910 in Dickenson Co., VA. He was a
Farmer. Children of Margaret Elizabeth "Betty" MULLINS and Emanuel
"Manual" FLEMING were:

73 i. William FLEMING was born on Feb 23 1860 in Wise Co.,
He died Child in Died Young.
+74 ii. Wilburn FLEMING.
+75 iii. Wilson Melvin "Big Melvin" , Sr. FLEMING.
76 iv. Sarah Elvena FLEMING was born in Nov 1865 in Wise Co.,
VA. She died on Aug 24 1888 in Unknown, she was never married. Sarah
Elvena Fleming never married,.died at the age of 23.
+77 v. Mahulda "Huldy" FLEMING.
78 vi. Mary FLEMING was born on Feb 14 1869. She died Child.
Martha and Mary Fleming were twins and both died young, probably soon
after birth.
79 vii. Martha FLEMING was born on Feb 14 1869. She died
!Martha and Mary Fleming were twins and both died young, probably soon
after birth.
+80 viii. John "Moccasin Foot" FLEMING.
+81 ix. Melvina FLEMING.
+82 x. Isom , Sr. FLEMING.
+83 xi. David Crocket "Red Dave" FLEMING.
+84 xii. Elizabeth "Lizzie" FLEMING.
+85 xiii. Robert "Rollie" FLEMING.
+86 xiv. Ida C. FLEMING.
+87 xv. Daisy FLEMING.
Family: Fleming, Emanuel / Mullins, Margaret Elizabeth (F4355)
536 3-5. MARTHA FLEMING (Dau. of John Jackson Fleming & Mary Jane
b. Nov 1842 Russell Co. Va. d. 11 Apr 1925 Dickenson Co. Va.
m. 29 Jul 1858 Wise Co. Va. to Wesley Y. or D. Vanover. Marriage
shows initial D. He was born in Ashe Co. N. C. d. 17 Oct 1922 in
Dickenson Co. Both are buried in the Vanover Cemetery at the mouth of
Georges Fork Creek of Pound River. His Parents: Cornelius Vanover &
Sarah. Wesley was a Farmer.
He was age 23 & single and Martha was 18 & single when married.
Ref. 138.
Source of Info: 1850-1860 Russell Co Census, Archives in D. C. ;
Records - Wise Co. Va. & Vanover Book by Greg Vanover. 9

4-1. CLARINDA DENNIS VANOVER b. 1861 m. Alex Mullins.

4-2. WILLIAM LLOYD VANOVER b. 1863 m. Vanetta/Inetta Aldridge.

4-3. CHARLOTTE "LOTTIE" VANOVER b. 1865 m. # 1. Will Mullins. m. #
Charlie Reed.

4-4. NOAH LARKIN VANOVER b. 1867 m. Mary Ellen Belcher.

4-5. MARY ANN "POLLY" VANOVER b. 1867 m. Noah Mullins.

4-6. CREED MONROE VANOVER b. 1873 m. H. Izetta Fleming.

4-7. CORNELIUS J. VANOVER b. 1875/76 m. # 1. Florence Fleming. m. #
Maggie ?. m. # 3. Mattie Hunsaker

4-8. JOHN MILTON VANOVER b. 1877 m. # 1. Fronia Mills m. # 2.

4-9. CLEMENTINE T. VANOVER b. 1879 m. # 1. Frank Mann m. # 2. Adam
Family: Vanover, Wesley Yancey / Fleming, Martha Jane (F4350)
537 3-6. SARAH FLEMING (Dau. of John Jackson Fleming & Mary Jane Mullins)
b. 1846 in Russell Co. Va. m. 16 Aug 1864 Wise Co. Va. to Frank
b. 1841 Grayson Co. Va. His Parents: Nathan & Polly Taylor.
Occu: Frank-Farmer. He was 23 & single and Sarah was 18 & single when
married. M/B. James Roberson. Both were living in Wise Co.
5 Children.

4-1. VICTORIA TAYLOR b. 1865 Wise, Va. d. 1935.
m. 7 May 1892 Dickenson Co. Va. to Wilburn Mullins b. 1870 Wise Co.
Va. His Parents: Marshall Mullins & Eliza. Wilburn was a farmer. He
was 22 & single and she was 24 & single when married. M/B. Columbus
Ref. 1-13-17. Both were living in Dickenson Co.

4-2. MARY A. J. TAYLOR b. 1868 d. 1874.

4-3. CYNTHIA E. TAYLOR b. 1871 Wise Co. Va.
m. 11 Jun 1890 Dickenson Co. Va. to Ira F. Stanley. b. 1871 Wise Co.
His Parents: W. D. Stanley & Amanda. Ira was a Farmer. He was 19 &
single and she was 19 & single when married. M/B. W. R. Reedy. Ref.
1-12-38. Both were living in Dickenson Co. Va.

4-4. PATTON TAYLOR b. 1878 m. Louise Mullins.

4-5. LOUISA "LOU" TAYLOR b. 1881, d. 1964.
m. 8 May 1897 Dickenson Co. to W. H. "Rant" Mullins b. 1877 Wise Co.
His Mother: Polly ? Rant was a Farmer. He was 20 & single and Lou
16 & single when married. M/B. Columbus Phipps. Ref. 1 22-24. Both
were living in Dickenson Co. 
Family: Taylor, Franklin / Fleming, Sarah (F4361)
Fleming & Mary Jane Mullins) b. 9 Dec 1846 Russell Co. Va.
d. 30 Jun 1921
m. 31 Dec 1874 Wise Co. Va. to Martha Jane "Patsy" Branham b. c1852
Russell Co. Va. Her Parents: Tandy Branham & Elizabeth.
Crippled Billy was a Teacher. He was 28 & single and Patsy was 22 &
single when married. M/B. James Robinson. Ref. # 8. Both were
in Wise Co. Va. 13 Children.

4-1. TANDY J. FLEMING b. 1873/4 Wise, Va. d. 1916.
m. 29 Oct 1892 Dickenson Co. Va. to Mahulda/ Malinda Cantrell b. 1873
Pike Co. Ky. Her Parents: Reuben Cantrell. Tandy was a Farmer. He
19 & single and Mahulda was 19 & single. M/B. Columbus Phipps. Ref.
1-13-48. Both were living in Dickenson Co. Va.

4-2. ROBERT EMMET FLEMING b. 1875 Wise Co. Va. d. 1911.
m. 29 Dec 1897 Dickenson Co. to Rosey Colley b. 1875 Buchanan Co. Va.
Her Parents: J. S. Colley & Margaret. Robert Emmet was a Farmer. He
22 & single and Rosey was 22 & single when married. M/B. L. M.
Ref. 1-23-74. Both were living in Dickenson Co.

4-3. C. PRIDEMORE FLEMING b. 1878 Dickenson Co. Va. d. 28 Aug
m. # 2. Martha A. Colley b. 1890 Dickenson Co. Va. Her Parents T.
Colley & Eunice. Pridemore was Sheriff of Dickenson Co. Va. He was
and widower and Martha was 17 & single when married. M/B. J. J.
Ref. 1-40-18.
Pridemore married again on 19 Jul 1913 Dickenson Co. to # 3. Louverna
Robinson b. 1881 in Wise Va. Her Parents: James Robinson & Josie
Henry. Pridemore was 35 & divorced and she was 32 & divorced when
married. M/B. Emory B. Chase. Ref. 1-54-85. Both were living in
Clintwood, Va. Pridemore was killed in a Shoot Out in Clintwood. See
newspaper article on this.

4-4. ISAAC H. CLINT "WHITE FOOT" FLEMING b. 1879 Dickenson Co. Va.
m. 7 Feb 1925 Dickenson Co. to Ethel Sykes b. 1907 Dickenson Co. Her
Parents: Bart Sykes & Mary. White Foot was a Farmer. He was 45 &
and Ethel was 18 & single when married. M/B. J. P. Mullins Ref.
1-88-15. Both were living in Clintwood, Va.

4-5. IDA MAY FLEMING b. 1881 Wise Co. Va.
m. 4 Jun 1896 in Dickenson Co. to John Mullins b. 1877 Wise Co. Va.
Parents: Mar Mullins & Parthenia. John was a Farmer. He was 19 &
single and Ida was 15 & single. M/B. E. A. Dunbar. Ref. 1-20-20.

4-6. HUBERT BURNS FLEMING b. 1884 Died Young.

4-7. ELIZABETH A. FLEMING b. 1884 Died Young.

4-8. CLARA JUNE "CLARIE" FLEMING b. 1885 d. 1969.
m. 25 Oct 1911 Dickenson Co. Va. to V. V. Scott b. 1891 Scott Co. Va.
His Parents: L. & M. Scott. Occupation: Drill Runner. He was 21 &
single and Clarie was 24 & single when married by E. B. Chase.
Ref. 1-50-84. His residence was listed as Wise Co and hers was
Co. Va.

4-9. FREMONT FLEMING b. 1887 Died Young.

4 10. FREDDY FLEMING b. 1887 Died Young.

4-11. MARY MOSBY FLEMING b. 1889 d. 1985.

4-12. WALTER CLARENCE FLEMING b. 1890 d. 1911. 4-13. WILLIE BANNER
FLEMING b. 1893 d. 1945.

This is the end of William Jefferson "Crippled Billy" Fleming & Martha
Jane "Patsy" Branham's children. 
Family: Fleming, William Jefferson / Branham, Martha Jane (F4360)
539 306. MARION CARL10 CRASE (GRACE T.9 BROWN, SARAH CAROLINE8 BLAIR, REGINA7DINGUS, MAHALE6 WELLS, REBECCA5 SHEPHERD, WILLIAM4, SAMPSON3, THOMAS2,ISRAEL1)1 was born June 26, 19051, and died June 06, 19731. He marriedDOROTHY KATHRYN LONG1 August 11, 19371, daughter of THOMAS LONG andMINNIE GROVE. She was born February 28, 1903 in Chehalis, WA1.

Marriage: August 11, 19371

i. REX CARL11 CRASE1, b. June 10, 19291; m. SHIRLEY DE MARRS1, April19661.
Marriage: April 19661 
Crase, Marion Carl (I82065)
540 307. EUGENE CLAUDE10 CRASE (GRACE T.9 BROWN, SARAH CAROLINE8 BLAIR,REGINA7 DINGUS, MAHALE6 WELLS, REBECCA5 SHEPHERD, WILLIAM4, SAMPSON3,THOMAS2, ISRAEL1)1 was born June 14, 19081, and died February 17, 19661.He married PHYLLIS ANN RICHARDS1 July 01, 1937 in Seattle, WA1. She wasborn December 05, 1918 in Seattle, WA1.

Marriage: July 01, 1937, Seattle, WA1

i. DIANE CLAUDIA11 CRASE1, b. January 08, 1939, Seattle, WA1; m. D.R. JOHNSON1.
ii. PHILIP GLENN CRASE1, b. August 16, 1941, Petersburg, Alaska1; m.DIANN MARIE CARLSON1. 
Crase, Eugene Claude (I82066)
541 308. WILLIAM GLENN10 CRASE (GRACE T.9 BROWN, SARAH CAROLINE8 BLAIR,REGINA7 DINGUS, MAHALE6 WELLS, REBECCA5 SHEPHERD, WILLIAM4, SAMPSON3,THOMAS2, ISRAEL1)1 was born July 25, 1910 in Chehalis, WA1, and diedFebruary 09, 19681. He married VIRGIE L. WILSON1, daughter of GEORGEWILSON and PEARL SHOFF. She was born October 01, 19121.

i. KRISTIE KAY11 CRASE1, b. July 18, 1947, Eugene, OR1; m. KENNETHRAY LEWIS1, June 06, 19681.
Marriage: June 06, 19681 
Crase, William Glenn (I82067)
542 309. DALE COLLIS10 CRASE (GRACE T.9 BROWN, SARAH CAROLINE8 BLAIR, REGINA7DINGUS, MAHALE6 WELLS, REBECCA5 SHEPHERD, WILLIAM4, SAMPSON3, THOMAS2,ISRAEL1)1 was born January 18, 19151. He married CARMEN ANITA FLOYD1 June27, 19361, daughter of RUDOLPH FLOYD and MYRTLE RAYSON. She was bornNovember 04, 19161.

Marriage: June 27, 19361

Children of DALE CRASE and CARMEN FLOYD are:
i. DALTON FLOYD11 CRASE1, b. July 21, 19371; m. ROSALIE J. STEELE1,September 21, 19571.
Marriage: September 21, 19571

ii. PAMELA ANN CRASE1, b. October 18, 19411; m. DAVID V. KONSA1,September 07, 19631.
Marriage: September 07, 19631

iii. SUSAN LYN CRASE1, b. October 09, 19441; m. FRANKLIN M. STEELE1,July 01, 19671.
Marriage: July 01, 19671 
Crase, Dale Collis (I82068)
543 310. ROSE MAE10 CRASE (GRACE T.9 BROWN, SARAH CAROLINE8 BLAIR, REGINA7DINGUS, MAHALE6 WELLS, REBECCA5 SHEPHERD, WILLIAM4, SAMPSON3, THOMAS2,ISRAEL1)1 was born January 28, 19241. She married TROY W. ROBERTS1 July21, 19431. He was born August 04, 1916 in Pollock, Grant Co. Louisiana1.

Marriage: July 21, 19431

Children of ROSE CRASE and TROY ROBERTS are:
i. BETTY ANN11 ROBERTS1, b. June 22, 1944, Chehalis, WA1.
ii. TROY WOODROW ROBERTS1, b. December 13, 19481; m. CHARLOTTE ANNFLEMING1, January 24, 19671.
Marriage: January 24, 19671

iii. TERESA JANE ROBERTS1, b. August 15, 19511; m. BOBBY RANDALLTUCKER1, April 08, 19721.
Marriage: April 08, 19721 
Crase, Rose Mae (I122847)


Children of FAYE COLLINS and VERNON GOFF are:
Collins, Fay (I82062)

i. ARDATH11 POLLY1, b. July 27, 19371; m. JOE PROFITT1.
ii. DEAN POLLY1, b. March 20, 19391; m. JOYCE MONDA1.
iii. ANNE POLLY1, b. March 15, 19411; m. JACK BODNAR1.
iv. BETH POLLY1, b. October 29, 19421; m. DENNIS NESBITT1. 
Collins, Fonda Lee (I82063)

Children of FRED COLLINS and ANNE DEACSON are:
Collins, Fred Rosser (I82064)
547 3RD WIFE OF HUDDLESTON Harvey, Nancy (I1005)
548 7 months old and died of Flux Lemaster, Greenville (I263548)
549 <>


Posted by MARSHA HAMILTON on Thu, 17 Sep 1998, inresponse to Combs, posted by Carol Oney on Thu, 10 Sep 1998

Surname: COMBS, WARD

I would appreciate any help that I might get in regard to Lula Combs, mdWilliam Ward. They were divorced ca the 1940's there were severalchildren, William (Bill), Dru Jo, Molly, John Michael b 1940. John andDru Jo were in a Presbyterian Orphans home. These are my childrensgrandparents and are now deceased.
I am trying to find the Combs, Ward lines for them. I do know the fatherof William Ward was Thad Ward who I believe is the s/o Isaac JeffersonWard of the civil war. Thank you in advance. Marsha at mshamilton@kih.net

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marriage records

Posted by Ralph Fisher <1958bj95@gte.net> on Mon, 19 Apr 1999

Surname: Ward, Jones, Cope, Patrick

My ancestor William Ward is found in the Perry County 1830 census. Hemarried Mary Ann (Polly) Jones in either Perry or Clay County in the1820s. Are there any marriage records going back that far?
One of his sons was Issac Ward who lived in Hazard begining in 1891 untilhis death in 1908.

Any information concerning the Ward family would be appreciated. 
Ward, Thaddeus Stevens (I358787)
550 <>

Dear Cuzzes,

Received the following "paste-up" from Brian Caudill in today's email.
Thought you two would be interested in these "tidbits" about our
ancestor, Sinah Hogg!

> Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 14:47:00 -0700
> To: bcaudill@metrolink.net
> From: Sue Elfving
> Subject: Hogg
> Dear Brian,
> I think your Sina Hogg was born before 1780. Mary deeded land to Sina
> in 1797, and I think if Sina had been under age 21, she would have been
> styled as an infant. Furthermore, the Russell Co. court ordered (23
> July 1793) John Wood [son of Jonathan Sr.] to pay 3 pounds annually to
> the overseers of the poor for the maintenance of a baseborn child he
> had by Sinah Hogg its mother and that Sinah be allowed to keep the child
> (RC-COB2:93). At no time was Sinah styled as an infant.
> She must have had another baseborn child in 1796 when the Grand Jury
> issues another presentment on 22 Nov. 1796 against Sina Hogg for having
> a baseborn child upon the information of John Frazier and William Turner
> (COB2:330).
> She was still styled as Sina Hogg on 23 April 1799 when the Russell Co.
> court issured a presentment against her for profane swearing 5 oaths on
> 13 April 1799 on information by James Osborn and Henry Wood. Theswearing
> took place just one day after Mary deeded land to Sina.
> So I think Sina and Solomon did not marry until after April 1799. I do
> not know what that might say about who was the father of Thomas L.
> Frazier or Henry Frazier. The John Wood researchers don't seem to talk
> about the child she had by him, and I don't recall seeing a clue about
> the father of the second baseborn child.
> In any event, I think she was more the age of Solomon.
> Sue Elfving


Dear Cuzzes,

Received the following "paste-up" from Brian Caudill in today's email.
Thought you two would be interested in these "tidbits" about our
ancestor, Sinah Hogg!

> Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 14:47:00 -0700
> To: bcaudill@metrolink.net
> From: Sue Elfving
> Subject: Hogg
> Dear Brian,
> I think your Sina Hogg was born before 1780. Mary deeded land to Sina

> in 1797, and I think if Sina had been under age 21, she would have been
> styled as an infant. Furthermore, the Russell Co. court ordered (23
> July 1793) John Wood [son of Jonathan Sr.] to pay 3 pounds annually to
> the overseers of the poor for the maintenance of a baseborn child he
> had by Sinah Hogg its mother and that Sinah be allowed to keep the child
> (RC-COB2:93). At no time was Sinah styled as an infant.
> She must have had another baseborn child in 1796 when the Grand Jury
> issues another presentment on 22 Nov. 1796 against Sina Hogg for having
> a baseborn child upon the information of John Frazier and William Turner
> (COB2:330).
> She was still styled as Sina Hogg on 23 April 1799 when the Russell Co.
> court issured a presentment against her for profane swearing 5 oaths on
> 13 April 1799 on information by James Osborn and Henry Wood. Theswearing
> took place just one day after Mary deeded land to Sina.
> So I think Sina and Solomon did not marry until after April 1799. I do
> not know what that might say about who was the father of Thomas L.
> Frazier or Henry Frazier. The John Wood researchers don't seem to talk
> about the child she had by him, and I don't recall seeing a clue about
> the father of the second baseborn child.
> In any event, I think she was more the age of Solomon.
> Sue Elfving 
Frazier, Thomas L. (I25409)
551 A "delayed" death certificate filed in 1934 records her date of birth as 8 May 1905, which is inconsistent with other sources. Frazier, Mallie (I31817)
552 A brief article in the London (Ky.) Mountain Echo newspaper of 18 May, 1883, reports the event as follows:

"We are informed that Tib Combs shot Wm. Polly through the heart, on the night of the 7th inst., at the moonshine still house of Hacker Combs, two miles above Whitesburg in Letcher County. Combs made his escape before the officers could reach him." 
Combs, Edward (I206)
553 A census note described him as "idiotic". Lewis, Jesse (I341631)
554 A certified copy of the marriage certificate from Scott County, VA, has been provided by Templeton descendant Jack R. Templeton [2003].
Family: Templeton, Dr. James Elbert / Franklin, Julia Q. (F8587)
555 A Civil War Union veteran's pension was applied for on 16 Dec 1890, to benefit James H. Hall as a "minor" (?). The application was based on Preston Hall's service in Company B, Harlan County Battalion, Kentucky Infantry (USA). The application number was 489850. Hall, Preston (I84934)
556 A Consent to Marriage was signed on 30 Jul 1847. Family: Franklin, William / Howard, Elizabeth (F683)
557 A declaration by Preston Fleming recorded in E. J. Sutherlands
collections published by his wife, Hetty Swindall Sutherland, under
title Pioneer Recollections page 142 states in part: I (Preston
was born July 23, 1857 at the mouth of Holly Creek. My parents were
Phillip and Minerva (Mullins) Fleming. Father was born February 15,
and died April 28, 1885, I believe that was the year he died. His
was Robert Fleming and his mother was Betty Stumbo, who was
Dutch. Grandfather Fleming came from Irland, but I don't know what
of it he lived in, nor where he landed on this side. It took his ship
nine weeks and nine days on the water to make the trip. He served in
war of 1812. He died in Pike County, Kentucky. I never saw him.
My Mother was the daughter of John Mullins and Ollie [ Cox ] Mullins.
She was born in Ash County, North Carolina. Grandfather John Mullins
brothers, Counterfit Sol and Dr. Jim. 
Fleming, Preston J. (I10311)
558 A descendant has pointed out the confusion over her name, as follows: "...But in this census her name shows as Margaret, like that of her mother Margaret Rose Fleming and her grandmother Margaret Cantrell Rose. If I recall correctly, on that census the three Margarets all appear on the same page. On subsequent censuses my great grandmother's name appears as Emma (never Emiline or Emily). In everyday life, she was called Em. My speculation is that the nickname "M" for Margaret (distinguishing her from the older Margarets) became Em and then Emma, but that's just a guess. No one in my family is aware of great grandma Em's name as ever being "Emiline..." Fleming, Margaret (I10440)
559 A granite monument at the Clintwood Library states the following:
1815 -- 1893

Elihu Jasper Sutherland's book: Pioneer Recollections:
Sutherlands tells a widly spread story. One simular passed to
my father, Brady Fleming says; Mary was a girl of twelve when
the family moved to Virginia. Her father went back to N.C. after
farm stock and left Mary and her two brothers alone. It turned
winter while her father was gone and the snow came through
the cracks of the pole cabin. A man came to their home and
they let him in to warm. They became afraid when he wouldn't leave
and while he slept the children discussed killing him but chose
not to kill him.

An excerpt from the Cumberland Empire, October 1932 Edition by Hetty
Mary Jane Mullins heroically stayed alone in their Cabin in Virginia
for fourteen days until her relatives returned from North Carolina
the rest of their stock. She cared for the live stock and tended the
crops. Her nearest neighbor was at least twelve miles away through a
trackless forest, which was fillled with fierce bears, wolves,
and other varmits. The wild beasts often came to the cabin door at
and fought the dogs in the yard.

Dr. James [ Jim ] Mullins was Mary Jane's uncle.
Mary Jane Mullins was married in Pike County, Kentucky. She
lived 2 or 3 years on Weavers Creek in Ky, two Children were
born there John & Vina [ Melvina ]. She bore John Jackson Fleming 12
children all told. She moved to Clintwood Va. and lived there untill
died of Pneumonia.

Ref. Pioneer Recollections by E. J. Sutherland
Statement by Andrew J. Counts Sept. 28, 1938

"My maternal grandmother was Mary (Mary Jane Mullins) Fleming. I
remember her very well. The left side of her face was birth-marked.
was a deep red color. We called her red-faced granny. My mother
Fleming Keel Counts) told me that it was caused by her mother, great
grandmother Ollie Cox Mullins, watching her husband, Holly Creek
kill some hogs just before grannys birth. It made her sick, and she
off to one side, sat down and leaned her head over on her left hand
she felt better."

I have visited the grave sites of Robert Jefferson Fleming, Polly
Fleming, John Jackson Fleming and Mary Jane Mullins Fleming at the
Fleming cemetary just outside Clintwood, Dickenson Co., VA. (LTF) 
Mullins, Mary Jane (I10233)
560 A historical marker on Ky. Highway 7 near his homestead reads as follows:

"James Caudill, born in Virginia in 1753, first came to Big Cowan Creek in 1781. Because of Indians, he took his family back to North Carolina. Returning here in 1792 with his family, he built a cabin, stayed several years then went back to North Carolina. They settled here permanently in 1811. He was progenitor to a large widespread mountain family. He died in 1840." 
Caudill, James Jr. (I2424)
561 A large stone marker has been placed at his gravesite, identifying the years of his birth and death as 1781-1839. The marker contains the following words: "The first man on Long Fork". Johnson, William Payne (I1355)
562 A marker memorializing her was placed on the gravesites of her parents at the Williams Cemetery in Whitesburg, KY. Hall, Nancy (I95)
563 A marriage bond was entered on 26 Dec 1826 by Suddith D. Turner and James Franklin for a marriage between Suddith Turner and Sally Franklin. Authorization for her marriage was granted by John Franklin. Family: Turner, Suddith David / Franklin, Sarah R. (F12750)
564 A member of the Noble Genealogy site had this to say about him:
This person is buried on the Willie Campbell Cemetary at Watts, He was shot and killed by his brother Taylor but it was supposedly an accident. His father was Willie Campbell and his mother was Martha Jane Watts. It happened in the house they lived in, which sat where the house I moved from on Leatherwood was. Willie sold the place to his brother in Law... Johnny Watts, then Johnny's child sold part to a Napier and we bought it from him.. We still own the side around the cemetary. 
Campbell, Price (I80730)
565 A military tombstone has been placed at his gravesite, indicating he was a 2d Sergeant in Company A, 13th Kentucky Cavalry, CSA. Bolling, Daniel Boone (I71778)
566 A New York Times page one article dated 1 Aug 1954 reported the following:

7 Children, 4 Adults Die as Car Hits Cliff
[By the United Press]
WHITESBURG, Ky., July 31 -- Eleven persons, seven of them children, died today when the auto in which they were riding struck a cliff near this community.

Twelve persons were in the car. It burst into flames when it crashed into the cliff. The only survivor was Hexie Maxie, 33 years old, who was severely burned. He told police the car, driven by his brother-in-law, Thomas Brown, had just gone over the crest of the steep mountain when Mr. Brown "tried his brakes, and didn't have any." The car was at the top of a step (sic) downgrade and it swerve off the road, he said.

Then the car hit a ditch, scraped a cliff, careened across the road into another cliff, turned over on its side and burst into flames, Mr. Maxie told authorities.

Whitesburg's fire chief, Raymond Day, said the flames made "a fiery tomb for those poor people inside."

A spokesman for the National Safety Council in Chicago declared that the crash was the worst single-car tragedy in the records of the Council.

Fire Chief Day said the bodies of the eleven victims were jammed against the windows and doors, whicch apparently had been sealed shut by the collision.

Mr. Maxie was in the hospital at Fleming, Ky., with burns all over his body.

The victims, taken to the Craft Funeral Home here, included: Mrs. Elsie Maxie and her three children, Bobby Ray, 4; Betty Sue, 5, and a year-old baby.

Also Tom Brown, 41; his wife, Lula, and four of their children -- Shirley Jean, 6; Hayden, 5; Geraldine, 2; and Christine, 9.

All the occupants of the car were from Millstone, Ky.

The road, U.S. Highway 119, is fairly well traveled and within a short time after the accident about fifty cars were stopped along the road in each direction.

The scene of the accident is about six miles out of Whitesburg on top of Pine Mountain, one of the highest of the Cumberland chain.

Aubrey Garber of radio station WTCW at Whitesburg, an early arrival at the scene, said the impact of the 1941 car hitting the cliffs appaently had not been so great.

"The damage to the car wouldn't have amounted to $50 except for the fire *** that was what killed them." Mr. Garber said. He believed Mr. Maxie must have been thrown from the car.

Mr. Maxie is a coal miner at Millstone, a coal camp. No close surviving relatives have been located. Dr. A. B. Carter at Fleming Hospital gave him only "a slim chance to live." 
Brown, Thomas A. (I117261)
567 A newspaper obituary follows:

MUNCIE--Cuna Mae Banks, 88, went home to be with the Lord Friday, November 4, 2011 at the Golden Living Center following an extended illness.

She was born on April 11, 1923, the daughter of Lee and Bertha (Ison) Banks, where she lived most of her life in the beautiful mountains on her parent's farm in Premium, KY, graduated from Whitesburg High School in 1941 and attended Morehead Teachers College. Cuna taught school to elementary students and loved teaching. She also was a great cook and loved to sew. She made the best homemade biscuits on the wood burning stove, and also made beautiful quilts and bedspreads, which we will cherish.

Cuna was dedicated to taking care of her parents and sisters in their older years of life. She moved to Muncie in 1981 to be close to her sister, Ora Stokes. We will be ever grateful to Cuna for her caring, love, and dedication to her sister, Ora. Cuna stayed with Ora and enabled Ora to stay in her home while having dementia.

Surviving are her niece, Deborah Lare (husband-Bruce), Gaston; two nephews, Joe Stokes (wife-Linda), Sarasota, FL, and Shelby Adams, Salem, MA; a great-niece, Jennifer Best (husband-Brian), Sarasota, FL; a great-nephew, Andrew Stokes (wife-Lili), Muncie; three great-great-nephews, Jonah, Grayson, and Samuel; and two great-great-nieces, Josie and Lindley.

She was preceded in death by her parents; four sisters, Dixie, Gladys, Lora, and Ora; and four infant brothers.

There will be no calling hours. Graveside services will be held 2 p.m. on Saturday, November 12, 2011 in Green Acres Cemetery in Whitesburg, KY. Cuna will be greatly missed.

The Meeks Mortuary and Crematory, Washington Street Chapel, is in charge of arrangements. 
Banks, Cuna Mae (I105700)
568 A newspaper obituary has been posted on the internet site Find a Grave. Webb, Mary Alice (I14656)
569 A newspaper report of this event, transcribed courtesy of researcher Ona Hall-Scalf [2004], follows.


Catlettsburg, Ky., Oct 31. --Yesterday, on Carr's Fork, in KNOTT COUNTY, the men composing the JONES faction fell out among themselves, and a desperate encounter followed.
The notorious DICK VANCE whipped out a revolver and shot SAM COOK dead. VANCE is a desperado of the meanest type. There is much feeling over the matter, and it is thought there will be more trouble.
No arrests have yet been made. On the same day, in the same neighborhood, while a man named BRANNUM was endeavoring to escape from a Deputy United States Marshal's guard, was shot by the guard and killed. 
Vance, Richard R. (I31726)
570 A photostatic copy of the Military Service and Death Record of Charles R. Kinsey, Service No. 0 572 277, issued on 15 July 1952 to Mrs. Virginia Bell Poff, his mother, contained the following details:

He enlisted 9 Apr 1942 at Ft. Thomas, KY. He reported the date and place of birth as 8 Aug 1916, Bluefield, WV. Corp. Kinsey was discharged 19 Jan 1943 to accept a commission. He was appointed Second Lieutenant 20 Jan 1943. He left the U.S. for overseas duty 6 May 1943.

First Lt. Kinsey was killed 29 Oct 1943 in South West Pacific Area, as result of an airplane crash. At the time of his death, he was serving in the 2nd Airdrome Squadron.

[The specific circumstance of his death was that the jeep in which he was riding was struck in a crash landing by a plane returning from its mission.]
Kinsey, Lt. Charles R. (I22756)
571 A record of service in the War of 1812 exists for one Abner Franklin, who served as a "Surg. Mate" (surgeon's mate?) in the Third Regiment (Wimberly's), Georgia Militia. Is this the same Abner Franklin? Franklin, Dr. Abner (I1622)
572 A replacement tombstone shows a death date of 12 Oct 1873, but this is inconsistent with the Virginia certificate of death which h reports 29 Sep 1872. Williams, George Calhoun (I124358)
573 A report in the Big Sandy News of 25 October 1901 reports the following:

"Whitesburg, KY., Oct. 16 -- During a fight which took place near Carr's Fork in Knott county between Andy Sloan, Perry and William Sloan and Alex. Martin, Andy Sloan was killed and Alex. Martin and William Sloan were probably fatally wounded. This fight was the result of a quarrel over a game of cards between William and Andy Sloan, who are cousins.

"The men had been enemies for years, both of them having been involved on opposing sides in the Jones-Wright feud a long time ago." 
Slone, Andrew Jackson (I77614)
574 A scanned image of the death certificate was provided by researcher Sharon Bogusky.
Quillen, Susannah (I4689)
575 A transcribed summary of the court order in which she is referred to is as follows:

"Ordered that John Grider's road as surveyor be reduced to six feet and to commence at William Witton's and to stop at the top of the hill above the house where Salley Franklin formerly lived..." 
Spears, Sarah (I1948)
576 A transcribed summary of the minutes of the Floyd County Court appears as follows:

"On motion of James H. Hereford ordered that Jacob Waller, Charles W. Young, Solomon Stratton, and Shedrick Franklin, or any three of them... view and mark the nearest and best way for a road from Jaames Turner's mill by way of James H. Hereford's tanyard in a direction to Prestonsburg..." 
Franklin, Shadrach (I1484)
577 A transcription of David Stewart's will, provided by online researcher Geneva White on 1 Nov 2006, is as follows:

"In the name of God Amen I David Stewart of Stokes Co. being of sound and perfect mind and memory do this 24 Day of November in the year of the Lord 1801 make and publish this my last will and testament in the following that is to say:
First, I give and bequeath to Jemima Harrison 20 shillings
Second, I give to Keziah Rankin 20 shillings
Third, I give and bequeath to Lydia Potter 20 shillings
Fourth, I give and bequeath to Abigail Curd 20 Shillings
Fifth, I give and bequeath to John Stewart, David Stewart, Reuben Stewart, Samuel Stewart and Thomas Stewart all my estate and Negroes and stock of all kinds, household goods, plantation tools to be equally divided after paying the above four twenty shillings out to be divided between John, David, Reuben, Samuel and Thomas Stewart, My Five Sons some to have no division until the death of my beloved wife, Abigail, which they are to maintain out of the land and Negroes and reasonably the names of the Negroes are Murrah, Nan, Nead, Simon, Bob and Lannaretter.
And I truly make and ordain John Stewart and Reuben Stewart executors of my last will and testament in Witness wherof the said David Stewart have to this my last will and Testament set my hand and seal the day and year above written." 
Stewart, David (I16089)
578 A transcription of David Stewart's will, provided by online researcher Geneva White on 1 Nov 2006, is as follows:

"In the name of God Amen I David Stewart of Stokes Co. being of sound and perfect mind and memory do this 24 Day of November in the year of the Lord 1801 make and publish this my last will and testament in the following that is to say:
First, I give and bequeath to Jemima Harrison 20 shillings
Second, I give to Keziah Rankin 20 shillings
Third, I give and bequeath to Lydia Potter 20 shillings
Fourth, I give and bequeath to Abigail Curd 20 Shillings
Fifth, I give and bequeath to John Stewart, David Stewart, Reuben Stewart, Samuel Stewart and Thomas Stewart all my estate and Negroes and stock of all kinds, household goods, plantation tools to be equally divided after paying the above four twenty shillings out to be divided between John, David, Reuben, Samuel and Thomas Stewart, My Five Sons some to have no division until the death of my beloved wife, Abigail, which they are to maintain out of the land and Negroes and reasonably the names of the Negroes are Murrah, Nan, Nead, Simon, Bob and Lannaretter.
And I truly make and ordain John Stewart and Reuben Stewart executors of my last will and testament in Witness wherof the said David Stewart have to this my last will and Testament set my hand and seal the day and year above written." 
Stewart, David (I16089)
579 A transcription of her obituary was provided by Ruth (Eads) Baker of Hamilton, Ohio on 23 Apr 2004. Combs, Madge I. (I32021)
580 A transcription of the article is as follows (courtesy of Laura Brenner, by e-mail of 24 Apr 2006):

Newspaper: Middlesboro Daily News, Middlesboro, Bell, Ky
Edition: Tuesday, June 10, 1924.
Headline: Letcher County Man has 345 Descendants, Many in Ky
Hazard, Ky, June 10--Five Generations of mountaineers are descended from John M. Pratt; 345 person, 281 living and most of them residing in Eastern Kentucky.
Blood is a great deal thicker than water in Eastern Kentucky. Almost every native has an army of relatives and ties of kinship are strong ones (last word of this sentence is illegible due to graininess of the copy). They are felt a great deal in business and social life, but especially in politics.
(Illegible) to the family are bankers, (illegible) business leaders in all walks of life. John M. Pratt was born in Floyd County, Ky, November 29, 1829 and died on March 10, 1924. He came to Letcher County with his father when a small boy and settled on Rockhouse Creek. At the age of 19 he married Miss Elizabeth Campbell, who died about 30 years ago. From this union was born 14 children, 9 yet living.
There are seventy-nine grandchildren, sixty-eight of whom are living; 219 great-grandchildren, 178 of whom are living; thirty-three great-great-grandchildren. The grand total of descendants is 345, with 281 yet living, and sixty-four dead.
Among them are John M. Pratt, 95; Mrs. Judith Brashears, the fourth from the oldest in her generation, age 70 years and 7 months; Mrs. Elizabeth Brashear, oldest of the family, 49; Tug McDaniel, merchant of Viper, 26; Buford C. McDaniel, oldest son of the McDaniels, age 4.
Mr. Pratt served three years in the (illegible) Kentucky Riflemen of the Confederate Army. About the year 1875, he removed from Letcher County to Perry County, settling on the right-hand fork of Mason's Creek. Here he resided with his family until his death. His early days were spent in farming, fishing and hunting, using no other gun than a flintlock and later a hog rifle. Mr. Pratt was a good sport and a crack shot.
Mrs. Elizabeth Brashear is the wife Gay Brashear of Viper, Ky., he being the former member of the Kentucky legislature, having represented Perry and Letcher counties. 
Pratt, John M. (I411)
581 A TWIN - DIED IN INFANCY Morris, Bell (I1075)
582 A TWIN WITH JOHN. Morris, Joshua II (I1011)
584 A twin; died young. Webb, Nelson R. (I3627)
585 A widow's pension application was submitted for the benefit of Rebecca Gray, based upon Edmond's service in Company A, 49th Kentucky Infantry (USA). Gray, Edmond (I111417)
586 A widow's pension application was submitted for the benefit of Rebecca Gray, based upon Edmond's service in Company A, 49th Kentucky Infantry (USA). Powell, Rebecca (I111418)
587 A. J. ADDINGTON Self M Male W 66 VA Farmer VA VA
Verlina ADDINGTON Wife M Female W 57 VA Keeping House VA VA
Albert ADDINGTON Son S Male W 19 VA Farm Laborer VA VA
James ADDINGTON Son S Male W 16 VA Farm Laborer VA VA
Rena ADDINGTON Dau S Female W 12 VA At Home VA VA
Sarah MILLER DauL W Female W 21 VA Keeping House VA VA
Emory MILLER GSon S Male W 1 VA VA VA 
Addington, Rev. Andrew Jackson (I25399)
588 A. J. Franklin's tombstone reports his date of birth as 17 Oct 1850. However, in the 1880 census he listed his age as 38. He also was reported as a one-year-old in his father's household in the 1850 census of Russell County, VA. In the 1860 Letcher County census, his age was reported by his father as 12. Therefore, one can assume his birth was sometime between 1848-1850 -- but almost certainly earlier than 17 Oct 1850. Franklin, Andrew Jackson (I1482)
589 A. L. Reece was 24 and single, Edna was 17 and single when married.
wer living in Dickenson Co., VA. They were married by L. M. Vanover. 
Family: Reece, Auburn L. / Fleming, Edna Leota (F4445)
590 Abednego Kiser was born abt 1817 in Russell County, Virginia, the son of E
phraim Kiser & Mary Sutherland. About 1836 he married Rebecca Counts, t
he daughter of John Counts and Phoebe McReynolds. Rebecca was born abt J
un 1818 in Russell County. In the 1850's they moved to "New Kentuck", ne
ar the head of Middle Fork of Pocatalico River in Jackson Co., WV. Abedne
go Kiser was a centralfigure in a fued pitting Russell County Skeens, Cou
nts, Kisers and others against other Jackson & Roane County West Virginian
Family: Kiser, Abednigo / Counts, Rebecca (F31389)
591 Abel Franklin and his wife Elizabeth appear as the grantors of three indentures recorded in Scott County, Virginia, on 13 February 1833. At D.B. 4, p. 269 there is an indenture to Thomas Jeffries (or Jeffers). Also at D.B. 4, p. 269 there is an indenture to James Jeffers. On the following page (p. 270) is another entered to James Jeffries.

Abel Franklin's name appears several times, as well, in the settlement of accounts for the estate of Walter Stallard, father-in-law of Bird Franklin. In Will Book 2, at p. 164 there is a Report of Sale of Personal Estate items to "Abel Franklin to an account...0.33 1/3..." In the Settlement of Accounts (W.B. 2, p. 192) there is a contra entry "By an account on Abel Franklin charged as lost above and not collected... 2.33 1/3..." 
Franklin, Abel (I1565)
592 Abigail is on the census with her youngest son, Elisha Pennington and wife Nancy Sturgill, in 1840, and with one of her other children in 1860. Caudill, Abigail Susannah (I4289)
593 Abstract of this land patent was made from Henry County Commonwealth's Grants and Patents, Book 18, p. 14. Hall, Isham (I9201)
594 Abstracted from Book G, p. 218 oof Henry county Commonwealth Grants and Patents. Hall, Lansford (I9202)
596 According to a biographical article written by Nehemiah Webb in the Mountain Eagle of 18 Jun 1931:

"Away back, this Matthew Caudill was erecting a hewed wall house on or about the spot where Uncle Chunk Craft lives, on Millstone. While upon the new wall of this building he accidentally fell and so injured himself that he died some days later." 
Caudill, Matthew S. (I4830)
597 According to a descendant of William Marion and America Brown, Madonna Johnson Hipps, "Lewis preferred to use his mother's name of Cole, however, he is the son of Wm. Marion Brown." (E-mail, 24 June 2005). Cole, Russell Lewis (I71044)
598 According to a descendant, Ruby J. Partin (1 Nov 2021): "She is supposedly born a Adams, raised by her Caudill, Profitt Family." She was apparently in the household of William C. "Billy" Caudill (1779-1880) and Nancy Ann Craft (1786-1877). Adams, Sarah (I82478)
599 According to a message from Pat Starzer, a descendant: The "Lester Family Bible" that I have (printing date 1815), which is actually more of a Pennington Bible than Lester, shows that Abigail was born 27 Mar 1767." [4 Mar 2004] Caudill, Abigail Susannah (I4289)
600 According to a note by Janice Fleming Lambert : Margaret used the
Fleming name. It is believed that she was Leaty's daughter by her
Husband, Andrew Hall. 
Fleming, Margaret Marie (I32467)
601 According to a statement by Harve Hall in 1996, his grandfather Harve Franklin was probably "baseborn", or illegitimate. He was raised by an uncle, whom Harve Hall identified as "Green Franklin". Almost certainly, this was a mistake, and the uncle was probably Greenway "Green" Hall, who married Mary Elizabeth Franklin, the sister of James Bradley Franklin.

At the time of the 1870 Letcher County census, he was reported as residing in the household of his grandparents, Bird and Agnes Franklin.

At various times Harve Franklin lived on Crafts Colley in Letcher County and Left Beaver in Floyd County.

Harve was a tall man; his grandchildren recall that he had to stoop to pass through the doorways of their house. They suggest he was approximately 6' 6" or 6' 7" tall. 
Franklin, Harvey G. (I23)
602 According to a story told by Alice Pearl Fleming, a granddaughter of
Elbie Garnet "Garn" Fleming that he raised. She said that he had a
blacksnake named Charlie. Alice said that her grandfather "Garn" kept
Charlie in the barn to control rats and mice, she said that grandpa
call Charlie by stamping his foot on the ground. Alice said that she
actually saw him call the snake and the snake would come to be petted.
She further said grandpa had her witness Charlie kill a rattlesnake.
said that he tryed to get Charlie drunk by feeding him some whiskey
a spoon and it killed old Charlie. She said that he cryed and cryed
Charlie's death. 
Fleming, Alice Pearl (I10318)
603 According to a transcription of a WPA project compiled by James Taylor Adams of Wise, VA, and reproduced on the Wise County, VA, GenWeb internet site:

"There are some unmarked graves there [the Isham Hall Cemetery], among them the grave of Didema (Dide) Franklin, wife of James Bradley Franklin, and daughter of Isham and Jane (Mullins) Hall. James Bradley Franklin was a son of Byrd and Agnes (Stallard) Franklin. When I was about twelve years old Dide Franklin was a frequent visitor at our home on the head of Crafts Colly Creek, Letcher County, Kentucky. We all called her Aunt Dide. She must have been about seventy years old then. She was tall, slender, beautiful, one of the most lovable characters I ever knew. I remember hearing people talk about her long, slim, beautiful hands. She had a slight cough in winter and would gather and dry poke berries in the fall and eat a certain number of them every night before going to bed, to relieve it. She died at the home of her only daughter, Cat (Catherine) Hall, wife of Ed Hall, near the mouth of Indian Creek." 
Hall, Didema (I35)
604 According to Agnes Auxier, Michael was stalking deer at a salt lick near Ft. Blackmore, Virginia when he was surprised by an Indian who knocked him senseless with a tomahawk and relieved him of his scalp. Luckily, the wounds were not fatal. Michael survived the ordeal and wore a hat at all times thereafter to cover the horrible scars left by his encounter with the Indian at the salt lick. Auxier, Michael (I112516)
605 According to an article published in the Ceredo (WV) Advance, issue of Wednesday, 1 Apr 1896, Lazarus Damron and his four sons, Samuel, Richard, Moses, and George "settled five miles below what is now Piketown." Damron, George (I239832)
606 According to an article published in the Ceredo (WV) Advance, issue of Wednesday, 1 Apr 1896, Lazarus Damron and his four sons, Samuel, Richard, Moses, and George "settled five miles below what is now Piketown." Damron, Moses (I94502)
607 According to an article published in the Ceredo (WV) Advance, issue of Wednesday, 1 Apr 1896, Lazarus Damron and his four sons, Samuel, Richard, Moses, and George "settled five miles below what is now Piketown." Damron, Richard (I94910)
608 According to an article published in the Ceredo (WV) Advance, issue of Wednesday, 1 Apr 1896, Lazarus Damron and his four sons, Samuel, Richard, Moses, and George "settled five miles below what is now Piketown." Damron, Samuel Sr. (I124113)
609 According to an article published in the Ceredo (WV) Advance, issue of Wednesday, 1 Apr 1896, Lazarus Damron and his four sons, Samuel, Richard, Moses, and George "settled five miles below what is now Piketown." Damron, Lazarus (I94500)
610 According to an email from family member Paula Fields Hammock [medassistant05@yahoo.com; 13 Jul 2016]:

"My grandmother, Matilda Ingram Fields, had a step or 1/2 brother and sister named Katie Ison and Grant Ison. I learned from Tillie a few years ago that Grant had shot and killed Katie and their mother, my great grandmother Arminta Stamper/Ingram Ison. From what I have found so far, this happened in 1939 in Letcher Co. But I can't really find anything out about Grant or that particular part of the family since 1939. I did see an article that Grant went to prison, but not sure if her was released or not and exactly what the shooting was over?? I was told a land dispute?" 
Stamper, Arminda (I34354)
611 According to an email from family member Paula Fields Hammock [medassistant05@yahoo.com; 13 Jul 2016]:

"My grandmother, Matilda Ingram Fields, had a step or 1/2 brother and sister named Katie Ison and Grant Ison. I learned from Tillie a few years ago that Grant had shot and killed Katie and their mother, my great grandmother Arminta Stamper/Ingram Ison. From what I have found so far, this happened in 1939 in Letcher Co. But I can't really find anything out about Grant or that particular part of the family since 1939. I did see an article that Grant went to prison, but not sure if her was released or not and exactly what the shooting was over?? I was told a land dispute?" 
Ison, Catherine (I73038)
612 According to an email [13 Jul 2016] from family member Paula Fields Hammock, Tillie was cremated and her ashes were placed at the Woodside Cemetery in Middletown, Butler, Ohio, where other members of the family are buried. Fields, Matilda (I97619)
613 According to an interview with James Campbell by Dr. Dickey on 22 July 1898:

"[The Campbells and Couches] were large families, they started for Lexington but stopped at Campbell's bend on the north fork of the Kentucky river, n what is now Perry County. They found four acres of land cleared at that point and concluded to make a crop and remain over a year. My grandfather bought nine horses, his brother ten, they bought their cattle also, some were sick on the way and this was one of the reasons for stopping." 
Campbell, John Zachariah (I25102)
614 According to an interview with James Campbell by Dr. Dickey on 22 July 1898:

"[The Campbells and Couches] were large families, they started for Lexington but stopped at Campbell's bend on the north fork of the Kentucky river, n what is now Perry County. They found four acres of land cleared at that point and concluded to make a crop and remain over a year. My grandfather bought nine horses, his brother ten, they bought their cattle also, some were sick on the way and this was one of the reasons for stopping." 
Campbell, John Zachariah (I25102)
615 According to Atlas Hall, in a message dated 28 Jul 2003: "A grave marker from the VA was recently installed and a Sons of Confederate Veterans service was held at the gravesite." Hall, James Harrison (I93010)
616 According to correspondence of Veryl Franklin, Mary Elizabeth and Joseph Hackney had a total of four children. Family: Hackney, Joseph M. / Franklin, Mary Elizabeth (F8590)
617 According to correspondence of Veryl Franklin, Sadie and David F. Williams had five children. Family: Williams, David Farmer / Franklin, Sarah D. (F1087)
618 According to correspondence, the family of JOHN GIBSON and ELIZABETH consisted of the following:
1. Joseph Gibson Jr.
2. Joshua
3. Absalom
4. Hezekiah
5. Elizabeth
6. Sarah
7. Thean (?)
8. Mary, married John Fields
9. Ann, Mrs. Pratt
10. Betty, Mrs. William Williams
11. Randolph

The offspring of Mary and John Fields as entered here are the Second Generation from the Veryl Franklin letter.

According to correspondence, the family of JOHN GIBSON and ELIZABETH consisted of the following:
1. Joseph Gibson Jr.
2. Joshua
3. Absalom
4. Hezekiah
5. Elizabeth
6. Sarah
7. Thean (?)
8. Mary, married John Fields

9. Ann, Mrs. Pratt
10. Betty, Mrs. William Williams
11. Randolph

The offspring of Mary and John Fields as entered here are the Second Generation from the Veryl Franklin letter. 
Fields, John A. (I9641)
619 According to correspondence, the family of THOMAS STRONG and ANNA FIELDS were:

1. ---
2. ---
3. ---
4. Mary (Polly) born 1802, married Thomas Quillin.
5. Julia Ann born 1805 died 1853, married Greenberry Quillin.
6. ---
7. ---

"No record of how many children they wore" (sic). 
Strong, Thomas S. (I9635)
620 According to death cert. #22511, he died of tuberculosis of the larnyx.
Combs, Silas (I21597)
621 According to descendant Janet Hendrickson (5 Feb 2004), "Preston was murdered in 1864 when he went to St. Louis to buy merchandise for his store." Collier, Preston Hamilton (I7476)
622 According to Dorothy (Carrello) McCullum: "I am really confused about the Nick Jr. born in 1938. I have always been told it was a girl, and was born dead, with the cord wrapped around her neck. Mary said they let me name her, and I named her Alice Faye, after the movie star. I can't remember that, since I was only 3 at the time." [3/2/2004] Carrello, Nick Jr. (I31318)
623 According to family member Lena Campbell: "Chris Craft died in VA and my grandfather Arthur Adams and his cousin Melvin Adams brought his body home in the dead of winter on a wagon. They nearly froze to death." Craft, Christopher Columbus (I2659)
624 According to family member Lena Campbell: "He is buried off a path off Arthur Adams Loop on Blair Branch at Jeremiah. There are no other graves nearby but his has been marked with his name by our family. Craft, Christopher Columbus (I2727)
625 According to family records: He taught public school in Johnson County, KY for 16 years, then they left KY between 1898 and 1900, stopped at New Buston, IL and began farming. Some time between 1903 and 1909 they went to Paton, Greene Co IA. Sherman had a great sense of humor. Worked at the school in Paton, he farmed, also. They also went to Austin, Mower Co MN and tried farming and then went back to Paton. Owned many different home places. Pack, Sherman (I263535)
626 According to her death certificate, she never married. Franklin, Susan Elizabeth (I249311)
627 According to her obituary (clipping of which is in possession of Margaret Ann Murphy, Bluefield, WV), she died at 2:45 a.m. on 28 March 1925, following "a long illness of carcinoma". She was reported as "formerly Miss Barksdale of Halifax County", the dauther of Thomas Barksdale and Julia Neal Barksdale. Funeral and burial were to be held at Mt Carmel Presbyterian Church.

The following entry was made in her personal bible:

"Maggie F. Bell died at home, near Raphhine Va. March 28, 1925, at 2:45a.m. Eliza, Mary Archer, Ethel and Charlie Dick only children present. After a long siege of suffering and four months confined to her bed, the Lord took her. 'The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.' " 
Barksdale, Maggie Flournoy (I175)
628 According to her tombstone, she died four hours after giving birth to William Bell. Allen, Sarah (I16841)
629 According to his brother John Henderson Craft, James Craft died single.

Craft, James W. (I2548)
630 According to his brother John Henderson Craft, James Craft died single.

Craft, James W. (I2548)
631 According to his brother John Henderson Craft, James Craft died single.
Craft, James W. (I2548)
632 According to his brother John Henderson Craft, James Craft died single. Craft, James W. (I2548)
633 According to his death certificate, he "wandered into woods -- missing several days -- dead when found". Hampton, Nelson Sanford (I245874)
634 According to his death certificate, he was a single day laborer living at 620 S. 5th St., Fairfield Twp., Ohio. Barger, Garfield (I230859)
635 According to his descendant D. J. Glasgow (Aug 2004), Lackey spelled his name without the "e" [Newsom] while others in the same family used the "e". Newsom, Lackey (I6486)
636 According to his granddaughter, Christine Bentley, who provided the exact date of death, he was killed in an auto accident. [16 May 2003]
Bentley, Abraham Houston (I16570)
637 According to his obituary contained in the minutes of the 1970 session of the Indian Bottom Association:

" Brother Dawson joined the Old Indian Bottom Church the first Sat. of April 1934, was baptized the first Sat. of May 1934. He served the church as deacon 34 years, and as clerk of the church 36 years, also clerk of the Indian Bottom Association for 20 years. After becoming unable to serve as clerk of the association, he was made Honorary Clerk for his faithful duties for the many years he served as clerk." 
Dixon, Dawson (I20972)
638 According to information provided by descendant William Bryant [hitsquad81@yahoo.com] on 26 Spt 2006:
"Hatfield died sometime between 1916 and 1922 when he got in a shootout with another man. Hatfield killed the man but he was shot in the belt buckle which went into his stomach. He died shortly after in front of my grandfather Crete."

Subsequently, descendant James Gearheart [gearhart39@gmail.com] posted the following on 15 Apr 2013:
"Hatfield died 7 May 1928 killed by Noah Vanover. I haven't heard the story of the belt buckle but I will look into it. 
Hatfield Bryant and Mary(Estep) had 6 children beside Creed (all girls)and Mary also had a child out of wedlock in 1920 ,Hatfield was in Prison at the time and I believe they were divorced.Mary later married Lee Boggs , she died 4 Feb. 1927 of TB." 
Bryant, Anse Hatfield (I10227)
639 According to information provided by her granddaughter, Bonnie Harvey: "Mary was very young when her parents died and was raised by her sister and brother-in-law, Elizabeth and Sylvester Hall. They moved to Idaho and she married Evan. Her family lost track of her." [June 2003] Newsome, Mary Frances (I20093)
640 According to Janet Hendrickson (in a message dated 5 Feb 2004): "James died in the Marine General Hospital March 3 1865 of typhoid in St. Louis, Mo.. He was in the Union army at the time and he is buried at Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, Mo." Collier, James (I7773)
641 According to Noah Reynolds, this "trouble grew out of W. S. Wright accusing Lige and Sam Wright of killing his dog. W. S. Wright mustered a band of fifteen men and went in the night to the home of Sam and Lige Wright, broke down their door. The fighting, shooting and killing commenced. Andy Wright and Bill Wright, known as "old Bill" Wright being killed and "Black Bill" Wright was severely wounded. Wright, William (I6419)
642 According to researcher Janet Skelton (janetskelton0713@aol.com):

Ambrose enlisted in the army in Augusta Co., VA, in 1777, for three years service. He served as a private in Capt. Thomas Bell's and Breckinridge's companies and in Col. Grayson's and Nathaniel Gist's 16th Regiment. He was promoted to Corporal in October 1778, and was with Washington at Valley Forge during the winter of 1778. His military record shows that he was among the sick that winter. He was taken prisoner at the siege of Charleston in 1780, escaped, and reached home 18 days before his enlistment expired. [http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:3266317&id=I647460065] 
Jones, Rev. Ambrose (I75253)
643 According to some researchers, she divorced Kilgore after she caught him committing incest with a niece. Family: Kilgore, Henry / Robinette, Sarah Elizabeth (F90672)
644 According to the "Autobiography of Corporal Fess Whitaker", written in 1918, "Link Banks was killed forty years ago by J. H. Frese." (p. 92) Banks, Lincoln (I31844)
645 According to the 1850 Census of Letcher County, Judah was still alive and residing in the household of Joan and Nancy Sumner. Stewart, Judah (I5021)
646 According to the 1900 census of Dickenson County , there were 6 peop
le living in William's house. One of which was his brother-in-law Henry B
art Smith. 
Kiser, William Patton (I92352)
647 According to the book "King's Mountain and Its Heroes", by Lyman C. Draper, LL.D., (Cincinnati: Peter G. Thomson, Publr., 1881), Jesse Franklin was a Captain and Adjutant in the regiment of his uncle, Colonel Benjamin Cleveland, at the Battle of King's Mountain. He later fought at Guilford, and rose to the rank of Major by the end of the Revolutionary War.
Jesse Franklin later served in Congress and the Senate, as well as the state houses of North Carolina. He was appointed in 1816 as a Commissioner to hold treaty talks with the Chickasaw Indians. In 1820, he was elected Governor of North Carolina. 
Franklin, Jesse (I1579)
648 According to the Chronicles of Border Warfare...

:Thomas returned [to the Virginia settlements] in 1783, but soon after removed and settled, on the Scioto, near Chillicothe." 
Renick, Joshua Archer (I6209)
649 According to the Chronicles of Border Warfare...

:Thomas returned [to the Virginia settlements] in 1783, but soon after removed and settled, on the Scioto, near Chillicothe." 
Renick, Col. William (I241087)
650 According to the Chronicles of Border Warfare...

:Thomas returned [to the Virginia settlements] in 1783, but soon after removed and settled, on the Scioto, near Chillicothe." 
Renick, Thomas (I241089)
651 According to the correspondence of Veryl Franklin, James Franklin had a total of eight children by his two wives. Family: Franklin, James Lafayette / Holbrook, Mary Jane (F8589)
652 According to the entry in the death records, he was married, a farmer, and was born in Wilkes County, NC. The cause of death was "fever chills". Craft, Archelous Jr. (I2418)
653 According to the interview of John Henderson Craft by Rev. John J. Dickey (the Dickey Diaries, 15 Jun 1898), John Adams died in an unusual accident. "John Adams wanted some gun powder to kill a squirrel for his sick wife, and that article being very scarce, he undertook to open a bomb that had been dropped by Gen. Humphrey Marshall's army, in order to get the powder. It exploded in his hands and blew him into atoms. His wife died in a few days." Adams, John Isom (I2459)
654 According to the manuscripts of Emory L. Hamilton:

"At a court held for Washington County, on March 18, 1778, Thomas Carter, brother of Dale, was appointed Administrator of his estate, with Richard Stanton and William Houston as his securities. The estate was appraised by Archibald Scott, Joseph Butcher, John Carter (another brother) and Richard Stanton." 
Carter, Edward Dale (I29042)
655 According to the marriage license, Harvey was widowed and Nancy was single. Kiser, Harvey George (I238851)
656 According to the marriage record, Thomas Burk was a widower at the time he wedded Sarah Bell. Family: Burk, Thomas Nelson / Bell, Sarah Ann Nelson (F91935)
657 According to the pension application on behalf of Bathena Everidge, his service was during the Mexican-American War of 1846-1848. He served as a private in Campbell's Company of the 10th Kentucky Volunteers. Eldridge, Hugh (I30442)
658 According to the recollections of Earl Mohn, who was only three when W. H. Mohn died and therefore had only indirect information, his father was raised in Springfield, Illinois. He had at least one brother who "went west", probably to Washington State, as a labor organizer.

Bill Mohn first came to Eastern Kentucky as a railroad worker laying the L & N tracks into the coal fields. After marrying Jane Pratt, he settled at Thornton, Kentucky, where he was a miner. Later, the family moved to Baxter, Kentucky (Harlan County), where he was working as a powder-shot foreman for Austin Powder Company at the time of his death. 
Mohn, William Howard (I69)
659 According to the registration form, he was living with his wife Nancy in Whitesburg, where he worked as a miner for Whitesburg Coal Company. This registration is the source for his date of birth, 5 Jun 1877. Stacy, William M. (I3904)
660 According to the self-interested narrative of Noah Reynolds, 'Linvil Higgins' "was killed at a point where Hindman, the county seat of Knott County, Ky., now is. This man Higgins was killed by three men, one of which was Wm. S. Wright..." This was the opening event of the feud between Clabe Jones and "Devil" John Wright.

The actual killers did not include William S. Wright. They are believed to have been Sam "Kinky-Haired" Wright, Wash Craft, and Ben Jones. 
Hagins, Linville (I24910)
661 According to the transcription of "Implied Marriages of Russell County", the implied marriage between Henry Martin, decedent, and Polly, daughter of "Isam Hall", was entered in WB 2:95. Date of marriage was entered as 13 Aug 1805.

The record reflects the filing of a Power of Attorney from "Polly Smith (his daughter) to Isaac [sic] Hall to recover her dower interest in former husband, Henry Martin (dec'd) estate." The Power of Attorney was acknowledged by Reuben Smith and Polly Smith. 
Family: Martin, Henry / Hall, Mary (F11654)
662 According to Waddell's Annals of Augusta County:

He served in the Colonial Indian Wars and was in the battle of Fort Duquesne (now Pittsburgh). The operations against the French and Indians on the Ohio River were under the command of General Edward Braddock, who arrived from England in February, 1755. He brought two Royal Regiments, the 18th commanded by Lieut. Col. Dunbar, and the 44th commanded by Sir Peter Halkett. General Braddock appointed George Washington his aide-de-camp. There were 800 troops from Virginia (the Virginia Blues). They marched from Alexandria, Virginia, leaving 20 April and reached the Monongahela and crossed it 9 July 1755. They were ambushed that day by the French troops and a large force of Indians. General Braddock and approximately 1000 of his troops were killed. Col. George Washington conducted the retreat of his own militia as well as the British troops. This is the event that is referred to as "Braddock's defeat." Other members of the Mathews family were present on this occasion as well. George Mathews was present, and how many others is uncertain. 
Mathews, Col. Sampson (I374)
663 According to War of 1812 veterans' pension records, he received bounty land under warrant 67174-40-50, and his widow was awarded bounty land warrant 62963-120-55. Boatright, Meador (I23791)
664 According to WikiPedia, James H. Webb Sr. was "a career officer in the U.S. Air Force, flew B-17s and B-29s during World War II, and dropped cargo during the Berlin Airlift. After developing an inner ear disorder, Meniere's Disease, which grounded him as a pilot, he became a pioneer in the Air Force missile programs. He later served as the Commanding Officer of the 1001st Missile Squadron at Vandenberg Air Force Base." Webb, Col. James Henry Sr. (I112426)
666 Address: Coeburn; Dickenson County; Virginia
Joshua was a farmer and a coal miner. 
Smith, Joshua (I71750)
667 Address: Dumps Creek; Russell County, Virginia Sutherland, Alexander (I92436)
668 Address: Near Carbo; Sandy Ridge; Russell County, Virginia
Ephrim bought land on the Clinch River, up Dumps Creek and onto San
dy Ridge (so named because of its sandy soil and seemingly inexhaustible a
mount of sandstone rock).

On October 16, 1813 Ephriam enlisted in Lt. Andrew Caldwell's Compa
ny of Virginia Malita and was sent to Norfolk. There he was transferr
ed to Captain John Dillard's Company and served in the Artillery on Crane
ys Island. He was Honorably discharged on March 13, 1814. 
Kiser, Ephraim (I34184)
669 After a period of service as a federal surveyor in Iowa, he joined the regular Army and served during the Blackhawk Wars and other Indian uprisings, as well as the Mexican War, over the next twenty years. He retired as a lieutenant colonel as he neared age 70. Boone, Col. Nathan (I30135)
670 After a period of service as a federal surveyor in Iowa, he joined the regular Army and served during the Blackhawk Wars and other Indian uprisings, as well as the Mexican War, over the next twenty years. He retired as a lieutenant colonel as he neared age 70. Boone, Col. Nathan (I30135)
672 After enlistment at Camp Taylor, he then went to Camp (now Ft.) Knox, then to Camp Mills, NY. From there he was shipped to Glasgow, Scotland, then to France and Germany. Franklin, Frederick C. Jr. (I30616)
673 After his father's death and remarriage of his mother to Bill Renfro, Hibert adopted his step-father's surname. Branham, Hibbert William (I32568)
674 After his mother died he was raised by a Fairchild family at Sandlick. Cornett, Jesse (I31539)
675 After his mother died, he was raised by a Maggard family at Eolia. Cornett, Preston (I31542)
676 After his parents died, he was raised by his older sister, Magaret (Castle) Stapleton and her husband, Joshua Stapleton. He adopted the Stapleton surname until about 1830, when he reverted to his birth name Castle. Castle, Inman (I96338)
677 Again citing Noah Reynolds:
"Later on Sam and Lige [Wright] came clear in court. Then W. S. Wright swore that "Black Bill" Wright, who was a brother of Sam and Lige, had betrayed him and got his men killed, and sent him to the penitentiary for five years. He died in prison." 
Wright, William (I6419)
678 age 12 born IL Wessling, Grace Eldora (I263526)
679 age 31 Wessling, Grace Eldora (I263526)
680 age 37. Lemaster, Catherine (I263944)
681 age 64 and a farmer
Dwelling no. 10
Isaiah FAIRCHILD 64 Farmer (2nd marriage) VA VA VA
Elizabeth (FERGUSON) 63 ( m 8 July 1867) KY KY KY
William FAIRCHILD 18 Son KY 
Fairchild, Isaiah Ruben McSpadden (I263960)
682 Age 78, Widow, born in Virginia. Jayne, Eleanor Francis (I94655)
683 Age at death was reported as 74. Sexton, Gideon (I90839)
684 Age was given as 23, making presumed date of birth 1846-1847. However, this does not agree with census for 1850 or census for 1860 (no "Martha" listed). Breeding, Martha (I133706)
685 Age was reported as 22 on marriage license issued in Mar 1898. Thompson, Willis (I16005)
686 AKA Caney Jeff. Interred in a cemetery behind Nobel Osborne's old
house.on Burke's Branch of Shelby Creek near Jonancy, Pike Co. Ky. 
Fleming, Robert Jefferson (I10354)
687 aka: "Billy Jeff" and "Cripple Billy". Lived in Flemingtown,
Fleming, William Jefferson (I10259)
688 Alabama, Texas and Virginia, Confederate Pensions, 1884-1958
Name: Jephtha Kiser
Application Date: 23 May 1916
Application Place: Dickenson, Virginia
Spouse: Mrs Mary Kiser
Marriage Date: 1859
Marriage Place: Russell County, Virginia
Death Date: 13 Feb 1866
Application Type: Widow 
Kiser, Jeptha (I92343)
689 ALBANY - Grace Melton Yoder, 92, of Leesburg, GA died Friday, April 24, 2015 at Wynfield Park Health and Rehabilitation. Graveside services will be held Thursday, April 30, 2015 at Floral Memory Gardens. Rev. Ken Chancellor will officiate.

A native of Typo, KY., Mrs. Yoder had resided in Leesburg, GA for ten years moving from Sebring, FL. She worked as a clerical worker and retired from Ford Motor Company. Mrs. Yoder was a member of the Rose Moore Sunday School Class and Lakeside Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her parents Bartle and Maud Melton.
Survivors include her sister, Gladys Melton Boggs, of Lee County, GA
Mathews Funeral Home 
Melton, Grace (I254194)
690 Alfred BANKS Self M Male W 38 KY Farmer NC VA
M. Jane BANKS Wife M Female W 44 VA Keeping House VA NC
Orlenia B. BANKS Dau S Female W 19 VA VA VA
William G. BANKS Son S Male W 13 VA Assits On Farm KY VA
Martha J. BANKS Dau S Female W 11 VA KY VA
Nancy E. BANKS Dau S Female W 9 VA KY VA 
Family: Banks, Alfred / Creech, Mary Jane (F52846)
691 Alias 'Hall' Neighbor of Hiram in 1820: Hiram, Isham & Wm. in 1830 [
I'm assuming they are his children]. Children #1 & #2 missing in 1830.
All children gone but #7 & #9 in 1840. With family in 1850 is Judah
Fird age18 & Susannah Harns/Harris? age 38 w/kids. Real Property worth
$500 in 1850. Bound to David Morgan 1798 in Patrick Co. Va.
Ferrin has 8 more children listed, I have not been able to locate
these kid anywhere.

Sources: 1. Census 1820: Floyd Co. Ky. pg43 220010 01010 2. Census
1830: Same pg88 012000100 130100100 3. Census 1840: Same pg260
000100100 000100010 4. Census 1850: Same Fam307, pg433 [Slone, age 62,
Va.] 5. Kay Sloan's research, 1986: 4021 Los Robles Ct. Plano, TX.
75074 6. "The Sloan Family Genealogy" by Mildred Slone Ferrin, Draper,
UT, 1986 [spouse, children: Hiram b.1854 , Benjamin F.
b.1844, Lindsey b.1837, Joseph J. b.1833, Mary J. b.1831, Katheryn
b.1827, Isom b. 1824, Lusana Slone b.1823] 
Slone, Shadrack (I5785)
692 Alias: /Millie/ Hall, Malinda (I20633)
693 Alice divorced Ruben Anderson and lives at Sycamore Kentucky. Fleming, Alice Faye (I10619)
694 Alice Mae and Kelsey Ray were twins. Adams, Alice Mae (I77779)
695 All personal information (birth, death, marriage) was provided by the son, Stephen R. Smith. Smith, Raymond A. (I254529)
696 Alternate date of birth from his Civil War pension card is 15 Jan 1835. Phipps, John Martin (I317365)
697 Although 24 Mar 1851 is the date of birth recorded on her death certificate, she was already two years old at the 1850 census. Marshall, Sena Mariah (I373619)
698 Although Find-a-Grave lists her date of death as 11 Jun 1879, this cannot be correct since she was living for the 1880 census, along with her husband and child. Porter, Cosby (I356989)
699 Although her death certificate reports a date of birth as 20 May 1872, this cannot be correct since she appeared, less than one year old, in the 1870 census in her father's household. Montgomery, Rebecca E (I387568)
700 Although her death certificate shows the date of birth as 17 Nov 1888, that appears to be off by a decade. Her firstborn child, Bessie was born in 1896. Further, the 1900 census lists her year of birth as 1878. Shouse, Rachel Ella (I353922)
701 Although his Kentucky death certificate records his date of birth as 26 Feb 1851, he was four months old at the 1850 census, so the correct birth year is presumably 1850. Marshall, William E. (I373620)
702 Although later records provide a date of birth of 10 Aug 1873, this cannot be correct. He was recorded in the 1870 census as a one-year-old in his mother's household. Burchett, Joseph (I289377)
703 Although some researchers report his year of birth as 1879, he was not included in the enumeration of the household for the 1880 census, completed in June of that year. Lucas, Aaron (I5127)
704 Alvin Hall worked as a coal loader for Elkhorn Collieries Corporation until he was pinned under a slate fall on 2 November 1939. The accident occurred in a mine at Farraday, Letcher County, KY. His Workmen's Compensation Board claim indicated that, at the time of the accident, he was paid on a tonnage basis, and he had earned approximately $90 every two weeks for his labors prior to the accident.

As a result of that accident, which severely broke his foot, ankle, and spine, he was awarded a worker's compensation settlement in the sum of $1,200 for his total disability.

He was a member of the United Mine Workers Union, District 30, Local No. 5810.

In the years following his disabling mine accident, he worked a farm, first at the family home at the head of Thornton Creek, and then at his last residence on Craft's Colly. In December 1942 (during the Second World War), he and Mary were presented a Certificate of Achievement in the "Live-At-Home Program" of the University of Kentucky Agricultural Extension Service, for producing 75% of the food needed by the family during 1942. 
Hall, Alvin (I10)
705 Amanda Bingham Jackson
Amanda Bingham Jackson, 89, of Flat Lick, a daughter of the late Parke r and Effie Slusher Bingham, pased away Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2004 in Kno x County Hospital. She was a member and Sunday school teacher at Dewit t Baptist Church. She sold milk and produce from her Dewitt farm. Her husband, Obie Jackson, preceded her in death.
She is survived by her sister, Georgia Mae Bingham Hammons of Jacksonv ille, Fla,; a sister-in-law, Elsie Hammons and husband, the Rev. Earl Hammons of Binghamtown; and other relatives and friends who mourn her passing.
Services were conducted in Hopper Funeral Home Chapel Saturday, Feb. 2 1, 2004 with the Revs. Boyd Bingham III, Earl Hammons and Jeremy Gree n officiating. Burial was in Binghamtown Cemetery at Dewitt. Hopper Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. 
Bingham, Amanda Mandy (I110635)
706 Amanda divorced Thomas circa 1886 on grounds of cruelty.He had stabbed her father Alexander Baldwin with a knife, nearly killing him. Family: Campbell, Thomas J. / Baldwin, Amanda Ann (F13636)
707 Amanda Gibson Dies Saturday Morning
Sadness and gloom spread over Whitesburg, Saturday Morning, when the word that Miss Amanda Gibson, quite ill for some time, had passed away at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson, at their home near Mayking. Fifty one years ago Miss Gibson was born near the same spot from which her kindly life winged its way to the great beyond. From her childhood, hers was a strenous [sic] struggle. Educated in the country school at Mayking, where she was loved and admired, she taught a few years, then entered Bowling green Business College where she finished a business course. Returning to her home county, she was employed in stenographic work for years, finally in the County Court Clerk's office, where she was held in the highest esteem by her hundreds of friends and with those whom she served. Several years ago she entered the realm of politics and was nominated by the Republicans for County Court Clerk, but was defeated in the November following by the present clerk, Cro C. Caudill. In 1929 she sought the same office again, was again nominated, but was defeated by the present incumbent. Miss Gibson was born and reared in a strong Democratic family and though she had declared her allegiance to the republican party for some years, yet as an opponent against a Democrat, it was an up-hill task to win, too much for a lady. No lady in all Letcher County was better loved and admired by her friends and relatives than Amanda Gibson. She sacrificed all her efforts and all her energies for her relatives and friends. She was a mother, yea, much of a mother to many of them. She will be missed like one too. Many years ago she became a member of the First Baptist Church in Whitesburg, and to her death was a consistent and faithful Christian lady. The sea of death has divided for her, the star ahead has lead [sic] and beckoned her on and once again heaven's anthems are ringing. Dry those tears, dear friends, cease repining, little Manda is not far away, just out, and will be looking for us all -- soon.
On Tuesday, of this week, the remains were brought to the First Baptist Church at this place, where funeral services were conducted by Elds. I. E. Enlow and G. B. Adams, after which they were tenderly laid in the old family cemetery at Mayking. The active pall-bearers at the funeral services were, J. L. Hays, Stephen Combs, jr., C. H. Back, French Hawk, E. L. Frazier, Sam Collins, Jas. F. Frazier, John A. Webb; Honorary, Harry L. Moore, Arch C. Adams, Lewis E. Harvie, J. C. Day, M. D. Lewis, S. T. Frazier, D. I. Day and N. M. Webb.
The deceased leaves a father and mother, three sisters and three brothers. Dr. H. H. Gibson, of Akron, Ohio, who was present at the funeral, is her youngest brother. She was highly connected with many of our best citizens. We deplore this great loss and extend sympathy and tears. 
Gibson, Amanda (I107868)
708 Amos "Walt" Walter Watson b 26 Feb 1923, Ashcamp, on Elkhorn
Creek, Pike Co. Ky. Served as a baker in Verden , Niedersachsen
(GERMANY) and in France during WWII. Worked for Volvo White.
He was born Amos Walter Watson and goes by the name "Walt". The
storie he told me about that is that when he entered the Army after
being drafted, they transposed the
names to Walter Amos and he didn't say anything about it since he
care for Amos. He said once he got out, he changed his name at the
County Court house. ED. Holt 
Watson, Amos Walter (I10323)
709 An abstract of early deeds from Orange County, VA, lists the following for Orange County Deed Book 13, pp. 455-456:

"Indenture 6 Feb 1764 between LAWRENCE FRANKLYN SENR., and MARY, his wife, of Orange County, and BERNARD FRANKLYN, leather breeches maker of County of Albemarle .. for L/ 25 .. sell tract in Orange County patented by Lawrence Franklyn and contained 400 acres, 100 thereof sold to Alexander Cleeveland Senr., and 100 to Benja. Franklyn, and the other 200 now to Bernard Franklyn..
Witnesses: Lawrence (X) Franklyn
Elizabeth Cleaveland, Mary (X) Franklyn
Betty Cleaveland, Anne Franklyn,
George Franklyn, John Cleaveland, W. Coursey.
Recorded Orange County 23rd August, 1764." 
Franklin, Bernard\Barnard (I1575)
710 An abstract of Revolutionary War pension files lists "Toliver, Jesse, NC Line, widow Frankey or Franky, W4086, soldier was born in Fauquier Co. VA & when young he moved with his father (not named) to near Richmond VA & later moved to Wilkes Co. NC where he lived at enlistment. Soldier applied 1 Mar 1834 Ashe Co. NC, soldier married Frankey Stamper 1 or 2 Apr or 8 Oct 1782 (all 3 dates given) & she was born 6 or 14 Feb 1767 (2 dates given), soldier died 7 Feb or 4 Mar 1838 (2 dates shown), widow applied 27 Dec 1842." Taliaferro, Jessse (I121658)
711 An alternate birth date from the death certificate is 28 mar 1837. Vance, Elijah Alexander (I259280)
712 An alternate birth date of 23 Apr 1898 appears in his draft registration in 1917. Olinger, Palmer (I305239)
713 An alternate date of death that is reported by some researchers is 15 Oct 1857; however, this is inconsistent with census records and birthdates of children. Sparkman, Melvina (I20707)
714 An alternative birth date of 6 Jun 1884 has also been reported. The 1881 birthdate is taken from his gravestone. Eldridge, James (I119751)
715 An alternative birth year recorded at Find-A-Grave suggests she was born in 1816 in Tennessee. Cox, Elizabeth Ann (I93670)
716 An article in the Breathitt County News edition of 25 Sep 1903 reported the following:

Mayking, Ky., Sept. 21. -- Mistaking arsenic for his medicine, Miles Mayo Adams, aged 50, a leading citizen of Thornton and a well-known Kentucky republican politician, took a large quantity of the poison and died a few hours later.
Adams, Miles Mayo (I281)
717 An early record of Shadrach "Shade" Franklin in Letcher County, KY, appears in Deed Book C-D, p. 305. He transferred title to 140 acres, located on Colly Creek, to John A. Hall by deed dated 2 Jan 1866.

In a deed dated 7 Nov 1872 and recorded in Letcher County on 6 Jan 1873, Shade and Elizah (sic) Franklin deeded to Bird Franklin a tract of land on Colly Creek.

By deed of 11 June 1888, recorded in Deed Book "O", p. 591, Shaderick (sic) Franklin deeded to Eliza Jane Franklin, his wife, 50 acres which he had bought from Greenway Hall on 2 Feb 1885. The purpose of the transfer was so that she may "raise and take care of Mary Bell, Martha, and Crissie Franklin, minor children of mine and my wife Eliza Jane Franklin." 
Franklin, Shadrach (I1484)
718 An inventory and accounting were filed in Will Book 4, at pages 264 and 266 respectively. Hillman, Dr. John Wesley (I22368)
719 An obituary from the Madison (IN) Courier of 28 Jul 2008 has been transcribed on the Find a Grave internet site. Sexton, Lourissa (I33219)
720 An online record at FamilySearch.org lists his date of death as 10 Aug 1878, but this cannot be correct, because he was listed in the household of his father in the 1880 census. Ison, Gideon (I71516)
721 An undated obituary clipping in the possession of Margaret Ann Murphy, Bluefield, WV (2001) reported that Ethel F. Bell "died at 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the home of her father on Longview Avenue. Death resulted from pneumonia... Funeral at the residence on Longview Avenue this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The body will be taken to Raphine for burial." Bell, Ethel Frances (I366)
722 Ananias COX died when a small child. Cox, Ananias (I121410)
723 Andrew and Susanna apparently separated and presumably divorced after 1850, when they were last recorded in the same household for the census. By the 1860 census, Susanna is recorded as head of household along with several of the younger children. And Andrew has fathered at least one child (Elizabeth) by Nancy Slone. Family: Stephens, Andrew William / Williams, Susanna (F40350)
724 Andrew III served in the Revolutionary War in three month terms in 1779 and 1781. He was in the Battle of Eutaw Springs in South Carolina on 8 Sep 1781. Pressler, Andreas David III (I382163)
725 Andrew J. Counts married Verna A. Grizzle on 25 Jul 1912. Family: Counts, Andrew J. / Grizzle, Verna Aldora (F4568)
726 Andrew Jackson COX was a farmer. Cox, Andrew Jackson (I121339)
727 Andrew Jackson Sturgill was drafted into the Union, then deserted to fight for the Confederates. Sturgill, Andrew Jackson (I98856)
728 Andy Yates' full name, birth and death dates were provided by his grandson, Tim Coffey, by e-mail on 26 June 2004. Yates, Andrew Victor (I11576)
729 Anita and Gene lived at Sycamore Ky. Family: Brown, Eugene Vernon / Fleming, Anita Avonell (F4422)
730 Ann Pierce (Parker) Cowper petitioned the Virginia House of Delegates for a bill of divorce from William Cowper, citing physical abuse and fraudulent dissipation of her inheritance from her father's estate. A legal separation was finally granted, and she gained custody of her children, in the year 1817. Her legal travails are documented in a book, "The Great Catastrophe of My Life: Divorce in the Old Dominion", by Thomas E. Buckley, S.J. (The University of North Carolina Press, 2002). Family: Cowper, Capt. William / Parker, Ann Pierce (F44622)
731 Ann SEXTON married Solomon COX and her sister, Judith SEXTON, married Solomon's brother, John COX.
She was the daughter of Benjamin SEXTON and Comfort (SMITH) SEXTON.

Ann SEXTON was of French Origin.

She is said to have died at an early age. 
Sexton, Ann (I121289)
732 Ann Walker Cowan remained a captive of the Indians for a period of seven years. Walker, Susanna (I117553)
733 Annette DeCourcy Towler has the picture frame copy of the Wedding Certificate [Mother's inheritance] and several copies of the wedding picture. Family: Pack, Lloyd Lional / Wessling, Grace Eldora (F99354)
734 Annie HANKS was the daughter of Fielden Hanks, who built the first permanent dwelling in Campton, Wolfe County, Kentucky. Fielden HANKS was the brother of Nancy HANKS; Nancy HANKS was the mother of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States.

Annie HANKS COX was living with Nancy COX LANDRUM and her husband, Albert Benton LANDRUM, at the time of her death. 
Hanks, Annie (I121291)
735 Announcement of Golden Wedding anniversary in May of 1983 of Leslie Franklin
and Mildred Beyers states that this Leslie is the son of Mrs. Ida Franklin of
Troy, Kansas and the late Grover Franklin. It states that they were married by
the Rev. Baker on May 28, 1933 and lived most of their married life in Denton,
Kansas. It further states that Mildred is the daughter of the late Mr. & Mrs.
Stanley Byers of Denton. Grover Franklin was the younger brother of another
Leslie Franklin. 
Gaul, Ida Louise (I70623)
736 Apparently at this census, Levi had taken charge of the children of his brother, Napoleon B. Ison, who had died in 1879. The household was enumerated as follows:

Levie, 30, Ky.
George, 9
Mary, 8
Elijah, 7
Martha, 5
Kelley, 4
John W., 2
Rachel, 77, Va., mother 
Ison, Elijah (I34436)
737 Apparently at this census, Levi had taken charge of the children of his brother, Napoleon B. Ison, who had died in 1879. The household was enumerated as follows:

Levie, 30, Ky.
George, 9
Mary, 8
Elijah, 7
Martha, 5
Kelley, 4
John W., 2
Rachel, 77, Va., mother 
Ison, George (I25298)
738 Apparently at this census, Levi had taken charge of the children of his brother, Napoleon B. Ison, who had died in 1879. The household was enumerated as follows:

Levie, 30, Ky.
George, 9
Mary, 8
Elijah, 7
Martha, 5
Kelley, 4
John W., 2
Rachel, 77, Va., mother 
Ison, John Wesley (I34333)
739 Apparently at this census, Levi had taken charge of the children of his brother, Napoleon B. Ison, who had died in 1879. The household was enumerated as follows:

Levie, 30, Ky.
George, 9
Mary, 8
Elijah, 7
Martha, 5
Kelley, 4
John W., 2
Rachel, 77, Va., mother 
Ison, Kelly (I34336)
740 Apparently at this census, Levi had taken charge of the children of his brother, Napoleon B. Ison, who had died in 1879. The household was enumerated as follows:

Levie, 30, Ky.
George, 9
Mary, 8
Elijah, 7
Martha, 5
Kelley, 4
John W., 2
Rachel, 77, Va., mother 
Ison, Mary (I70753)
741 Apparently at this census, Levi had taken charge of the children of his brother, Napoleon B. Ison, who had died in 1879. The household was enumerated as follows:

Levie, 30, Ky.
George, 9
Mary, 8
Elijah, 7
Martha, 5
Kelley, 4
John W., 2
Rachel, 77, Va., mother 
Stamper, Rachel (I4329)
742 Apparently at this census, Levi had taken charge of the children of his brother, Napoleon B. Ison, who had died in 1879. The household was enumerated as follows:

Levie, 30, Ky.
George, 9
Mary, 8
Elijah, 7
Martha, 5
Kelley, 4
John W., 2
Rachel, 77, Va., mother 
Ison, Martha (I98595)
743 Apparently at this census, Levi had taken charge of the children of his brother, Napoleon B. Ison, who had died in 1879. The household was enumerated as follows:

Levie, 30, Ky.
George, 9
Mary, 8
Elijah, 7
Martha, 5
Kelley, 4
John W., 2
Rachel, 77, Va., mother 
Ison, Levi (I89775)
744 Apparently died young. Skidmore, Margaret (I115277)
745 Arbe was Foreman for Pond Creek Collieries, then Brakeman for Norfolk
Western RR. 
Mullins, Arbe H. (I10775)
746 Archelaus COOK, Self M Male W 30 VA Farmer VA VA
Nancy COOK , Wife M Female W 33 KY Keeping House KY KY
Jesse A. COOK, Son S Male W 8 KY VA KY
Elihu COOK , Son S Male W 6 KY VA KY
Martin COOK, Son S Male W 4 KY VA KY
Rosecrans COOK, Son S Male W 2 KY VA KY 
Cook, Archelous (I2070)
747 Aronhime's notes showed Sinah Hogg, wife of Solomon, to be thegranddaughter of John Anderson. She was the daughter of Mary(McCullough) Hogg.

Notes for Sina Hogg:
The following was obtained from the "Combs &c. Families of RussellCounty, VA, Land Records" website:

Location: Crabtree Branch, Big Moccassin Creek, North Fork of theHolston, Lower Russell County, VA

Tract: 120 Acres. Mary HOGG to Soloman & Sina (Sinai? HOGG) FRAZIER toFrancis FUGAT

12 Apr 1797 Russell Co VA DB2:304-5. Indent. Mary HOGG to Sinea HOGG,both of Russell, L20, 124 acres, land gr. unto sd Mary HOGG, pat. dated22 Jan 1783, land in Russell on South side of Maugsin Cr., a N. Br. ofthe North fork of Holsten R. and bounded: foot of Clinch Mountain. s/MaryHOGG, Wits James DAVISON, Laodicea (her X mark) HOGG, James OSBORN.Ack/Rec: June Curt 1797. Proven on oaths of James DAVISON and JamesOSBORN and cont. for further proof.

05 Apr 1812 Russell Co VA DB4:515-6 Indent. Soloman FRAZER and Sina hiswife to Francis FUGAT, all of Russell Co. $600. 120 acres. on BigMockerson Cr. waters of N. Fork of Holston, land granted to Mary HAGG[HOGG?] patent dated 22 Jan 1783. Beg. at the bent of a Ridge, top of ahigh clift, near the bank of the creek, foot of Clinch Mountain and alongsame. s/Solomon FRAZER, Sina (X) FRAZER. Wits: Solomon OSBORN, JamesOSBORN, Nelson WHITE.

Note: I obtained the above information from the Family Tree Maker UserHome Pages of Brian K. Caudill
Brian Keith Caudill
2409 Lineberry Lane
Malabar, FL 32950-3447
United States
(407) 725-8173


Dear Cuzzes,

Received the following "paste-up" from Brian Caudill in today's email.
Thought you two would be interested in these "tidbits" about our
ancestor, Sinah Hogg!

> Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 14:47:00 -0700
> To: bcaudill@metrolink.net
> From: Sue Elfving
> Subject: Hogg
> Dear Brian,
> We exchanged emails earlier re: Fraziers and Hoggs. I just found the
> following in my notes and thought I should pass it along.
> 19 Nov. 1785. The Washington Co. [VA] court ordered that Stephen Hogg
> to be apprenticed to David Gatgood until he reaches the age of 21...to
> learn the mastery of the taylor and with him after the manner of an
> apprentice....signed Stephen Hogg Seal and David Gatgood Seal.
> (Wash. Co. Will Book 1, p. 109)
> 10 Dec. 1785. Synah Hogg was apprenticed to John Bradley per a Wash.
> Co. court order until she reaches the age of 18. Signed Synah Hogg and
> John Bradley Senr.
> (Wash Co. Will Book 1, p.110)
> The two above items came from a microfilm copy of the original will
> book.
> I think the above record definitely proves Synah aka Sinah was born by
> 1771 at the latest. I don't think she could have signed for herself if
> she was younger than the age of discretion which was age 14 in Virginia
> at that time. So her dob now looks like it was between 1767-1771.
> Perhaps she and Stephen are of a contemporary age.
> The below is what I sent earlier re: Sinah
> I think your Sina Hogg was born before 1780. Mary deeded land to Sina
> in 1797, and I think if Sina had been under age 21, she would have been
> styled as an infant. Furthermore, the Russell Co. court ordered (23
> July 1793) John Wood [son of Jonathan Sr.] to pay 3 pounds annually to
> the overseers of the poor for the maintenance of a baseborn child he
> had by Sinah Hogg its mother and that Sinah be allowed to keep the child
> (RC-COB2:93). At no time was Sinah styled as an infant.
> She must have had another baseborn child in 1796 when the Grand Jury
> issues another presentment on 22 Nov. 1796 against Sina Hogg for having
> a baseborn child upon the information of John Frazier and William Turner
> (COB2:330).
> She was still styled as Sina Hogg on 23 April 1799 when the Russell Co.
> court issured a presentment against her for profane swearing 5 oaths on
> 13 April 1799 on information by James Osborn and Henry Wood. Theswearing
> took place just one day after Mary deeded land to Sina.
> So I think Sina and Solomon did not marry until after April 1799. I do
> not know what that might say about who was the father of Thomas L.
> Frazier or Henry Frazier. The John Wood researchers don't seem to talk
> about the child she had by him, and I don't recall seeing a clue about
> the father of the second baseborn child.
> In any event, I think she was more the age of Solomon.
> Sue Elfving

Aronhime's notes showed Sinah Hogg, wife of Solomon, to be thegranddaughter of John Anderson. She was the daughter of Mary(McCullough) Hogg.

Notes for Sina Hogg:
The following was obtained from the "Combs &c. Families of RussellCounty, VA, Land Records" website:

Location: Crabtree Branch, Big Moccassin Creek, North Fork of theHolston, Lower Russell County, VA

Tract: 120 Acres. Mary HOGG to Soloman & Sina (Sinai? HOGG) FRAZIER toFrancis FUGAT

12 Apr 1797 Russell Co VA DB2:304-5. Indent. Mary HOGG to Sinea HOGG,both of Russell, L20, 124 acres, land gr. unto sd Mary HOGG, pat. dated22 Jan 1783, land in Russell on South side of Maugsin Cr., a N. Br. ofthe North fork of Holsten R. and bounded: foot of Clinch Mountain. s/MaryHOGG, Wits James DAVISON, Laodicea (her X mark) HOGG, James OSBORN.Ack/Rec: June Curt 1797. Proven on oaths of James DAVISON and JamesOSBORN and cont. for further proof.

05 Apr 1812 Russell Co VA DB4:515-6 Indent. Soloman FRAZER and Sina hiswife to Francis FUGAT, all of Russell Co. $600. 120 acres. on BigMockerson Cr. waters of N. Fork of Holston, land granted to Mary HAGG[HOGG?] patent dated 22 Jan 1783. Beg. at the bent of a Ridge, top of ahigh clift, near the bank of the creek, foot of Clinch Mountain and alongsame. s/Solomon FRAZER, Sina (X) FRAZER. Wits: Solomon OSBORN, JamesOSBORN, Nelson WHITE.

Note: I obtained the above information from the Family Tree Maker UserHome Pages of Brian K. Caudill
Brian Keith Caudill
2409 Lineberry Lane
Malabar, FL 32950-3447
United States
(407) 725-8173


Dear Cuzzes,

Received the following "paste-up" from Brian Caudill in today's email.
Thought you two would be interested in these "tidbits" about our
ancestor, Sinah Hogg!

> Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 14:47:00 -0700
> To: bcaudill@metrolink.net
> From: Sue Elfving
> Subject: Hogg
> Dear Brian,
> We exchanged emails earlier re: Fraziers and Hoggs. I just found the

> following in my notes and thought I should pass it along.
> 19 Nov. 1785. The Washington Co. [VA] court ordered that Stephen Hogg

> to be apprenticed to David Gatgood until he reaches the age of 21...to
> learn the mastery of the taylor and with him after the manner of an
> apprentice....signed Stephen Hogg Seal and David Gatgood Seal.
> (Wash. Co. Will Book 1, p. 109)
> 10 Dec. 1785. Synah Hogg was apprenticed to John Bradley per a Wash.
> Co. court order until she reaches the age of 18. Signed Synah Hogg and
> John Bradley Senr.
> (Wash Co. Will Book 1, p.110)
> The two above items came from a microfilm copy of the original will
> book.
> I think the above record definitely proves Synah aka Sinah was born by
> 1771 at the latest. I don't think she could have signed for herself if
> she was younger than the age of discretion which was age 14 in Virginia
> at that time. So her dob now looks like it was between 1767-1771.
> Perhaps she and Stephen are of a contemporary age.
> The below is what I sent earlier re: Sinah
> I think your Sina Hogg was born before 1780. Mary deeded land to Sina

> in 1797, and I think if Sina had been under age 21, she would have been
> styled as an infant. Furthermore, the Russell Co. court ordered (23
> July 1793) John Wood [son of Jonathan Sr.] to pay 3 pounds annually to
> the overseers of the poor for the maintenance of a baseborn child he
> had by Sinah Hogg its mother and that Sinah be allowed to keep the child
> (RC-COB2:93). At no time was Sinah styled as an infant.
> She must have had another baseborn child in 1796 when the Grand Jury
> issues another presentment on 22 Nov. 1796 against Sina Hogg for having
> a baseborn child upon the information of John Frazier and William Turner
> (COB2:330).
> She was still styled as Sina Hogg on 23 April 1799 when the Russell Co.
> court issured a presentment against her for profane swearing 5 oaths on
> 13 April 1799 on information by James Osborn and Henry Wood. Theswearing
> took place just one day after Mary deeded land to Sina.
> So I think Sina and Solomon did not marry until after April 1799. I do
> not know what that might say about who was the father of Thomas L.
> Frazier or Henry Frazier. The John Wood researchers don't seem to talk
> about the child she had by him, and I don't recall seeing a clue about
> the father of the second baseborn child.
> In any event, I think she was more the age of Solomon.
> Sue Elfving 
Hogg, Sarah Elizabeth (I25611)
748 As a deputy jailer, he was attempting to arrest John Jones when he was fatally shot with a revolver. Combs, James (I99962)
749 As a result of his service, he was admitted to the U. S. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers in Johnson City, Tennessee on 25 May 1904. He was a widower, suffering from rheumatism and hemorrhoids. HHis residence at the time of admission was Chatham Hill, Smyth, Virginia. Dougherty, Robert Benton (I340549)
750 As a young man, during the great depression, Brady hitchhiked to Arizona to visit his sister Bertha and to look for work. Unable to find work, he joined the Civilian Conservation Corps. Fleming, Brady (I10223)
751 As of 30 Oct 2017, have verified or found any source to prove the names of the parents on this family. Annette D Towler Tackett, Machell (I108363)
752 As of May 1898, when Matilda (Duff) Lewis, sister of John Duff, was interviewed by Rev. Dickey, Polly Combs was still living at Grapevine, Perry County, KY. Combs, Mary Ann (I22829)
753 As there are three John H. Picklesimers born in the vicinity of Johnson County, KY, between 1862-1864, it took considerable research to determine which one Victoria Alice married.

By process of elimination, it appears that John H., son of Samuel Picklesimer, born 1862, is the correct person.John Henry "Teacher" Picklesimer (1864-1936), son of ___ Picklesimer, was linked in several on-line trees. However, from census records and his obituary, it is clear that he was married only to Manerva Watson between 1884 and his death.

The other candidate, John Henry Picklesimer (1861,Kentucky-1932, Ohio), son of John and Catherine (Bayes) Picklesimer, was married to Nancy "Nannie" Thompson for his entire adult life, as shown by census records (1880-1910). That would appear to eliminate any likelihood of any marriage to Victoria Alice in 1905. 
Family: Picklesimer, John H / Lemaster, Victoria Alice (F99674)
754 Asberry Combs was her first husband and Clinton was her second. Duff, Delilah (I80138)
755 at James LeMaster's home Family: Slone, George W. / Lemaster, Martha M. (F99402)
756 At some point before the 1920 census, he adopted the use of his stepfather's surname. Taylor, Everett P. (I11388)
757 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Halcomb, Jack Elwood (I113766)
758 At the 1880 census, he was enumerated in the household of James Yonts. Isaacs, Elijah Willis (I3855)
759 At the 1880 census, he was listed as a resident in the household of Kelly Hogg. Gilley, James Madison (I73411)
760 At the 1880 census, he was listed as a resident in the household of Roger Cornett. Newland, Robert (I90425)
761 At the 1880 census, he was residing in the household of Shadrick Combs. Neace, Anderson Blessing (I21008)
762 At the 1880 census, Hortense Lee was listed as a servant residing in the household of Henry C. Bates, along with her infant son," Irven Lee". Baker, Irvin Wickliffe (I24737)
763 At the 1880 census, Hortense Lee was listed as a servant residing in the household of Henry C. Bates, along with her infant son," Irven Lee". Lee, Hortense (I23337)
764 At the 1880 census, James and Jennie were living alone. Hale, James Dickenson (I3565)
765 At the 1880 census, Nancy was residing in the household of her sister and brother-in-law, Sabrina and Watson G. Caudill. Combs, Nancy Ann (I1554)
766 At the 1880 census, she was living in the household of Isaac Williams. Johnson, Jane (I79483)
767 At the 1880 census, she was reported as a resident in the household of Sam T. Nickel. Hale, Sarah Elizabeth (I83291)
768 At the 1880 census, she was residing in the home of Dale Frazier. Ingram, Lucinda (I71514)
769 At the 1880 census, she was residing in the household of her son-in-law, Elihu Kiser. Johnson, Sarah (I2840)
770 At the 1880 census, she was residing in the household of James Maggard. Cooper, Jane (I16687)
771 At the 1880 Pike County census, she was listed as a servant in the household of Huldy Potter. Branham, Catherine Ann (I72088)
772 At the 1900 census of the Rockhouse Creek district of Letcher County, Albert R. Meade was a widower boarding in the household of George Estep, his brother-in-law. Meade, Albert Robert Jr. (I3986)
773 At the 1900 census, he was residing in the home of his brother, John W. Mullins. He was widowed. Mullins, Weddington (I9692)
774 At the 1920 census, Herman Crase was a boarder in the household of James M. and Julia Hill. He was single. Crase, Herman Henderson (I122840)
775 At the first term of Court of Washington County after the battle of Kings Mountain on Nov. 4, 1780, guardians were appointed for the orphans of Wm. Lusk Jr., the deceased. Lusk, William Sr. (I383660)
776 At the request of Governor William Clark, he was commissioned to organize a company of rangers to put down Indian uprisings against the Missouri settlers. His commission was signed by President James Madison on March 27, 1813. Boone, Col. Nathan (I30135)
777 At the start of the Revolutionary War, he was a Virginia colonist when he enlisted as a Private in the Virginia Militia. He rose through the ranks to Colonel of the 5th Virginia Regiment and fought at the Battle of Point Pleasant. He commanded a substantial part of the American forces at the Battle of Kings Mountain and was brevetted Brigadier General for his service Russell, William Washington Jr (I370835)
778 At the time of his draft registration, he was employed as a chauffeur for the Consolidation Coal Company in Jenkins, Letcher, KY. He was married to Nannie. He was described as short and slender with blue eyes and brown hair. Wright, William Henry (I6106)
779 At the time of his draft registration, he was living with his mother at 4037 Laverne Avenue, Chicago. He was single, employed by R. Malcer & Company. He was of medium build, blue eyes, and blond hair. Nelson, Walter Gilbert (I122256)
780 At the time of his marriage to Eliza(h) Franklin, he was a resident of Wise County, Virginia, according to entry of marriage in Letcher County records. Hall, James Preston (I2806)
781 At the time of his registration, he was serving as a deputy jailor, working for Fess Whitaker. Adams, Stephen (I83295)
782 At the time of the 1880 census, he was living in the household of his daughter, Vina, and her husband, William W. Amburgey. Sparkman, William James (I28292)
783 At the time of the 1880 census, Talt Hall was residing in the household of Bad John Wright. Hall, Thomas Talton (I2854)
784 At the time of the 1900 census, he was boarding in the household of Louis Cook on Rockhouse Creek of Letcher County. Grimes, Alfred (I15018)
785 At the time of the 1920 census, William E. Collins was a widower. Collins, William E (I251868)
786 At the time of the registration, he was a foreman for Atlantic Refining Company, Dwale, VA. He was described as tall, of medium build, with blue eyes, and light hair. Fleming, Creed Flannery (I10915)
787 At the time of this census, he was divorced, and he and his son Henry "Hennie" were residing with his parents. Meade, Ezekiel (I106304)
788 At the time of this census, he was serving as Sheriff of Dickenson County. Enumerated as part of his "household" were the inmates of the county jail. Fleming, Alfred Alfonso (I11083)
789 At this census, Flem Hall was reported as a resident in the household of Charles C. and Ellen Gray, at Castlewood, VA. He was reported as married, and a laborer. [NARA film #T9-1389, p. 20] Hall, Flemming (I15129)
790 At this census, Rhoda is reported as the sole head of household as follows:

Roda, 45, Ky.
Thomas, 21
Harlan, 17
Wilborn, 15
Frankey, 10 (female) 
Hall, Wilburn (I8084)
791 At this census, Rhoda is reported as the sole head of household as follows:

Roda, 45, Ky.
Thomas, 21
Harlan, 17
Wilborn, 15
Frankey, 10 (female) 
Bentley, Rhoda S. (I8082)
792 ATTORNEY. PRES OF BANK OF GAULEY BRIDGE IN 1923 Mahan, Charles E. Jr. (I623)
793 Author John Ed Pearce describes the event as follows:

"On April 15, 1888, Joe Eversole, His brother-in-law Nick Combs, and Judge Josiah Combs were riding toward Big Creek. It had been quiet in Hazard for several weeks, and people were beginning to hope that the feud had died down. But as the Eversoles rounded a turn in the road, they were hit by a burst of gunfire from thick patch of woods above the bend. Joe Eversole was knowcked from his horse, his body riddled by eight bullets. Nick Combs was similarly hit. Josiah Combs was nicked and had five bullet holes in his clothes but managed to escape." Bad Tom Smith was one of the two assailants. 
Eversole, Joseph Castle (I29788)
794 Author John Ed Pearce describes the event thus:

"on September 15, 1887, Joe Eversole and Bill Gambrell met on the street in Hazard. Gambrell was a loudmouthed, gunslinging, part-time preacher, denouncing the demon rum one moment, peddling moonshine whiskey the next. Gambrell made what seemed to be a threatening remark. Eversole told him to keep his mouth shut or risk getting it shut permanently. Gambrell reached for his pistol. Eversole grabbed Gambrell's pistol, pulled his own, and shot him. Gambrell was killed. He was a French man, and the feud was automatically restarted." 
Eversole, Joseph Castle (I29788)
795 b: BET 1800 AND 1805 in North Carolina per 1870

Burial: 1855 Dewitt Cemetery, Knox Co.Kentucky
1850 Knox Co., KY Census:
John Mills, 45 NC
Lucretia, 41 KY
Mary, 24 KY
Easter, 22 KY
Entony, 21 KY
Henry, 12 KY
Lucretia, 11 KY
Clarke, 8 KY
John, 6 KY
Elizabeth, 4 KY
William, 8 months KY

1880 Knox Co., KY Census:
John MILLS Self M Male W 78 NC Farmer NC NC
Criasy MILLS Wife M Female W 73 KY Keeping Hou
Frankey BAKER Other S Female W 76 KY VA VA 
Mills, John (I110350)
796 BACHELOR Hansford, Alva Marshall (I924)
797 BACHELOR Jones, Thomas (I943)
798 BACHELOR Brown, Samuel (I957)
799 Bartley HOLLIFIELD Self M Male W 38 VA Farmer NC NC
Elizabeth HOLLIFIELD Wife M Female W 36 VA Keeping House VA NC
William HOLLIFIELD Son S Male W 16 VA Works On Farm VA VA
Nancy Ann HOLLIFIELD Dau S Female W 14 VA VA VA
David A. HOLLIFIELD Son S Male W 3 VA VA VA 
Hollyfield, David Albert (I89577)
800 Bartley HOLLIFIELD Self M Male W 38 VA Farmer NC NC
Elizabeth HOLLIFIELD Wife M Female W 36 VA Keeping House VA NC
William HOLLIFIELD Son S Male W 16 VA Works On Farm VA VA
Nancy Ann HOLLIFIELD Dau S Female W 14 VA VA VA
David A. HOLLIFIELD Son S Male W 3 VA VA VA 
Hollyfield, Nancy Ann (I23070)
801 Bartley HOLLIFIELD Self M Male W 38 VA Farmer NC NC
Elizabeth HOLLIFIELD Wife M Female W 36 VA Keeping House VA NC
William HOLLIFIELD Son S Male W 16 VA Works On Farm VA VA
Nancy Ann HOLLIFIELD Dau S Female W 14 VA VA VA
David A. HOLLIFIELD Son S Male W 3 VA VA VA 
Hollyfield, William Jefferson (I29419)
802 Bartley HOLLIFIELD Self M Male W 38 VA Farmer NC NC
Elizabeth HOLLIFIELD Wife M Female W 36 VA Keeping House VA NC
William HOLLIFIELD Son S Male W 16 VA Works On Farm VA VA
Nancy Ann HOLLIFIELD Dau S Female W 14 VA VA VA
David A. HOLLIFIELD Son S Male W 3 VA VA VA 
Family: Hollyfield, Bartley / Mullins, Elizabeth (F9336)
803 Based on census information, Isaac was widowed in 1920 and married to Maudie by 1930; thus the marriage occurred in that range of dates. Family: Parsons, Isaac Lee / Collins, Maudie (F44072)
804 Based upon the certified copy of his death certificate, the tombstone inscription reports his date of death incorrectly, as 27 May, 1932. Mohn, William Howard (I69)
805 Basil Hamptom
Age 82, of Virgie, died November 8, 1997. Born Aug. 24, 1915, son of the late Marlon Hampton and Allie Elswick. Survivors include five brothers; Hassell, Russell, Elmer, Lonnie, Edgar; four sisters, Lettie Pugh, Stella Rowe, Lottie Tackett, Hettie Kenny. Burial is in the Amil Little Memorial Cemetery at Virgie, KY. 
Hampton, William Basil (I98437)
806 Basil was in the grocery store business for 55-60 years in Letcher County. His last store was located on Main Street of Whitesburg.

He served as a school trustee and chairman of the Letcher County Board of Education. 
Hall, Elder William Basil (I40)
807 Believed to be Elisha. I have listed as Male but could have been Female. Frazier, Elish (I25475)
808 Believed to have died in the French and Indian War. Hogg, Thomas (I25487)
809 Belle was a widow of a Mullins at the time of her marriage to Jesse Spicer in 1938. Family: Spicer, Jesse James / Lee, Roxanne Belle (F128032)
810 Belvia appeared twice in the 1930 census of Marion County, Indiana. She was recorded in the household of her husband, James M. "Jimmy" Yonrs. She was listed again as a patient in the Marion County Tuberculosis Hospital on 3 April 1930. Franklin, Belvia Duran (I1510)
811 Ben shot and killed himself in the family general store. McIntire, Benjamin (I2137)
812 Ben was a deacon in the Old Regular Baptist Church. Adams, Benjamin (I2790)
813 Benjamin died in the Civil War. Wright, Benjamin (I6543)
814 Benjamin Franklin and Deborah Read lived as common-law partners, beginning around 1730. Because Deborah had been abandoned by her lawful husband, John Rogers, she could not legally marry Benjamin. Family: Franklin, Dr. Benjamin / Read, Deborah (F50739)
815 Benjamin Franklin and Deborah Read lived as common-law partners, beginning around 1730. Because Deborah had been abandoned by her lawful husband, John Rogers, she could not legally marry Benjamin. Family: Franklin, Dr. Benjamin / Read, Deborah (F50739)
816 Benjamin Hamilton was awarded a pension for his Revolutionary War service as a private in the Virginia State Line. He received annual allowance of $43.33 and a total of $129.99 on 25 Feb 1834. At the time his pension began, he was 73 years of age. Hamilton, Benjamin S. (I17111)
817 Benjamin Hamilton was awarded a pension for his Revolutionary War service as a private in the Virginia State Line. He received annual allowance of $43.33 and a total of $129.99 on 25 Feb 1834. At the time his pension began, he was 73 years of age. Hamilton, Benjamin S. (I17111)
818 Benjamin Harrison V was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. He was a member of one of the most storied families in Virginia colonial history. He was born and reared on Berkeley Plantation, overlooking the James River outside of Charles City. Harrison, Gov. Benjamin V (I130031)
819 Benjamin webb was part of the first party of permanent settlers in Letcher County, KY; this group was led by John Adams in 1804. The family settled in the Mayking area. Webb, Benjamin James (I3618)
820 Bennett Ball Connection
Author: R.P. Date: 1 Jun 2001 12:00 PM GMT
Surnames: HOGG
Classification: Query
In Reply to: bennett,ball connection by: John Ball
Post Reply | Mark Unread | Report Abuse Print Message
The Mason County History Book records that Dr. Jesse Bennett and his wifeElizabeth HOGG the daugther of Peter HOGG and of whom he preformed acaearean section his 1st wife who died april 29,1829.

Hogg, Elizabeth (I25463)
821 Bernard Clyde "Clyde" Davis attended the Southwest Community College
graduated in Mining Technology. He worked for three years then went
business with his father. He owned and operated the Crystal Coal
for five years. He owned the B & C Coal Co. and Davis and Davis
Contracting. He is presently employed as Operator of the Liberty
Co. Harmon, VA. 
Davis, Bernard Clyde Jr. (I12385)
822 Betsy and the children were taken to the Shawnee settlements of the Miami River area north of the Ohio, where they remained for several years. Renick, Betsy (I241090)
823 Betsy and the children were taken to the Shawnee settlements of the Miami River area north of the Ohio, where they remained for several years. Renick, Joshua Archer (I6209)
824 Betsy and the children were taken to the Shawnee settlements of the Miami River area north of the Ohio, where they remained for several years. Renick, Capt. Robert Jr. (I241088)
825 Betsy and the children were taken to the Shawnee settlements of the Miami River area north of the Ohio, where they remained for several years. Renick, Thomas (I241089)
826 Betsy and the children were taken to the Shawnee settlements of the Miami River area north of the Ohio, where they remained for several years. Renick, Col. William (I241087)
827 Betsy and the children were taken to the Shawnee settlements of the Miami River area north of the Ohio, where they remained for several years. Archer, Elizabeth (I6198)
828 Betsy divorced Robert on grounds of adultery and abandonment, due to his open relationship with Nancy Prater Allen. Family: Patrick, Robert / McMullen, Elizabeth (F40735)
829 Between the birth of daughter Maria (1865-1866) and son Michael (1867-1868), the family moved from New York to Wisconsin, according to the 1870 census. Kelly, Mary (I23271)
830 Between the birth of daughter Maria (1865-1866) and son Michael (1867-1868), the family moved from New York to Wisconsin, according to the 1870 census. Murray, Anna (I173)
831 Between the birth of daughter Maria (1865-1866) and son Michael (1867-1868), the family moved from New York to Wisconsin, according to the 1870 census. Murray, John (I233598)
832 Between the birth of daughter Maria (1865-1866) and son Michael (1867-1868), the family moved from New York to Wisconsin, according to the 1870 census. Murray, Lawrence (I119086)
833 Between the birth of daughter Maria (1865-1866) and son Michael (1867-1868), the family moved from New York to Wisconsin, according to the 1870 census. Murray, Maria (I119089)
834 Between the birth of daughter Maria (1865-1866) and son Michael (1867-1868), the family moved from New York to Wisconsin, according to the 1870 census. Murray, William (I233599)
835 Between the birth of daughter Maria (1865-1866) and son Michael (1867-1868), the family moved from New York to Wisconsin, according to the 1870 census. Murray, Michael (I23270)
836 Bhulas Fleming married 1) Bill Fair and 2) Harry Roloff, Jr. She has
children. She is living in 1992 in Tampa, Florida. 
Fleming, Myra Bhulas (I12346)
837 Big Tildon was 17 and single and Ellen was 16 and single when married.
Both were living in Dickenson Co. Va. They were married by Felix
Senter. Samual was a farmer. Ellen and Samuel had seven Children. 
Family: Fleming, Samuel Jefferson Tilden / Dotson, Ellen Colley (F4327)
838 Big will was 29 and divorced and Cyntha was 37 when married by D. L.
Kendrick. Both were Living in Ore Kent, Kentucky. 
Family: Fleming, James William / Moore, Cynthia Jane (F4410)
839 Bill was 16 and single and Sarah was 15 and single when married by J.
Swindall. Both were living in Pike County. Bill was a farmer. 
Family: Fleming, James William / Elkins, Sarah (F4412)
840 Bill was killed in a shoot-out. Moore, William (I10604)
841 BINGHAM EVA 1921 05 11 SHELTON MARY KNOX 052 25811

029-14434 BINGHAM, CURTIS G 03-29-1924 KNOX SHELTON, MARY 1924 9

Knox County Marriage Book U page 291
Henry Mills age 18 marriage 1
parents Brice and Mandy Mills
Mary Shelton age 17 marriage 1
parents Will and Lida Shelton
location Wm Shelton Witnesses Nelson Shelton, Wm Shelton, and Rose Shelton
Jan 10, 1908 
Shelton, Mary (I110499)
842 BINGHAM EVA 1921 05 11 SHELTON MARY KNOX 052 25811

BARBOURVILLE --- EVA BINGHAM, 79, Walker, former homemaker, mother of Jerry
Lee Mills, Baileys Switch, died Tuesday. Services 2 p.m. Saturday, Knox
Funeral Home. Visitation 6-9 p.m. today, 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m.

025 MILLS JERRY L 03 17 1950 KNOX BINGHAM EVA 1950 9
Bingham, Eva (I110497)
843 Biographical:
In 1920, Lewis Hartley was a farmer and living in Blue Ridge, North Carolina. 
Hartley, Lewis (I107185)
844 Biographical:
Mary is listed on the 1910 Census as having had 11 kids, but of those, 9 were living. 
Triplett, Mary Elizabeth (I107186)
845 Biographical: "THOMAS HALL TRIPLETT, born 3 March, 1831 in Wilkes County, North Carolina,married Rachel Storie, who was born in 1823, a daughter of John and Susie Greene Storie. She died in 1870 and Thomas 25 March, 1909. Both are buried in the Storie Cemetery in Wilkes County. There children were born in Wilkes County." Triplett, Thomas Hall (I107150)
846 Bird and Susannah [Strong] Franklin were listed in household #301 (p. 58) in the 1860 census. The full household listing is as follows:

Bird, male, age 27, b. VA
Susannah, female, age 20, b. VA
Mary E., female, age 3, b. VA
Queen V[ictoria], female, age 2, b. VA
Abe, male, age 64, b. NC
Elizabeth [Jeffries], female, age 63, b. KY 
Family: Franklin, Benjamin Burgess / Strong, Susannah (F596)
847 Bird Franklin first appeared in Letcher County, KY, census records for 1860, as household #587. The enumerator entered the residents of the household as "Burd Franklin", aged 54, born in North Carolina, and "Agonist Franklin", aged 53, born in Virginia.

In a special Kentucky Agricultural Census of the same year, on page 31 of Schedule 4, "Productions of Agriculture for the Letcher County District", an entry is made for Burd [sic] Franklin. In summary, it reports he had no land, improved or unimproved; farm implements valued at $8; livestock consisting of one horse, three milk cows, three other cattle, and two sheep, with total value of $161. His reported agricultural production consisted of 200 bushels of indian corn, 20 pounds of wool, one bushel of peas and beans, two bushels of potatoes, six bushels of buckwheat, 60 pounds of butter, six pounds of flax, two pounds of flaxseed, 140 pounds of maple sugar. Estimated value of "homemade manufactures" was $12, and value of animals slaughtered was $46. [Cert. copy from National Archives, Record Group M1528, Roll 9; courtesy of Karen West, May 1997.]
Franklin, Bird S. V. (I104)
848 Bird Franklin, aged 18, is enumerated on Schedule page 118 in the 1850 Federal Census of Johnson County, Kentucky. Bird Franklin was reported as a 19-year-old laborer living in the household of the Burgess M. Preston familty (dwelling #511).

He also was reported in the same year as a member of his father's household in Floyd County.
Franklin, Benjamin Burgess (I1564)
849 Bird is believed buried in an unmarked or fieldstone-marked grave in the Franklin Cemetery.
Franklin, Bird S. V. (I104)
850 Birth and death date according to her obituary. Hall, Laura (I30040)
851 Birth and death date according to his obituary. Burial in the Richmond Cemetery, Paintsville, KY. Salmons, John G. (I106263)
852 Birth and death dates according to death certificate. Salmons, Frank (I106262)
853 Birth and death dates for Robert Harriford "Harrif" and Delphia (Workman) Fleming and their descendants were provided from Harrif Fleming Family Cemetery transcription furnished by family member Robbie Fleming. [E-mail dated 7/9/2009] Family: Fleming, Robert Harriford / Workman, Delphia (F4471)
854 Birth and death dates were confirmed from obituary in the possession of his niece, Darlene Johnson. Johnson, Willie Joe (I14932)
855 Birth and death dates were provided by their son, Augie Blevins (4 Jan 2006). Burke, Rhoda Malissia (I23903)
856 Birth and death dates were provided by their son, Augie Blevins (4 Jan 2006). Blevins, William Harrison (I23906)
857 Birth and death dates were provided by their son, Augie Blevins (4 Jan 2006). Dills, Mary Jane (I23907)
858 Birth and death dates were provided by their son, Augie Blevins (4 Jan 2006). Blevins, Virgil Harrison (I23908)
859 Birth date has been noted variously as 1808 or 1810. The tombstone on his grave at the Frank Tackett Cemetery, Long Fork, Shelby Creek, Pike County, KY, lists the year of birth as 1810. However, on his death certificate filed in 1855, his age at death was reported as 47. Hall, Richard (I422)
860 Birth date is as listed on Find-a-Grave. Messer, Reuben (I266975)
861 Birth date is as recorded in 1912 census of students of Rockhouse School. Hall, William (I3375)
862 Birth date is as recorded in 1912 census of students of Rockhouse School. Hall, Lee Sr. (I3376)
863 Birth date is as recorded in 1912 census of students of Rockhouse School. Hall, Bertha (I3377)
864 Birth date is as recorded in 1912 census of students of Rockhouse School. Hall, Cynthia L. (I3379)
865 Birth date is as recorded in 1912 census of students of Rockhouse School. Hall, Betty Ann (I21499)
866 Birth date is as recorded in 1912 census of students of Rockhouse School. McCray, Eveline (I21500)
867 Birth date is as reported in the Wise County Birth Register 1856-1871. Hall, John Sherman (I121)
868 Birth date is as reported in the Wise County Birth Register 1856-1871. Hall, John Sherman (I121)
869 Birth date is as reported on his marriage license issued in Butler County, OH, in 1911. Blair, Shade (I100407)
870 Birth date is established by 1800 census of Ashe County, NC. Wells, William Thomas (I21516)
871 Birth date is estimated based on her report of age 42 in the 1850 Letcher County census. Rice, Lydia Margaret (I5349)
872 Birth date is from Rockhouse School Census of 1912. Hall, Aggie (I3108)
873 Birth date shown here is as reported on his marriage license. Campbell, Joseph C. (I88852)
874 Birth date shown is that which was entered on gravestone erected on site of his burial, in the Frank Tackett Cemetery. Tackett, Elder William (I439)
875 Birth information taken from the 1990 census record. Ellington, Perlina (I263821)
876 Birth information was derived from his application for a Confederate veteran's pension. Hubbard, William Morris Jr. (I34702)
877 Birth month and year are as reported in 1900 census. Meade, Rachel (I4862)
878 Birth records show the following:

Name:George Nelson
Birth Date:26 Mar 1899
Birthplace:Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Race (Original):Norwegian
Father's Name:George Nelson
Father's Birthplace:Raade, Norwy.
Father's Age:45
Mother's Name:... Ana Vernlfsen
Mother's Birthplace:Tune, Norwy.
Mother's Age:35
Christening Date:
Christening Place:
GS Film number:1287746
Digital Folder Number:4271455
Image Number:362
Reference ID:p 238 
Nelson, George (I76)
879 Birth records show the following:

Name:George Nelson
Birth Date:26 Mar 1899
Birthplace:Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Race (Original):Norwegian
Father's Name:George Nelson
Father's Birthplace:Raade, Norwy.
Father's Age:45
Mother's Name:... Ana Vernlfsen
Mother's Birthplace:Tune, Norwy.
Mother's Age:35
Christening Date:
Christening Place:
GS Film number:1287746
Digital Folder Number:4271455
Image Number:362
Reference ID:p 238 
Nelson, George (I76)
880 Birth year is established based upon a reported age of 34 on his death certificate. Combs, Lewis (I80466)
881 Birth year is estimated based on his reported age 24 on his marriage license. Swinn, Henry Allen (I16040)
882 Birth year was obtained from grave marker in the Frank Tackett Cemetery. Johnson, William Payne (I1355)
883 Birth: Jan. 8, 1927
Letcher County
Kentucky, USA
Death: Mar. 2, 2010
Butler County
Ohio, USA

Ophia Turner Cornett, age 83 of Hamilton, OH passed away March 2, 2010 at Birchwood Care Center. She was born January 8, 1927 in Letcher County, KY, the daughter of the late Monroe and Ella Jane (Day) Turner. She worked for over 25
years at Square D., retiring in 1993. Mrs. Cornett loved spending time with her family and also enjoyed fishing and bingo. She is survived by one son Cody Cornett; four grandchildren, Marty (Cindy) Bowlin, Janie Said, Jennifer (John)
Strube, and Angie (Dale) Durbin; several great grandchildren, and one sister, Elvie Turner. Mrs. Cornett was also preceded in death by her daughter Wanda Bowlin, and her son David Cornett. The family would like to express their sincere thanks to Robin Wagers for everything she has done for Mrs. Cornett's family. Visitation at THE WEBSTER FUNERAL HOME 3080 Homeward Way at Rt. 4,
Fairfield, March 5, 2010 from 1:00 PM until the time of the funeral service at 2:00 PM, with Elder Martin Jackson, officiating. Burial to follow in Greenwood Cemetery.


Family links:
Wanda Cornett Bowlin (1948 - 1995)*

*Calculated relationship

Greenwood Cemetery
Butler County
Ohio, USA 
Turner, Opha (I99467)
884 Birth: twin of Martha Triplett, Mary (I107238)
885 Birth: Twin of Mary Triplett, Martha (I107240)
886 Birthdate found on Harlan County School records microfilmed by LDS Church. Coldiron, Mary May (I114671)
887 Birthdate is approximated from his listed age 30 in the 1850 Russell County, VA, census. Poindexter, John Craft (I1974)
888 Birthdate is as shown on 1942 draft registration card. Combs, Wilgus Britain (I102156)
889 Birthdate is estimated from his reported age 86 on his death certificate. Blair, Green (I14350)
890 Birthdate is per tombstone. Sexton, Martha (I90854)
891 Birthdate was provided from tombstone by researcher Anissa Cook. Bentley, John Lacy (I13370)
892 Birthday may be 9 July 1871 Franklin, Margaret A. (I70581)
893 Birthplace of Hancock County, TN was reported on the marriage license issued in Lee County, VA. Gibson, Benjamin Larkin (I23559)
894 Bond Book 1, p.32. "Marriages Listed in Floyd County "Bond" Book I", by Claire Kelly. Family: Osborne, Benjamin Harrison / Baker, Susanna (F2816)
895 Bond Book 1, p.35. "Marriages Listed in Floyd County "Bond" Book I", by Claire Kelly. Mullins, Sherwood (I5957)
896 Bond Book I, p. 2. "Marriages Listed in Floyd County "Bond" Book I", by Claire Kelly. Family: Casebolt, John / Estep, Sabra (F2542)
897 Bond dated 16 Dec 1826 by Suddith D. Turner and James Franklin for a marriage shortly to be had between Suddith D. Turner and Sally Franklin.

"Mr. Jacob Mayo, this shall authorise you to issue marriage licence for Suddith D. Turner and Sally Franklin. Given under my hand this 7 day of December 1826.
(s) John Franklin" 
Family: Turner, Suddith David / Franklin, Sarah R. (F12750)
898 Bonenzer FRASIER Self M Male W 31 KY Works On Farm KY VA
Nancy FRASIER Wife M Female W 22 KY Keeping House KY KY
Zachariah FRASIER Son S Male W 8 KY KY KY
Sarah J. FRASIER Dau S Female W 6 KY KY KY
Kelley FRASIER Son S Male W 4 KY KY KY
Martha FRASIER Dau S Female W 2M KY KY KY 
Frazier, Bonargen N. (I22082)
899 Booker Mullins is reported to have died at the age of 102.5 yrs. Mullins, James Booker Sr. (I5700)
900 Both Herman and Myrtle reported that they had been divorced from prior spouses at the time of their application for a marriage license. Family: McIntire, Herman / Delph, Myrtle Grace (F50444)
901 Both Jacob and Maggie were widowed from earlier marriages when they applied for their marriage license. Family: Damron, Jacob / Ellis, Margaret (F51099)
902 Both participants in the gunfight died as a result of the exchange of fire. Cyrus, Edmond (I31013)
903 Both participants in the gunfight died as a result of the exchange of fire. Cyrus, Edmond (I31013)
904 Both social security records and Kentucky birth records show his year of birth as 1918, but his tombstone apparently says 1917, if Find-A-Grave transcription is accurate. Hall, Clay Burton (I3470)
905 Bought 130 acre farm in Seville, Ohio. Swan, Anna Haining (I2951)
906 Bounty land warrants #78152-40-50 and #86738-120-55 were granted. After his death in 1845, his widow continued to receive a pension. Dobson, Ann Moore (I1737)
907 Bounty land warrants #78152-40-50 and #86738-120-55 were granted. After his death in 1845, his widow continued to receive a pension. Franklin, Bernard (I1717)
908 Buggy was raised her entire life by Hiram and Lizzie Sexton. Ison, Viola (I405497)
911 BUILT LARGE HOME IN 1824 IN HANSFORD, WV. STILL STANDING Hansford, Felix Gilbert (I893)
912 Burial: 1887 Horse Creek Cemetery, Horse Creek Road, Laurel County, Kentucky Miller, Mathias (I110685)
913 Burial: 1907 Horse Creek Cemetery, Horse Creek Road, Laurel County, Kentucky
Death: 03 DEC 1907
1870 Knox Co. KY Census
Page 49; hh#: 105
Walker, Marian; 33; KY
Lucretia; 32; KY
Francis; 12; KY
Charity; 10; KY
John; 6; KY
Elizabeth; 4; KY
Lucinda; 2; KY

1880 Knox Co., KY Census:
Maran WALKER Self M Male W 43 KY Farmer KY KY
Cresey WALKER Wife M Female W 42 KY Keeping House N C KY
Frances WALKER Son S Male W 22 KY Works On Farm KY K Y
John WALKER Son S Male W 16 KY Works On Farm KY KY
Elezibeth WALKER Dau S Female W 13 KY At Home KY KY
Lucy WALKER Dau S Female W 11 KY At Home KY KY
Charley WALKER Son S Male W 9 KY KY KY
Dicy WALKER Dau S Female W 6 KY KY KY
Luay WALKER Dau S Female W 4 KY KY KY
Pellas WALKER Son S Male W 4M KY KY KY 
Walker, Francis Marion (I110563)
914 Burial: 1907 Lancaster Cemetary
Death: 05 FEB 1907 in Garrard County Kentucky 
Wagers, John (I110449)
915 Burial: 1913 Nelson Gray Cemetery Knox Co KY
1870 Josh Bell Co Ky, Pineville or Flat Lick, HH #10-10
Asher Henry W 30 m w farmer KY
Lucretia 18 f w keeping house KY
Peter 1 m w KY

1900 Knox Co., KY Census:
Henry Asher, 55 b. Apr 1845 KY (Married 29 years)
Cresia, 48 b. Dec 1851 KY (11 Births/9 Living Children)
Axie, 20 b. May 188 KY
Jimmie, 18 b. Jan 1882 KY
Jackson, 16 b. May 1884 KY
Charlie, 14 b. Apr 1886 KY
Gillus, 12 b. Jun 1888 KY
Lucy Etna, 10 b. Feb 1890 KY 
Asher, Henry Wiser (I110423)
916 Burial: 1913 Nelson Gray Cemetery Knox Co KY
1870 Josh Bell Co Ky, Pineville or Flat Lick, HH #10-10
Asher Henry W 30 m w farmer KY
Lucretia 18 f w keeping house KY
Peter 1 m w KY

1900 Knox Co., KY Census:
Henry Asher, 55 b. Apr 1845 KY (Married 29 years)
Cresia, 48 b. Dec 1851 KY (11 Births/9 Living Children)
Axie, 20 b. May 188 KY
Jimmie, 18 b. Jan 1882 KY
Jackson, 16 b. May 1884 KY
Charlie, 14 b. Apr 1886 KY
Gillus, 12 b. Jun 1888 KY
Lucy Etna, 10 b. Feb 1890 KY 
Powell, Lucretia (I110424)
917 Burial: 1914 Bingham Cemetery Knox Co KY Mills, Sarah (I110409)
918 Burial: 1915 Nelson Gray Cemetery, Sandy Branch, Knox County, Kentucky
Death: 31 JAN 1915 in Fount, Knox Co., Ky
1900 KCK, Flat Lick, HH# 111-112
Baker William h w m 4-1863 27 mx20yr all KKK
Sallie w w f 3-1868 32 mx20yr 10-9
Henry s w m 3-1883 17 s
Evie s w m 4-1884 16 s ***
Ellen d w f 1-1887 13 s
Willie s w m 1-1882? 12 s
Jane d w f 10-1890 9 s
Tommie s w m 11-1892 7 s
Dannie s w m 11-1892 7 s
Bennie s w m 5-1895 5 s
Effie d w f 2-1897 3 s
Carnes Ellen sil w f 12-1869 30 Div
Lola d w f 10-1899 8/12 s

d/c#1935 Knox Co Flat Lick Ky
Evie Baker
b/5-11-1885 in Ky FARMER
d/1-31-1915 in Knox Co Ky at 3 PM
cause/homicide-shot in bowels with revolver
buried at Grays burial ground on 2-1-1915
f/Wm Baker b/Ky
m/Sallie Messer b/Ky
informant is Wm Baker of Flat Lick Ky

1910 Knox Co., KY
E FLAT LICK; ED105; Sheet 8A; # 141-151
Baker, Evy; 24; m1x5 (all b. KY KY KY)
Rendy;24; m1x5; children 2/1
Eugene; son; 2

Father: William Sr Baker b: 28 FEB 1864 in Knox, Kentucky, USA
Mother: Sarah Sallie Messer b: 1868 in Knox, Kentucky, USA 
Baker, Everet (I110551)
919 Burial: 1916 Bingham Cemetery Knox Co KY
Death: 29 DEC 1916 in Clay Co Ky
1870 Knox Co., KY Census
Bingham, John M.; 38; farmer; KY
Sarah; 36
Mary; 17
Amanda; 12
China; 8
James; 7
Gale; 5
Cordelia; 3
Robert; 1

1880 United States Federal Census Record
Flat Lick, Ky
Bingham John M age 49 Farmer
Sally** Sarah age 45 wife
Mandy F age 22 daughter
James M age 15 son works on Farm
Gale M age 14 son works on Farm
Cordelia F age 12 daughter
Robert M age 10 son works on Farm
Danul M age 7 son
John M age 3 son
all born in KY 
Bingham, John Madison (I110434)
920 Burial: 1916 Horse Creek Cemetery, Horse Creek Road, Laurel County, Kentucky
Death: 1916
1910 Laurel Co. Miracode Census, ED 125 Visit 82
CARROLL, Miley 52, head, KY
.. Lizt 43, wife, KY
.. Susie 21, dau, KY
.. John F 20, son, KY
.. Daisy 18, dau, KY
.. Charlie 15, son, KY
.. Ora 13, son, KY
.. Lucy 11, son, KY
.. Charity 6, dau, KY
.. Marry 3, dau, KY

1920 Laurel Co., KY, Lily Precinct, ED 143, Sheet 17A
CARROLL, Lizzie H 52 Wd. KY KY KY Farmer
Charlie son 25 Farm Labor
Lucy dau 20
Charity dau 16
Mary dau 13 
Carroll, Wiley (I110691)
921 Burial: 1916 Horse Creek Cemetery, Horse Creek Road, Laurel County, Kentucky
Death: 20 MAR 1916
Knox County Marriage Bond Book K page 118 dated 12-24-1900
WALKER, Pallis age 21 b. Knox Co. father: Marion Walker mother : Lucretia Walker
SILER, Mary E. age 22 b. Whitley Co. father: J. M. Siler b.Whitl ey Co. mother: Annie Siler
groom's 1st marriage brides 1st marriage at: Bride's residen ce

d/c#8346 Laurel Co Lilly Ky
Palace Walker.
male/white/married(no wife name given).
b/December 20, 1880/(1916 scratched out) in Laurel Co.
d/March 20, 1916 at 4 AM.
cause-cancer of stomach.
f/Palace Walker b/Knox Co (must be a mistake).
m/Lucretia Mills.
burial-Walker Cem on March 21, 1916.
(think Father should be Marion Walker who's married to Lucretia Mills . also he is buried at Horse Creek).
informant is W.D. Sams(also the Undertaker).. 
Walker, Pallis (I110594)
922 Burial: 1918 Bingham Town Cemetery, Stinking Creek, Knox Co, KY
Death: 29 JAN 1918 in Fount, Knox Co., Ky
Headstone Inscription: Amanda Bingham Wife of Nelse Bingham 12-31-185 7 1-29-1918
Knox County Marriage Bond Book S page 132 dated 3-26-1881
BINGHAM, Nelson age 21 b. Knox Co.
BINGHAM, Amanda age 21 b. Knox Co.
groom's 1st marriage at: A. J. Messer's 
Bingham, Amanda Jane (I110512)
923 Burial: 1918 Brewer Cemetery Mills, Belle (I110454)
924 Burial: 1923 Horse Creek Cemetery, Horse Creek Road, Laurel County, Kentucky
Death: 04 MAR 1923 in Fount, Knox Co., Ky
1910 Laurel Co Ky Lily HH#85-85
Walker Charlie h m w 37 mx2x11/12 KKK all
Rachel w f w 24 mx1x11/12
Flora d f w 16 s
Marion s m w 14 s
Johnie s m w 12 s
Sudie d f w 10 s
Lucrecia mother f w 74 wd 8-8

7252 Walker Charles Walker Marion Mills Lucrecia 3/4/1923 
Walker, Charles (I110353)
925 Burial: 1925 Baker Cemetery Knox Co KY Hammons, Nancy (I110432)
926 Burial: 1927 William Swanson Cemetery, Himyar, Knox County, Kentucky Swanson, William Jr (I110467)
927 Burial: 1929 Dee Carnes Cemetery, Walker, Knox County, Kentucky
Death: 16 NOV 1929 in Fount, Knox Co., Ky
d/c#29490 Knox Co Walker Ky
Lillie Bingham
f/w/blank married
b/blank and birthplace is blank age 28yrs
d/11-16-1929 no time given
cause-miscarriage with childbirth abcess on lung
buried at Carnes Cemetery on 11-18-1929
f/Wm Lifford b/Ky
m/Sally Hubbard b/Ky
informant is Eugene Bingham of Walker Ky

Dwelling 32-32 - Knox Co. 1920 - DeWitt
BINGHAM, Eugene, 20, b. KY; parents b. KY - gen. farming
. .Lilly, wife, 19, b. KY; parents b. KY
. Cristatina, dau, 2 yrs, 6 months, b. KY * * (your grandmother)
. .Cecil, son, 5 months, b. KY

In the Bell Co. Marriage Index, you can see Eugene and Lilly LIFORD ma rried there on July 12, 1916; Book 24, Page 143 
Liford, Lillie (I110739)
928 Burial: 1930 Scalf Graveyard Knox Co KY
1870 Josh Bell Co Ky, Pineville or Flat Lick, HH #10-10
Asher Henry W 30 m w farmer KY
Lucretia 18 f w keeping house KY
Peter 1 m w KY

1900 KCK, Flat Lick, HH #16-16
Asher Peter H? h w m Aug 1868 31 mx10yr [all KKK]
Mary Jane w w f May 1866 34 mx10yr 4-4
Charlie s w m May 1891 9 s
William s w m Feb 1894 6 s
Isaac s w m Oct 1897 3 s
Edward s w m Oct 1899 7/12 s

1910 KCK, W Flat Lick, HH# 212-221
Asher Peter h m w 44 mx1x20yr [all KKK]
Mary w f w 43 mx1x20yr 5-5
Charlie s m w 18 s
Will H s m w 16 s
Isaac s m w 12 s
Edward s m w 9 s
Lucretia d f w 7 s

1930 KCK, Flat Lick
Asher Charles B h m w 39 m@31 [all KKK]
Mauda w f w 23 m@14
Edith d f w 7 s
Asher Peter h m w 60 m@20
Mary J w f w 62 m@21
Isaac s m w 27 s
Will s m w 35 wd m@25
Mae grda f w 9 s
Frank L grsn m w 4 s 
Asher, Peter Powell (I110421)
929 Burial: 1939 Young Grove Baptist Church Cemetery Mills, William (I110417)
930 Burial: 1939 Young Grove Baptist Church Cemetery Miller, Cornelia (I110418)
931 Burial: 1941 Nelson Gray Cemetery, Sandy Branch, Knox County, Kentucky
Death: 22 NOV 1941 in Fount, Knox Co., Ky
His actual death certificate states his death date as 11-22-1941, buri ed 11-24-1941and registered in 11-24-1941.

1900 KCK, Flat Lick, HH# 111-112
Baker William h w m 4-1863 27 mx20yr all KKK
Sallie w w f 3-1868 32 mx20yr 10-9
Henry s w m 3-1883 17 s
Evie s w m 4-1884 16 s ***
Ellen d w f 1-1887 13 s
Willie s w m 1-1882? 12 s
Jane d w f 10-1890 9 s
Tommie s w m 11-1892 7 s
Dannie s w m 11-1892 7 s
Bennie s w m 5-1895 5 s
Effie d w f 2-1897 3 s
Carnes Ellen sil w f 12-1869 30 Div
Lola d w f 10-1899 8/12 s

1910 Knox Co., KY
E FLAT LICK; Sandy Branch; ED 105; Sheet 7A; #129-139
Baker, William; 45; m1x28; (all b. KY)
... Sarah B.; wife; 44
... Henry; son; 27
... Ellen; dau; 22
...Jannie; dau; 17
....Daniel; son; 16
....Thomas; son; 16
... Benjamine; son; 14
... Effie; dau; 10
... Clara; dau; 8
... James; son; 6
... Axie; dau; 3

1920 Knox Co., KY
FLAT LICK; ED 117; Sheet 7B; #138-139
Baker, William; 54; (all b. KY KY KY)
... Sarah; wife; 50
... Jany; dau; 27
... Effie; dau; 21
... Clara; dau; 18
... James; son; 15
... Axie; dau; 13

Father: William Richard Dick Baker b: 1830
Mother: Frances Jane Frankie Mills b: 1833 
Baker, William M. Sr. (I110552)
932 Burial: 1947 Bingham Town Cemetery, Stinking Creek, Knox Co, KY
Death: 04 JUN 1947
34 13422 HOWARD LEEORRIA KNOX BAKER ELLEN 3 31 1912 9 1912

0 Bingham Leora H. Howard J. M. Baker Ellen 6/4/1947 
Howard, Leora (I110396)
933 Burial: 1949 Young Grove Baptist Church Cemetery Knox Co KY Mills, Amanda (I110368)
934 Burial: 1952 Bingham Cemetery Walker Knox Co KY Taylor, Andrew Johnson (I110581)
935 Burial: 1955 Levi Bargo-Turkey Fork-Salt Gum, Knox County, Kentucky
Death: 23 JAN 1955 in Knox County, KY
d/c#55-1155 Knox Co Salt Gum Ky
Mary Jane Mills
b/12-15-1881 KCK age 73yrs
d/1-23-1955 at 12:30 AM
cause-thrombosis(coronary) for 2 dys
buried at Mills Cemetery/Salt Gum Ky on 1-24-1955
f/Jim Bingham
m/Nancy Hammons
informant is John Mills

1920 United States Federal Census Record
Hubbard, Knox, Kentucky

Finley Mills Head age 31 Farmer
J Mary Mills wife age 29
Nancy Mills daughter age 6
Victor Mills son age 5
Gusta Mills daughter age 2
Rosy Mills Daughter age .12 newborn
all born in KY

1930 United States Federal Census Record
District 4, Knox, Kentucky

Finley Mills Head age 40 m@ 18 Farmer
Mary J Mills wife age 38 M@ 16
Nancy Mills daughter age 17
Victor Mills son age 15 laborer
Gusta Mills daughter age 12
Roxie Mills daughter age 10
Lester Mills son age 7
Chester Mills son age 4
Hester Mills daughter age 2

Residence: 1930, District 4, Knox, Kentucky815

Residence: 1930, District 4, Knox, Kentucky815

Marriage: 20 Aug 1908, Knox County, Barbourville, Kentucky816 
Bingham, Mary Jane (I110542)
936 Burial: 1956 Baker Cemetery Knox Co KY
Death: 02 MAR 1956 in Fount, Knox Co., Ky
1900 US Fed. Census Knox County, Ky, Mag. District 2 Voting Precinc t 5 Dwelling 29 - 29
BINGHAM, James 35, b. 11-1864, mar. 15 yrs, KY KY KY, farmer
.. Nancy wife, 31, 1-1869, 5 born - 4 living, KY KY KY
.. Lizzie dau, 14, 2-1886, KY
.. Mary J. dau, 9, 12-1890, KY
.. John son 7, 2-1893, KY
.. Victor son 5, 3-1895, KY ***** 
Bingham, James Samuel (I110433)
937 Burial: 1959 Bingham Town, HWY 233, Knox County, Kentucky
Death: 17 NOV 1959
1910 KCK W Flat Lick HH#153-162
Bingham Wolf h m w 25 mx1x3yr KKK all
Maggie w f w 17 mx1x3yr 1-1
Bessie d f w 1 s
Grubb John boarder m w 17 s

1920 KCK Flat Lick HH#99-100
Bingham John h m w 43 m KKK all
Corda w f w 24 m
John R s m w 3 6/12 s
Wealthy d f w 5/12 s
Bingham Elizabeth h m? w 62 wd
Bingham Wolford h m w 32 m
Maggie w f w 27 m
Bessie d f w 11 s
McCreary s m w 7 s
Sally d f w 5 s
Richard s m w 3 6/12 s
Bingham Parker h m w 26 m
Effie w f w 27 m
Nelson s m w 7 s
Mandy d f w 6 s

1930 KCK Flat Lick Town HH#356-359
Bingham Wolf h m w 42 m@19 KKK all
Maggie w f w 27 m@15
McCrary s m w 18 s
Sallie d f w 16 s
Richard s m w 12 s
Willie s m w 9 s
Quillie d f w 9 s
Wolf F s m w 8 s 
Bingham, Wolford (I110588)
938 Burial: 1961 Bingham Town, HWY 233, Knox County, Kentucky
Death: 07 SEP 1961
1920 KCK Flat Lick HH#99-100
Bingham John h m w 43 m KKK all
Corda w f w 24 m
John R s m w 3 6/12 s
Wealthy d f w 5/12 s
Bingham Elizabeth h m? w 62 wd
Bingham Wolford h m w 32 m
Maggie w f w 27 m
Bessie d f w 11 s
McCreary s m w 7 s
Sally d f w 5 s
Richard s m w 3 6/12 s
Bingham Parker h m w 26 m
Effie w f w 27 m
Nelson s m w 7 s
Mandy d f w 6 s 
Bingham, Parker (I110590)
939 Burial: 1961 Bingham Town, HWY 233, Knox County, Kentucky
Death: 24 JUL 1961 in Knox County, KY
Note: BINGHAM WILLIAM N 1912 09 22 SLUSHER EFFIE BELL 136 54 167 
Slusher, Effie (I110636)
940 Burial: 1962 Bingham Town, HWY 233, Knox County, Kentucky Bingham, McCreary (I110641)
941 Burial: 1962 Dee Carnes Cemetery, Walker, Knox County, Kentucky
Death: 09 JUN 1962 in Knox County, KY 
Bingham, Eugene (I110456)
942 Burial: 1963 Baker Cemetery, Jeff's Creek, Knox County, Kentucky
Death: 07 APR 1963 in Fount, Knox Co., Ky
1900 US Fed. Census Knox County, Ky, Mag. District 2 Voting Precinc t 5 Dwelling 29 - 29
BINGHAM, James 35, b. 11-1864, mar. 15 yrs, KY KY KY, farmer
.. Nancy wife, 31, 1-1869, 5 born - 4 living, KY KY KY
.. Lizzie dau, 14, 2-1886, KY
.. Mary J. dau, 9, 12-1890, KY
.. John son 7, 2-1893, KY
.. Victor son 5, 3-1895, KY ***** 
Bingham, Victor Allen Sr. (I110397)
943 Burial: 1964 Bingham Cemetery Walker Knox Co KY
Death: 04 FEB 1964 in Pulaski Co KY
Robert Riley Burnett
Burrial: Middle Fork, Bingham Cem., Knox Co., KY

KCK Marriage Bond Book O, #68
groom 1
bride 1
@ Robert Smith
Robert R Burnett [18] Clay
fa: Stephen Burnett
mo: Ellen Burnett
Maud Messer [16] Knox
fa: George Messer
mo: Cordia Messer

11920 KNOX Co. KY
HUBBARD PRECINCT #25: 16-16 (Robert Riley Burnett)
Burnet Rily h m w 35 m (all b. KY KY KY
[Messer] Maud w f w 33 m
Vina d f w 11 s
Ethel d f w 7 s
Dora d f w 5 s
Cash s m w 1 3/12 s

1930 Knox Co., KY,
Flat Lick Town, Sheet 21B; 385/388
BURNETT, Robert B. 45 mx20 (all b. KY KY KY)
Maude wife 45 mx20yrs
Ethel dau ? 17 or 19
Dora dau 13
Cash son 11
Bertha dau 8
Virgil son 5
HAMMONS, Vina dau 21 ***
Lewis son in law 21
Martha Granddaughter N/R (May 02, 1929 Knox Co.) 
Burnett, Robert Riley (I110452)
944 Burial: 1967 Bingham Cemetery Knox Co KY Baker, Elitha (I110483)
945 Burial: 1970 Bingham Cemetery Knox Co KY
Death: 23 SEP 1970 in Walker, Knox County, KY
Kentucky 1910 Miracode Index Record
Name: John Bingham
Birthplace: Kentucky
County: Knox
Relatives: Wife Letia 25, Kentucky
Daughter Lucy 06, Kentucky
Son Colaway 04, Kentucky
Son Uless 01, Kentucky **********
Enumeration District: 0107
Visit: 0006
Color: W
Age: 30

1920 Knox Co., KY
Hubbard; ED 122; hh13-13
Bingham, John; 47 (all b. KY KY KY)
Littie; wife; 33
Lucy; dau; 15
Cal; son; 13
Ulus; son; 11********
Lola; dau; 8
Gertrude; dau; 6

1930 Knox Co., KY
Flat Lick Town; Stinking Creek Rd; hh 465-467
Bingham, John; 54; m@25; (all b. KY KY KY)
Lita; wife; 42; m@17
Cal; son; 22
Ulese; son; 21**********
Lola; dau; 16
Gertrude; dau; 15 
Bingham, John M. (I110516)
946 Burial: 1970 Williamson Cemetery, Walker, Knox County, Kentucky
Death: 1970 in Fount, Knox Co., Ky 
Williamson, Whitley (I110593)
947 Burial: 1973 Bingham Town, HWY 233, Knox County, Kentucky
Death: 23 DEC 1973 in Bell Co KY
092-45652 BINGHAM, VERNON R 09-14-1927 KNOX WILLIAMSON, ELLEN 1927 9

Name: Ellen Bingham
SSN: 405-66-7035
Last Residence: 40930 Dewitt, Knox, KY
Born: 27 Sep 1898
Died: Dec 1973
State (Year) SSN issued: Kentucky (1964 )

Name: Ellen W Bingham
Death Date: 23 December 1973
Death Place: Bell
Age: 075
Volume: 69
Certificate: 34323 
Williamson, Ellen (I110633)
948 Burial: 1975 Evergreen Cem., Flat Lick, Ky
Death: 14 APR 1975 in Pineville Community Hosp
Name: Frank MESSER
Race: White
> Informant: Elizabeth MESSER
> Birthdate: 9-28-1889, Knox County, KY
> Death Date: 4-14-1975, Pineville Community Hosp.
> Age at Death: 85
> Father: George Messer
> Mother: Cordia Smith
> Parents born in KY
> Occupation: Miner
> Services: Old Flat Lick Baptist Church, 4-16-1975
> Clergy: John Hammon, Jim Prichett, W. B. Bingham
> Cause of Death: Cardiac Arrest
> Burial: Evergreen Cem., Flat Lick, Ky.
> Durham Funeral Home

Frank Messer 27 Sep 1893 White Kentucky Not Stated Knox KY

Frank Messer 27 Sep 1890 Apr 1975 Flat Lick Knox Kentucky 
Messer, Frank (I110607)
949 Burial: 1976 Carnes Messer Cemetery Knox Co KY Messer, Clark (I110608)
950 Burial: 1976 Henry Mills Cemetery, Road Fork of Stinking Creek, Knox County, Kentucky
Death: 17 JUN 1976
KCK birth CD
Laura B Taylor b 2-2-1911 in Knox Co to Mollie Epperson

042 20843 CARNES MARIETTA M KNOX TAYLOR LAURA 04 25 1937 9 1937 
Taylor, Laura Belle (I110575)
951 Burial: 1979 Bingham Town Cemetery, Stinking Creek, Knox Co, KY
Death: 21 DEC 1979
1920 KCK Flat Lick HH#5-5
Bowling Ed h m w 30 m KKK all
Maud w f w 23 m
Garrett s m w 1 6/12 s

1930 KCK Flat Lick Town HH#66-67
Bowlin Ned h m w 39 m@21 KKK all
Maud w f w 34 m@21
Garret s m w 12 s
Mae d f w 9 s

Ned Bowling 15 Jan 1889 Caucasian Kentucky;United States of America Not Stated, Knox, KY

Ned Bowling 21 December , 1979 Bell 091 Knox
Maude Bowling 12 April , 1992 Bell 098 Bell 
Bowling, Nelson (I110657)
952 Burial: 1980 Evergreen Cem., Flat Lick, Ky
Death: 08 SEP 1980
1930 KCK Flat Lick town HH#139-139
Messer Frank h m w 30 m@17
Elizabeth w f w 29? m@23 ~1901?
Lodas d? f? w 18 s
Ophis? s m w 15 s
Sallie d f w 10 s
Walter s m w 5 s
Loss s m w 3 s
Amanda sister f w 22 m@18
Naomi niece f w 4 s
Geneva niece f w 6/12 s 
Knuckles, Elizabeth (I110733)
953 Burial: 1982 Bingham Cem. at Walker, Knox Co., KY
Death: 08 DEC 1982 in Pulaski Co KY
Billy S. b. Sep 28, 1927
Pauline b. Dec. 26, 1933
B. J. b. Dec 7, 1934
Gene b. Dec 7, 1934; died as an infant
Wilma Jean b. Oct 16, 1937
Alonzo b. Aug 20, 1939
Bobby b. Oct 1, 1943 in Knox Co.
Jerryleen b. Oct 11, 1945
Mollie b. Oct 10, 1947
Betsy b. Oct 10, 1947
Donld L. b. Sep 24, 1949
Brenda b. Feb 3, 1952
Terry Lee b. Feb. 8, 1954 
Bundy, America (I110455)
954 Burial: 1988 Bingham Cemetery Knox Co KY
Death: 11 OCT 1988 in Clay Co Ky 
Smith, Ellen (I110460)
955 Burial: 1988 Bingham Cemetery Knox Co KY
Death: 1988 in Clay Co Ky
HALE GEORGE 1937 01 01 SMITH SUDIE KNOX 005 02 362
HALE LILA M 1923 07 15 SMITH SUDIE KNOX 075 37 365
HALE UNKNOWN 1926 08 27 SMITH SUDDIE KNOX 079 3935 5
HALL EVELYN 1930 07 21 SMITH SUDDIE KNOX 067 33197
HALE BEARL 1928 12 14 SMITH SUDDIE KNOX 119 59086 
Smith, Susan (I110461)
956 Burial: 1991 Isaac Messer Cemetery Knox Co KY
Death: 28 AUG 1991 in Pulaski Co KY
1930; Census Place: Flat Lick Town, Knox, Kentucky; Roll: T626_763; Pa ge: 26B; Enumeration District: 6; Image: 0222
Allen Messer h 33 m ? KY KY KY
Fannie w 30 m 20 KY KY KY
Jimmie s 14 KY KY KY
Deba? d 13 KY KY KY
Anthrel s 7 KY KY KY
Fannie d 4 KY KY KY
Coleman s 3 KY KY KY
John Shelton lodger 40 KY KY KY

Ada Messer 8 Sep 1935 Fannie Swanson Knox
Anthrel Messer 26 May 1923 Fannie Swanson Clay
Bettie J Messer 6 Feb 1938 Fannie Swanson Knox
Coleman Messer 25 Aug 1927 Fannie Swanson Knox
Francis Messer 15 Feb 1925 Fannie Swanson Knox
Rammon Messer 29 Apr 1941 Fannie Swanson Knox
Sylvia Messer 10 Feb 1932 Fannie Swanson Knox 
Messer, Francis Allen (I110416)
957 Burial: 1994 Bingham Town, HWY 233, Knox County, Kentucky Brewer, Reid P. (I110770)
958 Burial: 1999 Bingham Town Cemetery, Stinking Creek, Knox Co, KY Bingham, Woodrow Wilson (I110617)
959 Burial: 1999 Binghamtown Cemetery at Dewitt
EVA BARGO BINGHAM, 85, of Salt Gum, passed away Thursday evening, July 8, 1999 in the Baptist Regional Medical Center in Corbin. She was the daughter of the late Obie and Rachel Mills Bargo born on March 16, 1914 in Knox County. Mrs. Bingham was a retired postmaster. In 1931 she united in marriage with Victor Bingham Sr. in Cumberland Gap, Tennessee. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Victor, on April 5, 1963.

Funeral services were conducted in the chapel of the Knox Funeral Home Sunday, July 11 at 2 p.m. with Dr. W.B. Bingham and the Rev. Darrel Bargo officiating. Mrs. Bingham was laid to rest in the Binghamtown Cemetery at Dewitt. Expressions of sympathy may go to the Salt Gum Baptist Church in loving memory of Mrs. Bingham. Knox Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.

History & Families of Knox Co 1799-1994
"Eva was married Aug 8, 1931 to Victor Bingham. From their marriage seven children were born:: Herman Bingham, who died as an infant, Victor Allen Bingham, Vivian Bingham Helton, Willard Bingham, Buford Bingham, Mildred Bingham Smith, Gerald Travis Bingham"

Notes for EVA BARGO:
Name: Eva Bargo
Date of Birth: 16 Mar 1914
County: Knox
Mother's name: Rachel Mills
Volume Number: 35
Certificate Number: 17320
Volume Year: 1914

From The Barbourville Advocate 16 July 1999

EVA BARGO BINGHAM, 85, of Salt Gum, passed away Thursday evening, July8, 1999 in the Baptist Regional Medical Center in Corbin. She was the daughter of the late Obie and Rachel Mills Bargo born on March 16, 1914 in Knox County. Mrs. Bingham was a retired postmaster. In 1931 she united in marriage with Victor Bingham Sr. in Cumberland Gap, Tennessee. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Victor, on April 5, 1963. Funeral services were conducted in the chapel of the Knox Funeral Home Sunday, July 11 at 2
p.m. with Dr. W.B. Bingham and the Rev. Darrel Bargo officiating. Mrs. Bingham was laid to rest in the Binghamtown Cemetery at Dewitt. Expressions of sympathy may go to the Salt Gum Baptist Church in loving memory of Mrs. Bingham. Knox Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.

More About EVA BARGO:
Burial: Baker Cemetery, Jeff's Creek, Knox County, Kentucky 
Bargo, Eva (I110360)
960 Burial: 2002 Bingham Town Cemetery, Stinking Creek, Knox Co, KY
Death: 22 OCT 2002
Rosie Hubbard Bingham 79 of Walker passed away Tues Oct 22 2002 at he r home. She was a d/o the late William and Bertha Bingham Hubbard . She was member of the Dewitt Baptist Church. She united in marri age with Woodrow Wilson Bingham who preceded her in death. She is su rvived by her sons: Douglas W and William Doyle Bingham both of Walker ; her daughters: Virgena Rhodes and husband Stephen of Corbin, Maryann e Stewart and husband Jim of Flat Lick; 1 grsn: her sister: Mary Hubba rd King and husband Jack of Greensburg Ind; her sisters in law: Pearl Hubbard of Barbourville, Cleta Hubbard of Cincinnati Ohio and Joyce Hu bbard of Scalf and Post Mills of Barbourville. Funeral services wer e conducted at the Dewitt Baptist Church at Dewitt on Fri Oct 25 2002 with Revs W B Bingham II, Jeremy Green and Mike Helton officiating. Burial was in Binghamtown Cemetery. Memorial Contributions may be ma de to the Dewitt Baptis Church or Tri-County Hospice in memory of Mrs Bingham. Hopper Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. 
Hubbard, Rose (I110346)
961 Burial: Cremation and inurnment at Mountain View Cemetery, Reno, Washoe Co, Nevada Storey, Hattie Viola (I107189)
962 Buried at Dixon Cemetery in Ashland, KY. Manning, Nancy Emaline (I96440)
963 Buried in Ashland Cemetery Jones, Lena Mae (I96428)
964 Buried in Ashland Cemetery in Ashland, Kentucky. Jones, Jennie (I96429)
965 Buried in Dixon Cemetery Dennis, Everett Mason (I96427)
966 Buried in Mount Hope Cemetery, Cambridge, Nebraska. Hayne, Adda Griffey (I70591)
967 Buried in Ridge Park Cemetery, in Marshall, MO. Dennis, David Pergrem (I96553)
968 By Order to Report for Induction issued on 16 Nov 1953, he was ordered to report for reinduction into the Army on 2 December 1953. He reported for training at Ft. Knox, KY. As a result of recurrent medical problems associated with a pre-existing hip injury, he was granted honorable discharge on 25 Feb 1954.

Mohn, Everett Earl (I5)
969 By the 1880 census, Lydia was widowed and living in the household of her son-in-law, Jefferson Kiser. Combs, Lydia (I101674)
970 By the 1920 census and thereafter he was reported as white. Salyers, Nelson (I305231)
971 Allen, Mary (I80160)
972 C. J. was 19 and single, Florence was 15 and single when married. Both
were living in Dickenson Co., VA. They were married by J. C. Swindall 
Family: Vanover, Cornelius Jackson / Fleming, Florence (F4591)
973 Call number: Source (S560)
974 Call number: Source (S562)
975 Call number: Source (S598)
976 Call number: Source (S613)
977 Call number: Source (S697)
978 Call number: Source (S727)
979 Call number: Source (S750)
980 Call number: Source (S751)
981 Call number: Source (S774)
982 Call number: Source (S788)
983 Called: Lump

"Lump" Cox was a retired employee of Ashland Oil Company.

Funeral services were conducted at the Campton Baptist Church at 2:00 PM, Monday, 19 June 1961, with the Rev Willard Brewer officiating.
Shackelford and Cox Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. 
Cox, Christopher Columbus (I121461)
984 Called: Tony Day, Stonewall Jackson (I121427)
985 Calvin Moore was identified as a person of mixed race only in the 1850 census. Moore, Calvin D. (I7834)
990 CAME TO LAUREL CREEK, WV WITH SISTER JANE IN 1803 Brown, Alexander Sr. (I950)
992 Capt. Webb died on Copper Creek, in that part of Russell County near Gate City which later became Scott County, VA. Webb, Captain Jonathan J. (I13079)
993 CAPTAIN ALL DURING REVOL. WAR HAD 11 KIDS Osborne, Capt. Enoch (I480)
994 Captain William Cowper, U.S.N., was an officer on the Constellation under Captain Thomas Truxton when on February 9, 1799, she captured the French frigate L'Insurgente. "On account of his gallantry on this occasion, Cowper, who was then second lieutenant, having been appointed March 9, 1798, was promoted and appointed master-commander on July 12, 1799 and was made captain of the U. S. S. Baltimore. He was discharged under the Peace Establishment Act the third of April 1801." Boddie IOWVA, p. 241. Cowper, Capt. William (I108580)
995 Carl Spangler is recorded as head of household for his younger siblings in this census, as follows:

C. B. Spangler, head, M, White, b. Feb 1877, KY, single
Mattie Spangler, sister, F, white, b. Aug 1882, KY, single
John Spangler, brother, M, white, b. Jan 1884, KY, single
Campbell Spangler, brother, M, white, b. Nov 1887, KY, single 
Spangler, Carr Bailey (I21140)
996 CARPENTER Hall, John Roscoe Sr. (I412)
997 Carrie's date of birth is shown as June of 1862 based upon her response to the 1900 census. However, in the 1930 census she listed her age as 50, suggesting a birth year of 1880. Caudill, Carrie (I101046)
998 Carter and his sister, Susannah, were listed as residents in the household of Mary Caudill, age 47, in the 1880 census. Roark, Carter (I87992)
999 Cas was 19 and single, Missouri was 17 and single when married. Cas
living in Letcher Co., KY and Missouri was living in Dickenson Co.,
They were married by J. C. Swindall.

F A M I L Y H I S T O R Y by Loretta M. Prewitt

Son of John N. Fleming and Louisa Kelly
b. 22/23 Mar 1879 (1877?) (40 yrs in 1920 Census)
pb. Clintwood, VA
d. 14 Sep 1950 at ____________, buried at Fleming Cem., Etty, KY
m. Missouri Kelly at Dickinson County, VA on 2 April 1895
(dtr of Crockett Kelly and Louisa Hall)
b. 30 March 1878 (35 yrs in 1920 Census?)
pb. _________________Kentucky
d. 23 March 1944

Children of Cas and Missouri Fleming:

1. Louisa 21 yrs b. 1898 m. Bristowe Stone
2. George 18 yrs b. 1895 m. Myrtle Stewart
3. Gracie* 12 yrs b. 1907 m. George Fleming
4. Rola (Rollie)7 yrs b. 1912
5. Hetty 5 yrs b. 1914
6. Bessie 2-1/2 yrs b. 1917
Johnny b. 1897 d. 1965 m. Nancy Bentley
Millard b. 1904 m. Esther ?
Noah b. 1912 m. Gladys Miller?
Hatler b. 1915 m. Dema Bentley
Bertha b. 1902 m. 1. William Brewer, 2.
Eli Rowe
Ida b. 1908 m. James Brewer
Bessie b. 1918 m. Unmarried

Above information was obtained by Loretta M. Prewitt from the
1. Anna L. Osborne, Etty, Kentucky (granddaughter of Jeff Fleming &
Mary Francis Johnson Fleming)
2. Gracie Fleming, Etty, Kentucky (LP had a personal conversation
with Gracie in Summer, 1990)
3. 1920 Pike County Kentucky, Census, Long Fork, taken 1/28/20.

4. Obits. of the New Salem Assoc. of Old Regular Baptist Church
by Joe R. Skeens, Prestonsburg, KY

*This is the Fleming family Ann Osborne had originally described to
Loretta Prewitt, as the family from England. They were called
"bluebeards" because even when they shaved their face had a dark
cast to it. 
Family: Fleming, Cassander / Kelly, Missouri (F4472)
1000 Casper and Marie Collins
Casper Collins son of the late Henderson Collins and Liza Cook. he was born June 3, 1911 in Knott Co. Kentucky.

Nellie Marie Noble Collins daughter of Evoline Nease and Jerry Noble.
she was born May 3, 1922 at Neon, Kentucky

They both passed from this life at their home at Colson-Buck Cr. Letcher Co. Kentucky June 2,1985 After Being Brutaly
Murderded and Robbed.
Casper was 72 Years of age.
Marie 63.
Their passing has the Neighborhood on Edge
The State Police and Local Sheriff's Investigating the Tragedy.
Casper and Marie lived quietly at their home and didn't mix with a large number of people, they took care of their home and garden and pretty much took care of their own business.
They have been married for a great number of years, but had no children, Casper is survived by sisters: Velma Holland of Portland Tennessee. Eva Conley of Hamilton,Ohio and 1 Brother: Zee Collins of Sandlick. and a large Numbers of relatives and friends to mourn their passing.
Funeral Services for Casper and Marie Collins will be held at the Colson Pentecostal Church June 6. 1985
Active Pallbearers Family and friends.
Minister: Billy Conn
Burial will follow in the family Cemetery at Buck Creek of Colson
Banks Funeral Home in Charge of Arrangements.  
Collins, Casper (I119619)

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